How to ACTUALLY make America great again

It's not mislabeled. It is but one axis and it is correct. It is a grid, not a line. I think you are having trouble understanding this. Switching left v right for cap v soc would be acceptable to me but it must have two axis, however, I don't share your opinion that left v right is incorrect for labeling the horizontal axis of the grid. Left v right are socioeconomic. This opinion of yours, that left and right are purely social and not economic, or that cap v soc describe purely economic but not social measures, is a very flawed way of thinking.

Economics, describe social issues. Economic inequality is a social problem. Equality describes an economic condition.

First, I am not trying to say it is not a graph, or shouldn't have two axes. I am saying that ONE of its axes is mislabeled. If it had 2 axes, one with "Socialist-Capitalist" and one with "Libertarian-Authoritarian" that does a better job of allowing for an accurate label on the political spectrum, as there are totally such things as "Libertarian Socialists, Libertarian Capitalists, Authoritarian Socialists, and Authoritarian Capitalists". Those are all real things.

I never said that they are "purely" social, I said that social policies are a more important factor. The fact is, the concepts of "Left" and "Right" are both social and economic, and you can measure a two axes graph just for that, with one axis being economic and one axis being social. And besides, how is it any more acceptable to view them as purely economic than purely social, when you yourself admit that the two are intertwined? The fact that they are somewhat intertwined is WHY you can't just focus on the economic or the social when determining left and right. And if they are COMPLETELY intertwined, then there could be no deviation and all politics would fit on a diagonal line with no one filling up the other quadrants. My point is, what you CAN'T do, is take JUST economics form "Left" and "Right" and take JUST social policy from "Libertarian" and "Authoritarian", and then try to say where on that scale politicians lie. That's like placing all drinks on a graph with one axis measuring from Coffee to Apple Juice based exclusively on acidity, and the other from Beer to Soda based exclusively on bitterness, and then saying "Grapefruit juice is similar to a mix of Coffee and Beer, because it is acidic and bitter". The fact is, ALL those terms are more dynamic than they are allowing for.

Your views on economics and their relationship to social policy is too biased by your own politics. You cannot say "Equality describes an economic condition" because you can have economic equality without social equality, especially depending on the type of economic system you live under.
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you can have economic equality without social equality
That's why there are two axis...

Sorry I had to boil this whole thing you wrote down but this morsel here is the crux of your agument, so I will respond to it directly and leave out the rest of your rant. I'll just skip the part about your opinion on my politics (since you seem to think liberal v conservative encompasses all) and I'll skip the part about your definition of what the axis mean since you're essentially correct on that part.

The vertical axis is sociopolitical, the horizontal axis is socioeconomic, the grid is social. Economics are intrinsically bound to social stratification. This is not simply my opinion and therefore not a matter of bias. This is well known in sociology.
Bomb the fuk out of everyone, invade countries and steal their natural resources, impoverish the population and call them homophobes and racists if they don't agree with you
legalize cannabis for personal use

remove the $118,500 cap on Social Security...make it unlimited so the assholes who say it will run out can shut the fuck up and just bitch about Benghazi.

tax rates shouldn't stop at 39.6% @ $413,000...keep going 40% @ $650,000...45% @ 1,000,000...55% @ 2,000,000...65%@ 3,000,000 and up. Better rates than the 1950's. And don't bitch unless you're making that much assholes.

single payer medical insurance.

corporate income tax. they can write off investing in equipment/modernizing.

break up the 5 banks too big to fail.

tax all bank account income foreign and domestic owned by US citizens, off shore accounts subject to tax.

Is that you Bernie?? I like it!!
Reject the two party system. Vote Johnson/Weld into the presidency in 2016.

Institute term limits for all national political offices. Don't allow politicians such as McCain and Reid to become embedded parasites.

Imprison the Clinton crime family.
hum, make the u.s. great again. Sound like facist propaganda ,lol. Been nothing but evil in my whole 55 years. Pretty much tried to kill anyone and everything in site for controll from thier beginning. . The greatness is found in movies and the brainwashed americans. Being under a totaliitarian , authoritarian technocracy i dont see it happening anytime soon . Good luck on that.
hum, make the u.s. great again. Sound like facist propaganda ,lol. Been nothing but evil in my whole 55 years. Pretty much tried to kill anyone and everything in site for controll from thier beginning. . The greatness is found in movies and the brainwashed americans. Being under a totaliitarian , authoritarian technocracy i dont see it happening anytime soon . Good luck on that.

Hey and with a positive attitude like yours, they'll keep doing what they do, unimpeded.

If you actually want your government to work for YOU, nevermind the rest of us, I suggest DOING SOMETHING rather more productive than defeatist whining.
Sure they should be paid but when you are paid for a service that is taxable income. Not sure what my local church is but they just spent millions on the new church tax free. I also know a few people who go there and the church is very generous but they won't help you unless you are a member of the church.

One thing Jesus said, well someone said Jesus said "to love thy neighbor"

As for money being the root of all evil that was not even biblical. Jesus did say to pay your masters because you don't need that shit in heaven. Not sure the actual verse but basically what is said.

But honestly why did Jesus himself not personally write the Bible??
Biblical views on money
Getting money out of politics should be a universally accepted issue, left or right. There is no good reason to allow special interests to influence our elections. Two self proclaimed "conservatives" on RIU believe that since unions influence elections, corporations should be allowed to too "since that's only fair" (unions usually backing democrats, corporations backing both democrats and republicans - "fair"..). My reply is that no, we shouldn't be allowing corporations or unions to be influencing elections, only individuals who are registered to vote. There should be limits on donations and nobody's voice should be louder than anyone else's just because they have more money to spend on a campaign. That's not democracy, that's oligarchy.

If you are against campaign finance reform, you need to seriously examine the issue in depth. This is the most important thing that we could currently work to change that would make America and all of us better