How to grow the biggest largest buds soda bottle size I now know the secret do you?

[QUOTE="OG Jewish connissor, post: 13566051, member: 920531" How to produce the best marijuana is all you fuckers should be talking about. Who died and left you judge others. [/QUOTE]

That would be a judgement, followed immediately by a condemnation of those who judge. We have a self loathing fake jew here.....or a big fat lying hypocrite......or possibly both
I don't work alone I'm part of an llc. And my official title is master grower. Which I said I don't believe I am. It's my knowledge and system that gets used. Therefore I am master grower of my company man. How hard is that to understand? I'm not speaking gibberish.
So if you start your own business, you magically become a CEO, COO, CFO, CIO, etc?
Fuck them if that's the name you want fine fuck them assholes. This forum got some judging mother fuckers in it. The content of the word more important than the fucking grammar. You all think this is school? How to produce the best marijuana is all you fuckers should be talking about. Who died and left you judge others. Fucking character defects to much pot on the brain to comment like that and hurt others. Makes you feel real good and makes me laugh at your stupidity. You know who you are bet I see comments soon. OG fucking high tonite smoking my purple first taste of the season. What a lucky bastard I am. Fuck You all good nite Shalom to my yid brothers out there.
Does all this deep insight stem from your "science of statistics right now at School or College toward my bachelors of science of Psychology"?
[QUOTE="OG Jewish connissor, post: 13566051, member: 920531" How to produce the best marijuana is all you fuckers should be talking about. Who died and left you judge others.

That would be a judgement, followed immediately by a condemnation of those who judge. We have a self loathing fake jew here.....or a big fat lying hypocrite......or possibly both[/QUOTE]
Wrong the truth hurts that's why you called me fake? One hundred percent Ashkenazim MF and yes that is all that these forums should concern, in my opinion. There how's that Roger Shrubber, what the fuck name is that all about? OG

Sorry, I had to.

To contribute, I feel that chopping all of the buds off at week 5 will allow more light and energy to go towards bigger better buds at the finish. It's sends a message to the plants, "step up yo motha fuckin' game, or I will cut yo ass up, bitch! Fin da shank dat shit, betta recognize". They get the message, loud and clear.
Thank you once again I do admire your style. OG
That would be a judgement, followed immediately by a condemnation of those who judge. We have a self loathing fake jew here.....or a big fat lying hypocrite......or possibly both
Wrong the truth hurts that's why you called me fake? One hundred percent Ashkenazim MF and yes that is all that these forums should concern, in my opinion. There how's that Roger Shrubber, what the fuck name is that all about? OG[/QUOTE]
When did you decide to be a fake Jew?
Just curious... :eyesmoke:
Poor thing is mad.

Sorry no one buys into your stupid grow technique.

As far as fixin vs the fixing thing. Not sure that I misspelled it. I would have to see the post.

I have dsylexia. I went into the military and graduated college with it. I try. I put the effort in. You can't say the same.

You are lazy or don't care. Either way I'm sure it shows in your growing also. It why you are looking for tricks for bigger buds. Here's one for you, grow a healthy plant.
Learning is the basis of a smart person. Name calling is what I see so not smart and your plants show it too. Yes you misspelled the word everyone can see it fixin to go Turkey Hunting. Remember? OG