Well-Known Member
yes there seems to be a lot of scattered results. and many of them of disappointment. I have not undertaken the tincture task yet. And I might not at this point more so because I did not get the yields (my fault) from my grow as I expected and so don't feel comfortable with "testing" at the moment. In due time, in due tiome .... I still want to try it.

After reading 66 pagesI have a couple observations.
First, I don't think fdd used enough weed.
It seems to me that most were disappointed in their glycerin tincture. I had very high hopes when first learning about it, but I find more often than not people seem disappointed with it. Looks like I will stick to everclear tinctures for the near future, although I may try a very small scale glycerin extraction.
Tahoe, please update if/when you make your tincture. I'm interested in the indian method.