New Member
LOL!what a waste of white skin and a social security no.
But you actually can live off the fat of the land smoking fat blunts...there are ways!

LOL!what a waste of white skin and a social security no.
I was like you for a minute. Was about to go into college graduate and get a job. But then I started thinking for myself. I dropped out of college. Only high school degree here. I currently grow and sell weed in Cali and it is a great lifestyle. As far as your thoughts on Society watch this movie: Click Me
Like I always say: Life is a game it's just how you play it!
good thoughts here. really good thoughts. I've long considered standard organic farming.accounting? bro if you like growing marijuana a lot, take on a degree to move you close to doing it for a living. or growing anything! growing any kind of plant can be a great, personal experience. and to make money and provide people food and medicine from the plants you grow.
That's not very nice.go kill yourself
Those people are dumb losers. What kind of immoral half-wit douchebag dies for oil at a price of about 30 grand a year for themselves? They're like mafia hitmen, only they kill for much more sinister reasons, and for worse pay. The lowest of the low, these soldiers.Talk about weak, dumb, cunts of men, these walking sheeple literally give themselves over to a govt agency for a meager fee. Hitmen. Murderers for hire. I'm glad their dead. I already know where this is heading. You're a GED-level intellect who mistakes moral reflection with weakness, and certainty with truth. You know roughly nothing about roughly everything; you're angry, unlearned, and ready to spew more dopey hatred online because I opened myself and shared. You saw a vulnerability and ran with sound like a weak cry baby
here we have kids your same age looseing there life at war and this is how you repay them by being bitchy, go change your pad rich boy , noone wants to work, we all want to live off the fat of the land smoken fat blunts. but thats no the way it work
This is a generational thing, I'm guessing. You believe in The American Dream. You believe it's mostly decent companies doing good things. You believe that because you work hard for a company that doesn't give two shits about you, that doesn't make you a fucking dope; no, spending your life working your ass off makes you decent in your view. Of course, that makes you a dumb mother fucker, but an understandably dumb mother fucker. You spend all your life grinding it out because you took on responsibilities in having kids. You're trapped. You probably haven't spent thirty minutes actually digesting whether or not you're doing morally decent things with your life. If it turns out you're doing awful things for an awful company, you'll just take comfort in numbers and brush it get your ass up and do your part, get off mommas titty
man up
i put in 140hr every payday, i take care of my wife(who also works) and our 3 kids(momma's baby, poppa's maybe) how dare you sit here wanting simpathy from me, and when you get out of college you'll prolly end up my boss that the sad part.
no wonder every new freash out of school boss acts like pussys they hate being there, so they take it out on the real workers
learn to put yourself in a zone for 8 hr do what you have to do, make as much money as you can pay off the car and mortgage put in 25 yr then retire/ dont take out a second mortgage for nothing then relax tell you die- thats the plan unless i hit the power or mega ball before then
if you cant do this well then stop taking up space
what a waste of white skin and a social security no.
But you actually can live off the fat of the land smoking fat blunts...there are ways!
watch your mouthThose people are dumb losers. What kind of immoral half-wit douchebag dies for oil at a price of about 30 grand a year for themselves? They're like mafia hitmen, only they kill for much more sinister reasons, and for worse pay. The lowest of the low, these soldiers.Talk about weak, dumb, cunts of men, these walking sheeple literally give themselves over to a govt agency for a meager fee. Hitmen. Murderers for hire. I'm glad their dead. I already know where this is heading. You're a GED-level intellect who mistakes moral reflection with weakness, and certainty with truth. You know roughly nothing about roughly everything; you're angry, unlearned, and ready to spew more dopey hatred online because I opened myself and shared. You saw a vulnerability and ran with it.
allow me to to be clear young sir i work not for the job but for me yes if i had $$$$$$$ i would not be working but sienc i dont im not going to set on my dick cring about itThis is a generational thing, I'm guessing. You believe in The American Dream. You believe it's mostly decent companies doing good things. You believe that because you work hard for a company that doesn't give two shits about you, that doesn't make you a fucking dope; no, spending your life working your ass off makes you decent in your view. Of course, that makes you a dumb mother fucker, but an understandably dumb mother fucker. You spend all your life grinding it out because you took on responsibilities in having kids. You're trapped. You probably haven't spent thirty minutes actually digesting whether or not you're doing morally decent things with your life. If it turns out you're doing awful things for an awful company, you'll just take comfort in numbers and brush it off.'re right on. I'm sorry I apologized for my first post. That turned out to be right on too. I was trying to be civil but I see there's no point in doing that here. These pea brained idiots will wind up suckling at some welfare mother's titty and complaining that it's not your mouth
frist of all those kids are doing a service. a large % of them are not there because they want to (some are but not for the reason you listed) they signed up to help out something you dont have the heart for, your bitching about working
allow me to to be clear young sir i work not for the job but for me yes if i had $$$$$$$ i would not be working but sienc i dont im not going to set on my dick cring about it
everything you have, right now someone else, bought for you
you'll never know what it means to earn anything , your mommy and daddy hate you, but there hoping that a little tough love will change you
but there wrong your prolly planning there murder right now
all so you want have to work - i know kids like you, i've sold drugs to kids like you and when they get high they tell you all there crybaby woos
how many time have you tried to kill yoursself
Now this is real intresting you just moved to cali and started growing.....can you explanin that a bit.....did you know people already out there?? Do you live in the woods or city?LOL!
