How to improve the taste and smell of hempy


I'd love to make this all about improving the overall quality of hempy.

I understand that when growing in perlite you miss out on the microbes and beneficial bacteria the plants need.

Please share any nutrients or ideas that have worked for you!
I'm going to do some research on a sterile reservoir! Thanks for the suggestion.
When doing Water culture style hydro, your best off with sterile rez...microbial activity/beneficials, Are PRIMARILY for soil grows...assisting in breaking down organics to salt form, so the plant is able to uptake nutes out of it....hydro nutes in water cultures offer all the nutrients in salt form already, so there is really no need for and microbial activity..So Its best just to use an organic disinfectant, such as SM-90....that just kills all bacteria...I found with a PASSIVE hydroponic system, such as hempy style growing, wick systems, and some drip systems where the roots are anchored in some form of inert medium, That products like aqua-shield, voodoo juice etc, work quite well....there in a medium that is wet with nutirent rich water...Beneficials can colonize and certainly feed off dead, broken, roots, AND attack any bacteria that might pop up, and potentially cause root problems...Last yr, I swapped back to a modified (airstone infused) Hempy Buckets, from yrs of water culture growing...And I use aqua-shield and wouldn't grow a hempy bucket without it....last cpl pages in 'world of hempy', has a BUNCH of my recent hempy grows...regards, Y.T.
If u just follow the Organic disinfectants for water culture and bennies for plants in soil, OR, hydroponic type mediums (especially perlite/vermiculite blends) your roots will thank you...other proper rez maintenance chores always helps, like aeration and chillers...chillers not an option with hempy style growing, so your buckets internal res is basically ambient temp, subjecting it (moreso than a chilled DWC rez) to bad bacterias, but I have never had root issues using aqua-shield, or other similar products....
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I'm seriously thinking about trying snow cone syrup.
I was told to use unsulfured molasses because molasses with sulphur will kill your plant. Did you try something with sulfur and did it work?

UOTE="rkymtnman, post: 13679745, member: 894814"]as for taste/smell, try something with sulfur in it. epsom salts, some nute brands, etc.[/QUOTE]
I'm seriously thinking about trying snow cone syrup.
I was told to use unsulfured molasses because molasses with sulphur will kill your plant. Did you try something with sulfur and did it work?

UOTE="rkymtnman, post: 13679745, member: 894814"]as for taste/smell, try something with sulfur in it. epsom salts, some nute brands, etc.
I think I tried every concoction over the years, and now use an unrefined coconut flower sugar....It is a granular sugar made by grinding up the coconut flower....It has FAR SURPASSED anything I have ever used...sweetens, AND ADDS noticeable finish weight...I make a concentrate by adding a cup into a quart of water...I start it 2 weeks prior to harvest at a 2 tbsp per 5 gal...I mix my solutions in a 5 gal bucket, so u can adjust for what your using....Then for the last week, I double the dosage...So essentially, thats the only thing in pH'ed water that last week or so....My tops usually start leaning hard the last 5 days prior to harvest....20170922_131854.jpg
[QUO's awesome! Thanks for the help
TE="yankeetransplant, post: 13795646, member: 897954"]Im[/QUOTE]
I think I tried every concoction over the years, and now use an unrefined coconut flower sugar....It is a granular sugar made by grinding up the coconut flower....It has FAR SURPASSED anything I have ever used...sweetens, AND ADDS noticeable finish weight...I make a concentrate by adding a cup into a quart of water...I start it 2 weeks prior to harvest at a 2 tbsp per 5 gal...I mix my solutions in a 5 gal bucket, so u can adjust for what your using....Then for the last week, I double the dosage...So essentially, thats the only thing in pH'ed water that last week or so....My tops usually start leaning hard the last 5 days prior to harvest....View attachment 4014655[/QUOTE]