Well-Known Member
Even the Trumptards aren't so vigorous about insulting people who dislike their hero. Are they?
True that
On and On and On and On
Thanks for the tunes.
Even the Trumptards aren't so vigorous about insulting people who dislike their hero. Are they?
The demand to drop identity politics was the first thing berners said after the election. I thought I was talking to a Republican when @st0wandgrow started ranting about how that was "why" Clinton lost. Also Democrats must give up on social justice if they want to win the WH ever again. It still resonates a cognitive dissonance. What is Democracy without people forming groups to advocate for their own common goals amidst and sometimes against others?
Calling you a whining poo flinger is a description, not an insult.Bernard is an imperialist sheepdog. He's a fake socialist who has objectively done more harm to the left than any other politician in modern history. He tried to be a Eugene Debs, but Debs is rolling in his grave. I'm not attacking you for supporting him, I don't care who you support. I'm not asking you to respond to my criticism of him. I'm not obligated to answer false dichotomies and loaded questions, or any question for that matter.
I do however appreciate your restraint regarding name-calling where the other guy showed none.
Social justice issues are not at the top of my list of priorities when it comes to a presidential candidate. I freely admit that. I care a great deal about equality for gay people, and police brutality towards African Americans, and islamiphobia. I do care about those issues, but when considering where to cast my vote for the potus those issues take a back seat to stuff like overturning CU, Medicaid for all, climate change,and our hawkish foreign policy of dropping bombs on people's heads. It's not a winning strategy in this country, like it or not.
Now, that's not to say that I would vote for an openly racist turd like Trump even if he espoused all of the issues that I deem important. I felt that Bernie represented what I believe in, and he certainly didn't strike me as being prejudiced towards any group or class of people.
You guys trot out your "purity test" argument against Bernie supporters, but from where I sit it's actually the likes of you that demand strict adherence to your values...and if someone doesn't stand in line behind you they are mocked and pestered non stop. I've never seen so many people labeled as racist in my life.
Fine.Social justice issues are not at the top of my list of priorities when it comes to a presidential candidate. I freely admit that. I care a great deal about equality for gay people, and police brutality towards African Americans, and islamiphobia. I do care about those issues, but when considering where to cast my vote for the potus those issues take a back seat to stuff like overturning CU, Medicaid for all, climate change,and our hawkish foreign policy of dropping bombs on people's heads. It's not a winning strategy in this country, like it or not.
Now, that's not to say that I would vote for an openly racist turd like Trump even if he espoused all of the issues that I deem important. I felt that Bernie represented what I believe in, and he certainly didn't strike me as being prejudiced towards any group or class of people.
You guys trot out your "purity test" argument against Bernie supporters, but from where I sit it's actually the likes of you that demand strict adherence to your values...and if someone doesn't stand in line behind you they are mocked and pestered non stop. I've never seen so many people labeled as racist in my life.
That's great. However, these alt leftists are making threads and fellating eachother about blaming black voters and idpol for Trump being elected. Then they follow people around and go into diatribes of insults and fallacies at anyone who doesn't worship their lord Bernie Sandiwch in a way very reminiscent of how the Paulbots did a few years back. It's nice and eloquent and reasonable when you come back and say "social justice is important and here's my paltry homage to your struggles" but the fact is, the berniebabies around here are the ones who want the liberation stuff to go away so that some of you can get your free college. Berniebabies are the ones making threads to blame black voters for Trump's election.Social justice issues are not at the top of my list of priorities when it comes to a presidential candidate. I freely admit that.
Good for you. I never asked you for a first time. You're the one who followed me around with insults and name-calling because you're so butt hurt.For the 47th time, I don't agree with all of Bernie positions...
I wrongly quoted you as reference for berniebaby claims that we must abandon identity politics. The thesis I was objecting to is one where confronting racist Trumpanistas or offending them Democrats were going to stay in the wilderness. It was @Padawanbater2 that was ranting on about it. Not you.
My apologies.
...What are your 3 favorite breakfast cereals?
Fixed that for you.
When it comes to Orthodox Jews, it's 98%.
My support for Bernie is in large part due to his willingness to take on big money interests in politics
presented again without commentThe very fact of Chump in office is the best thing that's happened to the Left in America in my lifetime.
Licensure and regulation (government constructs) are what disallow the emergence of real competition in a given market.
A free market rewards excellence and provides consumer value. An unfree market featuring government rules will always be skewed, since it reduces the amount of potential service provides, thus stifling innovation and causing protected prices to the detriment of the consumer.
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bernie, who took $6+ million dollars in superpac money, was your guy for getting superpac money out of politics?
Why are you so over-prepared to be called racist?Would it be racist of me not to have coco puffs on my list?
Why are you so over-prepared to be called racist?