But you actually can live off the fat of the land smoking fat blunts...there are ways!
Got about- no, not about, exactly- 17 friends or acquaintances who have tried. Separately. All but one came home after basically failing. The cliffnotes version: You need at least 15-20 grand to make it happen. You're taking an incredible risk selling thousands of dollars worth of merchandise under the table with, often, less-than-savory individuals. And trust me, if you're growing enough to survive in CA you're selling in bulk.Now this is real intresting you just moved to cali and started growing.....can you explanin that a bit.....did you know people already out there?? Do you live in the woods or city?![]()
dude you have no clueFuck you. The only people they are servicing are the owners of this country. They are not servicing me by engaging in murder-for-hire assassinations in proactive wars. Read a book. They signed up because, like you, they are dumb, weak men, willing to do anything for a paycheck.
It must be fun-unsatisfying, but fun- to be able to literally recreate your own reality to make an argument. I earned everything I've got, and I've got a thing or two. I've got some debt, but it'll work out. This only works when dealing with your usual GED-level intellects, like the fatheaded shitheads your wife queefed out, and the losers you hang out with when you sell drugs. Not real men.
My parental relationship is great, dopey.
Get it straight- I'm intelligent, educated, on scholarship, and make more money playing poker 15 hours a week than your loser ass has probably made in the last 2 years slaving. I have some moral issues that arose as a result of being decent, and learned. These questions never occurred to you as a result of your poor education, bad genes, and generalized lack of intelligence.
The truth is, I'm just working out the kinks, and you're a dumb, weak, cunt of a man. And you're breeding more of them. What a shame.
Good argument.
Older, miserable fucks tend to lack the ability to question these things, as they have to assume it's right to get out of bed in the morning. To face the reality that they probably participate in not-so-moral behavior for a company that doesn't give two shits about them must be a bitter pill to swallow after twenty some-odd years.
I guess that's why you types tend to have kids. Ease the guilt, I bet, doesn't it?
Get it straight you miserable know-nothings: I've "won" in the traditional sense already. I'm thinking about entering the corporate world now that I've got my feet wet in side endeavors, and I'm having some issues with it.
go kill yourself
yeah, but i would rather him kill himself
Hahaha. Seriously though, if this dude can't be grateful for all the numerous freedoms bestowed upon living in what remains a "relatively" free country......MOVE!!! And don't let the door hit him on the way out!!
go kill yourself
Robert, please PM me your address so we can talk about this face to face, unless you're some "weak, dumb, cunt of man". I have access to a wonderful aircraft owned by a man who loves and fully affirms the usefulness that is capitalism. And can meet you any where within the limits of this earth... I mean, you wouldn't be talking this shit just because you're behind a computer right?Those people are dumb losers. What kind of immoral half-wit douchebag dies for oil at a price of about 30 grand a year for themselves? They're like mafia hitmen, only they kill for much more sinister reasons, and for worse pay. The lowest of the low, these soldiers.Talk about weak, dumb, cunts of men, these walking sheeple literally give themselves over to a govt agency for a meager fee. Hitmen. Murderers for hire. I'm glad their dead. I already know where this is heading. You're a GED-level intellect who mistakes moral reflection with weakness, and certainty with truth. You know roughly nothing about roughly everything; you're angry, unlearned, and ready to spew more dopey hatred online because I opened myself and shared. You saw a vulnerability and ran with it.
I hear ya.yeah, but i would rather him kill himself
i wouldn't want him going to another country
repersenting us
As a fan of Nietzsche, I can honestly say I'm offended.The level of stupid you've just articulated; the utter misinterpretation of important philosophy, etc. Just. Fucking. Face-palm.
Todays humans are nothing but a bunch of pussies...
Lost in comforts and security... needing to be babysat...
We've evolved in all the wrong ways, and it has ruined us.
Here's to hoping 2012 wipes us all out.
so you admit you are a pussy
now were getting somewhere
look up some stuff dude
eg. Zeitgeist 2007, monopoly men, illuminati, new world order.
thats your evolution
Unlike you i don't need video or txt to tell me that, your the one that fails to seeNot I, I've educated myself in the right ways, nature is my leader and earth is my mother, the sky my father.
And as for your conspiracies, they mean nothing to me... so you can keep them to yourself.
Consider yourself a "drone" of the conspiracy theorists propaganda machine... so laughable!
Like I said, here's to hoping 2012 sends humanity to another place and restores the earth (eventually) to it's natural beauty... I wish I could be on this world to see it.
So, how about you look something up DUDE...
If you read that, and understand it as it is meant to be understood, you will then have taken a step towards educating yourself in the RIGHT way.
The day you explain to me exactly what it is I fail to see, is the day I will listen to your rhetoric.Unlike you i don't need video or txt to tell me that, your the one that fails to see