How to keep a low profile while driving high. .

My thoughts on dui are that you just shouldn't, disregard if you think you drive better or not because that doesn't matter if an accident happens.

If you happen to get into an accident, which may not be your fault, they'll realize you're high and you'll be blamed for the accident and you'll get in more trouble for dui.

Takes all kinds to make the world, just don't let your choices ruin someone else's life. :)

As long as you don't admit that you're high, they shouldn't be able to do anything. They don't have a reliable way to prove that you're under the influence at that particular moment. I was driving home after smoking one night and went through a road block. The cop saw the motorcycle endorsement on my license and asked me what kind of bike I rode. I ended up having a conversation about motorcycles with him. As long as you play it cool and don't panic, they won't know. I also had a bag and a pipe on me.
You mean,,drivin around high isn't normal,,,,,I'm going to be 43 in March,,I'd say I been drivin around high for,,,hmmmm,,,27 years,,never thought much about it:bigjoint:
I love smoking and driving...

Idk wear sunglasses...

Yesterday I was toking a bowl right behind a cop (yeah I know I'm retarded), luckily he turned and didn't look behind him. Nothing you can really do..just don't be an idiot and you'll be fine...

wow that's a good way to get a dui..dont get me wrong, I always smoke and drive, but I am smart about it.

I only cruise with joints/blunts, so I can discard them easier. I always have cigs on hand to get rid of reefer smell, and I carry Ozium spray.

Trust me, I've gotten a dui for doing some REALLY dumb shit. After that happens you kind of either grow up/or get smarter about your actions.

To answer the question, try to avoid driving under the influence. One day it will catch up with you, and trust me, court isnt free. I've had to spend about 4k on my DUI case, I'm lucky I didnt get locked up..
as arid sais, doesn't matte whether you're good at it (i mean i know a guy nicknamed 5 n' drive :P) a DUI is a DUI and they suck TOTAL balls! like seriously hard, and then for years to come on the insurance.

cops are not gonna pull you over unless they have reason to pull you over. dont sit behind the wheel looking like you're zonkered, and just drive normally..
When your at a stop light and it turns green..............go.. lol

I don't about you but I have been at some lonnnng lights when i'm high.....................and than you tell yourself holy shit did i miss the green light or something...........fuck i think I did........wait wait maybe it just felt long because i was high.

unless there is someone behind you than their like " honk WTF is this idiot doing"

your in there jammin out to your favorite song lol

LMFAO :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
please just stop now :wall:

lol, and just why would i do that?....

i've driven infront of and behind cop cars countless times while high, you know how many times i got pulled over, none. so i'm speaking from my experience.

so you do what you do and i'll do what i do (or rather used to) because i've yet to have an issue of any kind
can tell you this,,if I was a cop I would pull over anyone who drove around slumped down in there seat where there eyeballs looked through the steering wheel and not over it,,I believe this to be a tell tale sign of,,(I'm High),,so sit up,,hands at 10 and 2 ,or at least one hand on either,,depending what hand you are,,check mirrors every 8 seconds,,and keep a good distance between you and the driver in front of you,,shouldn't be a problem,,oh,,make sure all your lights are working,,and don't drive around with too much duct tape holding your car together
lol, and just why would i do that?....

i've driven infront of and behind cop cars countless times while high, you know how many times i got pulled over, none. so i'm speaking from my experience.

so you do what you do and i'll do what i do (or rather used to) because i've yet to have an issue of any kind
plz knock on some solid wood right now:hump:
lol, and just why would i do that?....

i've driven infront of and behind cop cars countless times while high, you know how many times i got pulled over, none. so i'm speaking from my experience.

so you do what you do and i'll do what i do (or rather used to) because i've yet to have an issue of any kind
yea but if there having a boring night there gonna stop you.Random traffic stops also lead to huge busts.And if they run your plates and you got a drug/dui,etc conviction you know for damn sure they are gonna stop you.
This may not surprise most of you, but be prepared to receive a question to the effect of "Do you have any weapons or illegal substances in the car?" If you don't expect that question and you do have something you might choke or freeze. A nice simple "no sir" would do wonders.

Oh yeah, and never offer the rest of your doobie to the officer. Always ALWAYS roll him a fresh one :)
looks like everyone else has spoken for me but yea they will stop you for nothing all day every day, you must drive an invisible car!

what am I saying I forgot your always right
well that's funny as my plates will link the car to a DUI conviction, and yet i've never been pulled over.

well who knows where you live for the cops to be that anal, but i'm in the UK, and in my family, not one instance of ever being pulled over whether it is random or for reason. only time we were pulled over was on a family holliday in france. that's not to say the police aren't catching crazy large numbers of people driving under the influence of something, and they're caught because they are really not very subtle at all. maybe in the US they pull anyone and anything over because you all seem to have this "i drive better while high" approach (i'm not saying it's a bad thing, i can see the bad side, and i know i don't drive for shit when high on the whole, but there is that attitude)
And to answer the op.It doesn't matter they really cant prove your high unless you admit it.Its only bad to smoke in the car.
ten if you're always being pulled for no reason you're obviously not driving very well ;)

and my point was exactly that, you act like everyone else you become everyone else and you are invisible essentially. the same principal as why an assasin does not take out his mark then run through the streets like a madman, he moves with the croud and blends in. bit of a step up from DUI but same principal.

and why am i always right G? only thread i recall where you would get this idea would be the computer thread, where you were utterly and completely wrong?