Definitely. I've been pulled over a couple of times for no reason. One time the cop told me he was pulling me over just cause it was 2 am and he wanted to see what I was up to

Luckily, I haven't gotten caught smoking or driving high but the cops definitely pull people over for no reason.
Exactly. Dont be fooled everyone. I've been pulled over SEVERAL times for no apparent reason. I have only been ticketed twice period. once for a "supposed" running of a red light at 1am (went to court and won).
and a ticket for 80 in a 65. i was going with traffic but decided not to fight it because i was speeding in all actuality even if i was keeping up with traffic...
however i have been pulled over about 7 times or so...almost every time i am not given a reason as to why im being pulled over...
most recently i pulled off a side street with a friend...i had a bunch of empty bluntwraps in my pocket and a medicine bottle full of rolled blunts (i like my weed ready for me when i wanna smoke it so i usually buy a 8th and rollit up all at once lol also doesnt ever give a cop a leg to stand on to say it was for sale).
we pull onto the main road and stop immediately at the stop light that was red before we even hit the main road...we stop at the light and about 25 seconds later (the light is still red) the cops pull right up behind my car. i never cocked my head back to make it obvious i was looking in the rearview nor could they see my eyes as i was wearing sunglasses.
anyway the light turns green and he puts the lights on. as im pulling over im telling my friend what the story is going to be in the event they separate us.
we pull over and the cop blocks me in and he never gets out...all the sudden a second car comes up and the first officer approaches with gun in hand...he thought we were up to no good and going to attempt something or watever.
anyway we tell them were going wherever (cant remember now) and i ask why am i being pulled over and he says nothing...he never did tell me why...but he did lean in to smell but of course he couldnt smell anything so he had to let us go...
but i was a bit nervous...especially since (long story...someone asked me to steal shot glasses from a place they went to for their bday party but i forgot to give them to him) i had the shot glasses IN THE GLOVE BOX!!! and i wasnt 21 yet at the time.
idk how but i kinda peeked to see if he was paying attention when i wen to get my registration out of the glove box soon as his eyes wandered to grab his radio i threw them between my friends legs on the floor (baggy pants...they couldnt see them) and it all went smooth.
never will that happen again...that was a big mistake on my part...i took advantage of a short distance drive and ASSUMED i wouldnt be stopped for no reason...but i was...
just advice to those who drive high. ive been known to be seen pulling on to the freeway from the onramp on a friday late afternoon with music blasting and a blunt in hand clearly visible to those in sure they could smell it too! lmao
but it was dumb. my advice is not to drive if you're stoned to the point where its obvious to others. if your high but not to the point where you'd be suspected then i say go for it (like on a mild buzz) but if its clear your high to your friends then it certainly will be to a police officer.
whew...if i keep going im gonna need my own column around here or something lmao.