How the wealthy constantly screw the poor

presented again without comment
And I stand by it; his presence has inflamed the Left and gotten Left thinking people off their complacent asses and into action.

I didn't vote for him; I'm still embarrassed to admit I voted for Mrs Clinton in the general election, in the apparently futile attempt to keep him out of office. She didn't and never will represent my interests. Neither will The Donald.

The silver lining of increased Leftist activism as a result of his ascendancy remains an important feature of American politics going forward. I'm helping get folks organized here in Colorado and we will be a voice to be reckoned henceforth.

Frankly, I'm glad this rankles the establishment Democraps on the forum here, because their approach has been shown to be an abject and complete failure. High time for some new thinking!
Keeping this strictly monetary and not into a political debate...corporations donate to both sides of the aisle.

Why would anyone in the top 1% ($500k+ individual...not a corporation) want to give their money away to someone making less? seems like they win at the game of now give it away?
Taxes exist to pay for services provided by the country in order to make it a better market for business.

Milton Friedman completely missed that.

Don't make the same mistake.
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and he was the one who campaigned in wisconsin and iowa and ohio for her. it was his job to secure those states. and he blew it.

texas was more competitive than iowa. thanks, bernie.
You are fucking batshit crazy. It was Mrs Clinton's job to get votes for her campaign. It was Bernie's job to convince those supporting him to vote for Mrs Corporatism instead. He did his best but any attempt to blame him for the failure of Mrs Clinton is disingenuous.

Of course, that seems to be your stock in trade of late.

Face it; you AND your Democraps are totally bereft of ideas and only exist to suck at the teat of corporate campaign donations. At least accept it instead of making all these lame and transparent protestations to the contrary.
And I stand by it; his presence has inflamed the Left and gotten Left thinking people off their complacent asses and into action.

I didn't vote for him; I'm still embarrassed to admit I voted for Mrs Clinton in the general election, in the apparently futile attempt to keep him out of office. She didn't and never will represent my interests. Neither will The Donald.

The silver lining of increased Leftist activism as a result of his ascendancy remains an important feature of American politics going forward. I'm helping get folks organized here in Colorado and we will be a voice to be reckoned henceforth.

Frankly, I'm glad this rankles the establishment Democraps on the forum here, because their approach has been shown to be an abject and complete failure. High time for some new thinking!

What will you say when it all comes out about trump\russia digging the election? Will you still call the Democrats a failure? But don't worry, you can always thank them later for saving our democracy.

Good luck with the basement dwellers(so called progressives) Their parents have been trying to get them to get a life for years. I'm sure they'll be impressed if you could get a few of them to vote during midterms, lol.
What will you say when it all comes out about trump\russia digging the election? Will you still call the Democrats a failure? But don't worry, you can always thank them later for saving our democracy.

Good luck with the basement dwellers(so called progressives) Their parents have been trying to get them to get a life for years. I'm sure they'll be impressed if you could get a few of them to vote during midterms, lol.
WTF does Russian collusion have to do with Democraps?
The very fact of Chump in office is the best thing that's happened to the Left in America in my lifetime. YOU'RE the crybaby who's missing this historic opportunity to work with this newly invigorated Movement to find solutions, not me.
Thanks Dolan Tramp for creating leftwing activism and giving your supporter here a historical opportunity to work with your newly invigorated movement!

So you're saying that I should vote for someone that I don't feel represents my beliefs? That's thinking for myself? smh

"Continually seeking knowledge - continually rejecting bull shit, lies & spin doctored propaganda and those locusts who spread it..."

...except for the Democratic Party. I buy all of their bullshit without question.

really brave of you to team up with trump and his cult to bash the democratic party at this point in time. +rep

So you're saying that I should vote for someone that I don't feel represents my beliefs? That's thinking for myself? smh

"Continually seeking knowledge - continually rejecting bull shit, lies & spin doctored propaganda and those locusts who spread it..."

...except for the Democratic Party. I buy all of their bullshit without question.
If Bernard represents your beliefs, then so does Hillary really. It's not just because he endorsed her and campaigned for her for months, but because they are actually very close on the issues. Besides, she's more popular than he is. People just don't really like him.

So you're saying that I should vote for someone that I don't feel represents my beliefs? That's thinking for myself? smh

"Continually seeking knowledge - continually rejecting bull shit, lies & spin doctored propaganda and those locusts who spread it..."

...except for the Democratic Party. I buy all of their bullshit without question.

OK, locust. Thanks.

Keep the regressive regime in power.

Republican by default. Accept it pal, because that's exactly what it amounts to in this polarized political climate.