How to clean carbon filter?

How big is the room and how much air you pulling through it? Not sure about the ro water thing... think that's bullshit
70x70x160 and i have a 120x60x180 tent to with a bigger carbon filter but exactly the same all white dusty
My filter is 3 months old but does not work because I didn’t know about RO water yet, but now I do know that I need it in my humidifier. But can I clean my filter somehow?
My water is extremely hard, around 650 ppm/1.3 EC but I found a free solution, the condensate water from my high efficiency furnace. It's around 30 ppm and I run it through a 5 micron carbon water filter. That dosen't reduce the ppm much but at least it filters out the dust. I just pour it into a bucket with a hose and let it gravity feed through the filter. I probably used a couple hundred gallons this winter, sure beat buying RO. I have an RO filter now but still use the condensate for the humidifiers, I hate unnecessary waste.

Has the airflow through the carbon filter been choked off or is it just not removing the smell? Maybe cleaning or replacing just the pre-filter will get it working again?

I don't really know about washing your carbon filter but I'd use distilled water. It should help dissolve the calcium if it's a little acidic but I expect it would attack the carbon if it's too acidic. Maybe test increasing amounts of white vinegar on a little bit of the carbon?
My water is extremely hard, around 650 ppm/1.3 EC but I found a free solution, the condensate water from my high efficiency furnace. It's around 30 ppm and I run it through a 5 micron carbon water filter. That dosen't reduce the ppm much but at least it filters out the dust. I just pour it into a bucket with a hose and let it gravity feed through the filter. I probably used a couple hundred gallons this winter, sure beat buying RO. I have an RO filter now but still use the condensate for the humidifiers, I hate unnecessary waste.

Has the airflow through the carbon filter been choked off or is it just not removing the smell? Maybe cleaning or replacing just the pre-filter will get it working again?

I don't really know about washing your carbon filter but I'd use distilled water. It should help dissolve the calcium if it's a little acidic but I expect it would attack the carbon if it's too acidic. Maybe test increasing amounts of white vinegar on a little bit of the carbon?
Yes it’s clogged, I vacuumed it today and shaked it and gave it some punches and it seems to work now but to prevent it I bought destilled water with this silver thing in it. How much do I mix in my humidifier? I have 6,3L humidifier, the water solution is just 1L so it’s high concentrated I hope
Sorry but I'm not following, never heard of distilled with a silver thing. What are you mixing?
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Did anyone mention to unscrew & flip the flanges and run the air through the other side? then you have fresh charcoal getting used. Amazon bags for $7 a pop and swap out charcoal when needed. :joint:
- I've done it to a shit vivosun 6" and it's been working like new again.Going over a month now. Gl
... Not sure about the ro water thing... think that's bullshit
Hard water will indeed clog a filter in short order. I had an issue with my prefilter getting clogged up. I noticed because the fan controller would use gradually higher speed to maintain set temp. It took less than a week for the prefilter to clog up with an ultra-fine talc (mostly calcium). Needed Woolite in a bucket to clean, simply shop vacuuming wasn't effective. I now only use RO in the humidifier and clean my prefilter once per run.
This i don't believe
Actually, if he humidity using a cold water humidifier, and has hard water, yes, it can create a white coating Everywhere, that's a pain in the ass. So yes, the carbon filter will get clogged within few days. We clogged the air filter of the furnace within 3 days because of hard water. That's why it's best to use RO for this type of humidifier, especially if your tap water is 300-400ppm at source.
Somebody convinced of something stupid. If your filter is not working it could be for several reasons, like you bought a cheap ass one trying to save money, you bought a good one but delivery man dropped it or threw it, or you can't figure out air-flow, or you're trying to control too much smell with too small of a filter. RO water has nothing to do with it.
Yes it does! ;)
Sure it does. that's why everybody in the world who uses humidifiers have their homes coated in white stuff.
Actually, if he humidity using a cold water humidifier, and has hard water, yes, it can create a white coating Everywhere, that's a pain in the ass. So yes, the carbon filter will get clogged within few days. We clogged the air filter of the furnace within 3 days because of hard water. That's why it's best to use RO for this type of humidifier, especially if your tap water is 300-400ppm at source.
Yes but i used my carbon filter when I do t even need it so I hope after vegg I won’t have to use it then I start carbon filter. But still a new one because mine is ruined hahaah
Not saying that whatever is in the water doesn’t get put into their air. Just that even at 300 parts per MILLION I don’t think you’ll be clogging your charcoal filter. Again, 20 years using them and I’ve never seen them clogged with white dust and I use tap water. Sure I have good tap water, under 50ppm, but I only change my filters about once a year. You guys seem to be claiming that after short use they clog. Science is real.
Not saying that whatever is in the water doesn’t get put into their air. Just that even at 300 parts per MILLION I don’t think you’ll be clogging your charcoal filter. Again, 20 years using them and I’ve never seen them clogged with white dust and I use tap water. Sure I have good tap water, under 50ppm, but I only change my filters about once a year. You guys seem to be claiming that after short use they clog. Science is real.
50 ppm is fine! As soon as your tap water is 250-400.... White dust :)

Our tap water was 380 and had to replace the main furnace air filter after 3-4 days when using the ultrasonic mister... Not lying, not even science, no bullshit. Not because you never experienced it that it doesn't exist.
I don’t know, I think if you ran the equipment with 50ppm 3 times as long as say 150ppm it’s all the same end of day.
How about the bacteria bullshit mentioned in this thread, that real science too?
For bacteria, it comes with cold water too, but you have to clean that shit often. That's another advantage of hot water humidifier. We installed this in the house and it's a charm, no more white dust covering everything and no bacteria since everything is boiling...