I tried this method as I have a E-Cigarette and was looking for some way to be able to smoke in public without anyone knowing, being a active daily smoker I like to puff many times a day. A friend recently gave me a bunch of just off white blue dream kief and I decided what the hell I got it for cheap anyway for how potent it is, so I basically followed the directions on this post, but for the sake of not wasting a lot and the fact that it kief I only used about 1/2oz of Vegetable Glycerin to about 3/4g of the kief. I let it sit a few days and would occasionally heat it in a jetboil for a few hours but not too long. but I shook it a lot. The glycerin started out totally clear and now a few days later it has taken on a dark green color and many of the trichomes have dissolved into the glycerin itself. Today I decided to test it although some kief is still suspended in the glycerin. I opened it and took a sniff it smelled a lot stronger than when I started, I wasn't too sure but I removed the wick and bridge from the atomizer of the e-cig to get the most of direct dripping the stuff on the coil. (I suffered a day of sobriety to be able to get a true base line test of the stuff since other peoples results seemed inconclusive) I dripped two drops on to prime the fresh atomizer and then two more for good measure

the initial taste was sweet and strong, exactly how it smelled which is what I was hoping for using grade A+ kief there was no throat hit but A LOT of vapor and my brother told me smell of the exhale just barely smelled like anything meaning most of if not all the THC was burned on vaporization. Now as most of you know the effects of vaporizing are a little different than analog smoking, much more mellow which is good for smoking on the go but after using up the initial four drops and then two more I was pretty much trapped in my chair

I added a few drops of some mint oil I had on hand to cover the smell of the exhale (which ended up working perfectly as I had expected) I already ordered some caramel and vanilla custard flavors to make a cake batter flavored batch as I love the taste of chronic confections (I know I spoil myself). I have only tried smoking this a few times w/o straining any of the kief out so I have no idea how the resin will effect the atomizer coil but no problems so far. I will post more results as I make more stronger batches. Happing vaping everybody out there!