Well-Known Member
Im sorry but you a are a fuckin nerd of those growing elitist who spend their life earning on growing equipment..not everybody will devote there life to growing like you...some probably spent less time and money on it and turned out to yield more than you..stop being a snooty hewer and get over yourself you chump bitch ass motherfuckerin slut rag
Ya know you pointed out that Al makes his living off grow equipment & he has said that many times here so thats no big secret,the irony of the statement you threw at him is this,most of the people (read teenagers here) that he makes fun of come here with that exact same dream in mind,they have 14 seeds they saved up,2 cfl bulbs they stole from mom's lamps & an old heater from dads's garage & they dream of being a weed baron.
Instead of being all pissed off at Al because he pokes fun at these kids take a look around & see where he got all this comedy from,right here on this site,i like to think of it as reality comedy cause all the shit he makes fun of is 100% true.
Fukin guy deserves an oscar for this thread.