how to get happy


Well-Known Member
hey whats up everyone
so for some reason i feel horrible
i have felt like a piece of shit all day
just now i called my dad and i started crying soon as i hung up
can someone help me feel better
how do you cheer up?
anything just to make me feel a little better
ohh ... dang i was gona type... " have a wank "

but then i see you started crying :( im so sorry... whats up ?

I cheer up by getting my mind set on a goal thats gona fullfill allot of joy in my life and other people around me.... * knowing i will succed, makes me even happier * if this didnt help please admins delete this post..

Hope you feel better
I also cheer up by smoking a joint.... Listning to some hip hop no love shit or sad beats...

I also like cooking..... Maybe go for a jog around the block ?

talk to some friends ?

just the thought that you goes showed you cared helped out alot
i think im just gonna relax, smoke, watch myth busters, and play video games till i have to go to work
weigh in the fact if you should even live anymore.(do a check list)
..but think about the guy whos got to come can clean up the crime sceen!
I'm just playin!! don't fuckin hurt yourself!!
are you a girl? because dudes aint opening up like that, not a fuckin chance.
MAN THE FUCK UP if you are a dude! half the world is sad for no reason what so ever and the other half should be sad....hungry,born into war zones, aids ect ect.(what half are you?)
Cheer up Buttercup :mrgreen:. Did that make you smile? lol
I always seem to cheer up after smoking a few bowls and being on here. Also just looking at and tending to my plants cheers me up. I hope you feel better soon. :mrgreen::peace:
Watch the movie The Bucket List...

Real Funny made me wana live !!!!!!


i think she is a woman :)... or maybe not

i am a dude lol
i am just in a very unusually open mood
i never talk about myself usually

well i smoked a bowl out of my new bong
at food and cookies
watching mythbusters
chillin with my dog
ya well smoking is the best medicine and pick me up there is!
my ex that i still am fond of went on a date not to long ago with some other girls, and to pass the feeling of rejection, i just popped a few oxycodeine, smoked out of my vap. and watched finding nemo.
well i smoked a bowl out of my new bong
at food and cookies
watching mythbusters
chillin with my dog

First let me point out the ups
you have smoke, a new bong, food and EVEN cookies,
Evidentally you have cable (mythbusters), and a dog.

I aint got any of those except food but I'm keepin my head up cuz when my harvest comes in I will be definetly gettin all of those. Basically positive goals help alot. Always have some. I hate bein in Idle it does suck, stay motivated towards somethin man. It's all good.
Close your eyes
Inhale for a count of 4 seconds
Hold for two
Exhale for 6 seconds
Clear your mind from all negative energy. Just black out or think of where you want to be or what you want to come. Trust me it works.

ive been in a pretty bad funk lately i lost two close friends, not dead just went out seperate ways over some bullshit. but yea i get down on myself somtimes n what i do is i try to keep up my hobby (photograpy) which definitly helps, so rely on a hobby or fine one that interests u, try spending time with friends pretty much anything other than sittin around thinkin about what makes u sad that helps me, and just chillin out n smokin
Are you a woman head.....?

dude i was totaly gonna ask the same thing lol...

but anyway... the best way to be happy is to do something preductive, plus
exercising will allways raise endorphens, you should do so on a regular basis if you want to feel good.

and RIU is how i like to have fun and wind down from the day... stare at my plants for a while and smoke a bowl... plus i'm an alcaholic so i drink alot...

males don't cry unless there drunk.... lol j/k
ive been in a pretty bad funk lately i lost two close friends, not dead just went out seperate ways over some bullshit. but yea i get down on myself somtimes n what i do is i try to keep up my hobby (photograpy) which definitly helps, so rely on a hobby or fine one that interests u, try spending time with friends pretty much anything other than sittin around thinkin about what makes u sad that helps me, and just chillin out n smokin

magicdude what happened with your friends?

i lost a friend because she kept stealing my shit and i finally caught her i would really like to talk to her because i miss the old times we use to have i really wish we could go back but it would never be the same. :cry:
magicdude what happened with your friends?

i lost a friend because she kept stealing my shit and i finally caught her i would really like to talk to her because i miss the old times we use to have i really wish we could go back but it would never be the same. :cry:

lol not a very good friend if she kept stealing from you...
well i am a guy but it is my belief that i think everyone should have one of those good sobs
just like dane cook said lol
it actually made me feel better

yeah i do feel alot better than earlier mainly because most the people posting in this thread
i think we should keep this thread going so whenever another fellow WIU-er is down and out we can help lol