How to grow the biggest largest buds soda bottle size I now know the secret do you?

You've made this kind of statement multiple time in very few posts here. The difference between growing in closets, tents, or a warehouse is labor not knowledge. Not everyone live's in places where they can do it on a large scale legally. It doesn't mean they know less about horticulture or botany. It's possible or an argument could be made that growing in a small space could make it more difficult, controlling temps, smell, and getting the biggest yield you can without getting your door kicked in for it.
I positively grew the best stuff I ever smoked Meigs County Gold a pure Indica for taste, buzz, looks, and flavor no one could compare at that time pink hairs sold nugs choke every toke syrupy rich hashy taste 4 years A pure NL Indica 1979-1991 I SOG and nothing better was ever presented can't take that away oh the DEA did 1991 another story for a living you say I had two jobs Federal Taxes and grower made money on both retired with knowledge but I can learn more here with you fellas. OG
I positively grew the best stuff I ever smoked Meigs County Gold a pure Indica for taste, buzz, looks, and flavor no one could compare at that time pink hairs sold nugs choke every toke syrupy rich hashy taste 4 years A pure NL Indica 1979-1991 I SOG and nothing better was ever presented can't take that away oh the DEA did 1991 another story for a living you say I had two jobs Federal Taxes and grower made money on both retired with knowledge but I can learn more here with you fellas. OG
Bullshit, i live in meigs county
Me horrible wow criticizing again now I am not why are you judging me or answering me or commenting where is your thread so we can rip it apart haha Explain horrible ok oh yea thats my living room see it purple kush big deal where its at why so picky you are a trip and I like the arguing back and forth so I must be good at this shit just like you and your thread is what keep MGF like me off your site? OG sunday
Do you ever read your own posts back to yourself out loud? If you actually talk like this in person, do people look at you like you're a caveman?
ugh of course caveman first to try everything well our ancestors yours and mine were caveman right so whats wrong with that not you name calling now. OG