How to make a Bong?


Active Member
A simple easy to make disposable bong? for occasional use that i cant just chuck away if my parents come to my place


Well-Known Member
buy a bowl and just wrap it ina sock, put in sock draw....romos might be the best for you situation... roll a jay or a blunt and just shove it ina hole in the side of a bottle....most homemade stuff requires a plastic down stem, not the best material imo. apples and tinfoil might work also. just use a pen tube to core out an L shape and put a tin foil bowl on one end....or just man up, your living on your own and imo you should be doing w/e you want at this point in your life

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
Apples (or any fruit that is similar)
Pop bottles
Pop cans
Paper towel tubes
tin foil
car antennas

Kid's are riding their bongs down FDR drive.....


Active Member
they don't clean it for me and ill go with a bowel because i hate the smell that lingers from one compared to a bong my dad used to do cigs and the smell makes me feel sick


Well-Known Member
you gonna smoke bowels... good luck with that..

they don't clean it for me and ill go with a bowel because i hate the smell that lingers from one compared to a bong my dad used to do cigs and the smell makes me feel sick