How much you can smoke without stopping

I could smoke non stop all day, if I had the weed to do it. I just can't afford to buy as much as I'd like to smoke. Right now there isn't even any to be bought.

I wish this was a med state and I had a med card, then we'd really see how much I could smoke !

How come you don't grow it?
It's not that i want to blaze lots of weed but i want to atleast have a joint to myself and enjoy the taste and smell. It's a bit gay when you only hit a bong and need to wait an hour to taste the herb. I don't want to be able to smoke as much as possible... Just enjoy a good amount if i want to smoke.

I believe smoking out of a bong is the best way to be able to taste and smell the weed. smoking out of bleached papers or blunt wraps or even a philly takes away from the original taste. A glass bowl is good too.
i have no ceiling. i just stop getting high at one point.

i could probably physically handle smoking 8oz in one day.

i would throw up.

and my throat would be gone.

but i would smoke it.
I always smoke alot when i go to amsterdam, about 5-6 grams of proper nice gear like chocolope (my fave, a mix of choco haze and cannaloupe), crystal, bubblegum, blueberry, NYC Diesel, Jack herrer, White Widow, Amnesia Haze etc etc. On an average night at home i smoke a ten shot ( 1.7 grams) to myself in joints with tobacco, every night. I very rarely do hubblys, but that doesnt meam i dont enjoy them! Peace.
i smoked a straight oz before with 3 other heads...needless to say i stood up and fell right the fuck back down haha
i can out smoke all my friends and family lol :) they think im crazy for the amount i smoke!! :)
Wow I am simply not impressed by you guys being able to grow all this and you can only smoke so little. So rather then how much you smoke a day, which is usually over 6 grams for me. On the occasional weedend... me and my buddies would by a few ounces each. And smoke 14 2 grams blunts in a day. So an ounce in that 1 day and more if we wanted to. WITHOUT passing out. So I would really say come on you have all this weed and use so little! :P I guess it lasts longer but meh. :)
Well on a regular basis smoke about 4 to 6 blunts a day at least and fit in about 2 or 4 zoom tubes and then a couple bongs and pipes...thats swag but good swag.
but ive also smoked a whole quarter to the dome of some blueberry and then like a quarter of swag before that and i was fucked up.....but i still could have smoked more!
Wow I am simply not impressed by you guys being able to grow all this and you can only smoke so little. So rather then how much you smoke a day, which is usually over 6 grams for me. On the occasional weedend... me and my buddies would by a few ounces each. And smoke 14 2 grams blunts in a day. So an ounce in that 1 day and more if we wanted to. WITHOUT passing out. So I would really say come on you have all this weed and use so little! :P I guess it lasts longer but meh. :)

Man i just can't hack it. It's like, i get high and then if i keep smoking, i just can't... I really just have to stop?!?!
Competition Style... A 6footer w/ no prob.
@ home continuous smoke with cellulose papers i roll and smoke till it gets dark. purps with full melt hash streaks.
because i excersize almost as much as i smoke, i can smoke a lot of herb without stopping. my throat may hurt after a while but usually i can go through a pack of games in a day(5 in a pack).
on 420 i smoked about 12 blunts of all good weed in one day, but in that same day we smoked a small train [ 2 dutches rolled into 1 long one] and 2 single dutchies going around for 3 people. the blunts were liek 1.2grams ea.
Man i just can't hack it. It's like, i get high and then if i keep smoking, i just can't... I really just have to stop?!?!

same to me.. lol its like im immuned to weed. i dont getting that high after the first smoke of the day.
smoke an average of 6grams a day lol
i know what u mean, its like u get to a certain level then just stop getting stoned lol, if u eat cakes tho that gets u toasted!
on a good 4/20 party a handful of us would smoke at least a QP for the past like 6 years. i have a really high tolerance so i can just keep smoking until nighttime i'll eventually just get tired and pass out. on an average day i probably smoke around 2 grams. bubbler is my preference. i like it better when my tolerance is high because i can smoke real good shit and still function fine. i remember quitting once for a week then smoked a bunch and i was just too fkn stoned i just wanted to put my head down and close my eyes. lately im starting to prefer taste than overall potency. id rather have a real tasty bud than one that puts me on my ass.