How to excel in a society I don't believe in


New Member
Having read the entire thread, I will ignore all of it. If the OP is still around, here are my two cents.

I feel ya, man. I dropped out of college because I did not want to end up in any job that my degrees would have qualified me for (three majors). I did not take a break afterwards and went straight to work at a job I loved. Had to move a year later for my lady's schooling, got lucky and found another job I loved. Worked my ass off and was promoted from bottom of the pole to management. Got pulled into a room one day and fired, no warning, nothing.

I have been floating around on severance pay for a while now. Not wanting to go back into the wage slavery world. Looking for a way to support myself without having to report to a boss. The corporate world sucks. I hated waking up and leaving my loved ones to go to work everyday, even though the work was decent and the pay was great. Money is not everything. In fact it is nothing, it is fake, a shared illusion.

I don't know where I'm going with this. But ignore all the folks telling you to just man up and become a 'productive member of society'. Forge your own way.

Back when I was a young teen, I could make 4 foot putts all day long. I neer had fear of missing either. I just looked at where I wanted it to go, and it went there. But all the older folks I played with kept talking about how tough those short putts were. How much their knees knocked over them. How they were not so easy to make. Well guess what? All it took was for me to listen to them for 10 years. Now I hate 4 foot putts. I fear that I will miss that little putt every time. And now, I often do.

Don't be the older version of me who listened to all the naysayers talk about how tough an easy task is. Be that kid who sees the ball rolling into the back of the hole and nothing else. Ne fear. No second guessing yourself. Action. Make it happen.

This rant brought to you courtesy of cannabis


Well-Known Member
I don't respect American Society at-large. I think it's a Corporatist, conformist, cult of douchebags. Everything is fake. The thought of putting on a suit and going to a campus interview with a fake smile and sales pitch makes me want to puke in my soup. I'd defend these claims but that's more a political section thread.

Accepting these things as true, how do I get by? I'm struggling finding the motivation to do well in one of the more traditional majors in college because I genuinely don't believe in the work most of the companies I could interview for will be doing. What's more, I know I will hate the day-to-day. I don't want to be one of these guys who just settles and hates his entire working life, while going home knowing that he compromised his values all day long.

But I don't have an exit strategy. I can't find an escape. An outlet. A financial societal bypass.

I know this is a bit rambling. I apologize; I've been up all night, again, wracking my brain, trying to figure out how I can make some sense of all this. I'm so fucking lost. I feel like I'm already in debt and I better hurry up and conform and becoming an accounting major, but I know I'd hate my job doing so.

Thanks for reading.
You have a realistic way of viewing things. It might not be healthy to have that kind of view. My advice is to smoke more pot.