How much you can smoke without stopping

it all depends on the thc content. I can smoke a blunt of juicyfruit but take one rip of white russian off my bong and Im good. mix sour d and wr good night. i love keeping my tolerance low saves me a ton of dough. I bought a piece pipe from everybody does three good rips gets me nice then one rip everyhour is funny shit. plus i think it depends on strain indica or sativa cause once I get couch lock forget it good night.
I can smoke about an 8th of mids by myself at once. And I can handle about 1.5 grams of high quality chron chron, but that would knock my ass out and I wouldn't be functional.
I get through about an eighth with one mate if we're having a session... But thats cause we are rather poor, if we had more we'd smoke it.

:P :bigjoint:
when i sold pot in high school i would always smoke blunts of the dankest weed in town alone, or with some friends but smoking a 2.5 gram blunt wasn't very uncommon, and for all you lightweights out there...count your blessings mother fuckers cause i smoke up my weed so quick haha
I could smoke non stop all day, if I had the weed to do it. I just can't afford to buy as much as I'd like to smoke. Right now there isn't even any to be bought.

I wish this was a med state and I had a med card, then we'd really see how much I could smoke !
when i sold pot in high school i would always smoke blunts of the dankest weed in town alone, or with some friends but smoking a 2.5 gram blunt wasn't very uncommon, and for all you lightweights out there...count your blessings mother fuckers cause i smoke up my weed so quick haha

lol i feel you, i remember selling some dro/mids in highs school just riding and pining mini blunts
umm when my friends come round or i go round theres, and we play x box i can smoke all day n night, but i find that if you smoke someone else's merch, or there style of rolling you tend to get more bombed, but thats just me, i smoke cigs quite alot i'm past all the chest pains/
when i sold pot in high school i would always smoke blunts of the dankest weed in town alone, or with some friends but smoking a 2.5 gram blunt wasn't very uncommon, and for all you lightweights out there...count your blessings mother fuckers cause i smoke up my weed so quick haha

It's not that i want to blaze lots of weed but i want to atleast have a joint to myself and enjoy the taste and smell. It's a bit gay when you only hit a bong and need to wait an hour to taste the herb. I don't want to be able to smoke as much as possible... Just enjoy a good amount if i want to smoke.