how to get away with growing( but everybody breaks rule 1)

grow space

Well-Known Member
yep-dont tell no one....
I know couple of growers, and they are both considering quitting on growing, cas too many ppl know that they too....
My 2 mates know that i grow outdoors, but thats is, they know no location and thats the way it has to be.I will be better of if they even didint know that, but i trust them in that matter.



Well-Known Member
yep-dont tell no one....
I know couple of growers, and they are both considering quitting on growing, cas too many ppl know that they too....
My 2 mates know that i grow outdoors, but thats is, they know no location and thats the way it has to be.I will be better of if they even didint know that, but i trust them in that matter.

Yeah if someone knew I would be forced to move mine to a new location at best, trashing all that for me would be a challenge, I live in the city with neighbors on all sides, and sadly no garage to covertly move shit either way.

So I don't have anyone over to know.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
yeah. I don't think I'll be showign them off to anyone ever.
My wife does well at getting girls to come over and play, we save the weed for ourselves, we feed them vodka LOL

yeah thats gr8, i dont even let any one nere my new "home OFFICE" not even the wife. she knows but she dont know.(and she don't smoke and raerly drinks so the thought of what going on in that room is never really on her mind, she understands thats my getaway spot, my man cave,is the only place where i can smoke and not have the whole house smelling like ganja. if anyone needs me she is to call me on the phone we dont get many visitors, but when we do, my room is at the back of the house, so when we do they are to stay up front i get friends and famly over and noone every says it smell or wonder why they cant go in surtain rooms (my, wink, wink, office and our bedroom) only i have a key to the office-- we plan on moving to a bigger place and when i go look at homes i am always looking for good grow room/office space- for me somewhere not on the first floor since smells float up i would like to be up stairs on the highest floor and at the back of the house (a converted 2-3 flat would serv this well) and i would love a monitor camera system ( not anything fancy it doesn't even have to record) just something that i can see whats going on throught out the house when i am in the cave- in my current room i get so paranoid with every sound i here out side my room i would love to see down the hall and outside the front and back doors bongsmiliebongsmiliebut thats for my next house. looking for 5+ bedrooms


Well-Known Member
yeah we are moving next year and Im gonna find a nice big big basement thats finished or a attic.

Thats smart goins for you tho.

Thats the only way to make sure you get to keeep your hard earned work and freedom/

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
yeah we are moving next year and Im gonna find a nice big big basement thats finished or a attic.

Thats smart goins for you tho.

Thats the only way to make sure you get to keeep your hard earned work and freedom/
go with the attic- people are lazy they will walk down but not up- if a person breaks into your house for whatever reason they want go to the attic but the will go to the basment. and you could hear someone (kids) walking around