- How To Make WAX (bho)---by Twitch-

lol no that would be some from texas :roll:, there is no way in hell i would risk bringing trim from any med state, when i can get your pounds form 1500 to 2500, trust me just because we aren't a med state doesn't mean we cant do it like y'all in the med state, who knows maybe better.;)

first small run of the romulan, i am expecting 2 to 3 ounces off the big run, i got 60 grams on my last run and then one has a pound more of trim. so we shall see...

so u got 60 gr off 3lb of trim??? we pull triple digits off that amount in this medi state
No way Texas can mess with any med state....come on now...rofl! No clubs around here would mess with that stuff; people want terp rich shatter and that's it!!

Good luck cowboy!! Be safe!!
No way Texas can mess with any med state....come on now...rofl! No clubs around here would mess with that stuff; people want terp rich shatter and that's it!!

Good luck cowboy!! Be safe!!

just because you grow it in a med state doesnt make it magical... i assure you there are a few gardeners in this state.

i try to be safe lol
So I have received a couple of messages and posts, asking for a step by step to exactly how i produce my wax so here it is.

I have been making BHO for a little more then a year now and I have tried a number of different methods to come up with a final product from whipping to double boilers to the sun. This method, using a vacuum pump, I have found works the best and produces the best tasting wax out there.

This is what my little setup looks everything set up ready to go.
View attachment 2530632

Here is what you need
View attachment 2530640Unbleached coffee filters, 1 foot by 2 inch glass tube
View attachment 2530642I have heard and read in High Times that if you are in the lower 48 vector in the gas to use and if you are in Canada to use colibri I think is how you spell it
View attachment 2530643Pyrex dish to spray in, some people spray directly onto the parchment paper to cut down on mess and waste, I don't see any thing wrong with doing this but I have heard that the butane breaks something down on the paper if it sits on there directly for an extended period of time, I have nothing to back this up though.
View attachment 2530646Presto its cheap, I got the big one so I could set my whole vacuum chamber on it, its not very accurate but the ryobi is.
View attachment 2530648This thing is bad ass shoots out a laser and reads the temp from across the room, it is very accurate. It makes this all possible
View attachment 2530651Vacuum chamber picked it up off e-bay for 160 shipped
View attachment 2530656Vacuum pump its a US General 2 stage 3 cfm pump i have ran this thing for over 24 hours straight
View attachment 2530658Active air 8 inch inline duct fan, you got to have ventilation if your going to blast inside. I do not like blasting outside there are to much stuff flying around in the air and i am in tx its hot.

So after you have all the gear you need to acquire some bud, or shake, or trim.
Now when it comes to how much you will pull off of each one it varies depending on the strain. I have pulled any where in between 3 to 6 grams off of an ounce of nugs, on the shake it could be any where from 1 to 4 grams, now the trim could be any where from .25 to 3 grams per ounce. I personally pull in between 1.5 to 2.5 grams per ounce on my trim.
View attachment 2530666View attachment 2530667308.15 grams of trim from diesel from seedism seeds
View attachment 2530669So i preheat the pyrex dish to 110, then i continuously have hot water running under to help the butane evaporate of more quickly.

Now I dont have a picture for this little part but you need to pack your tube, its hard to pack it to much but make sure that after you pack it and put your filters on that you can still pull air through the packed tube with unrestricted air flow. Filters always use unbleached but its not going to kill you if you don't. Use 2 or more filters depending on the texture of your marijuana, ground up powder or big leaves. Some people will use a hose clamp to secure the filter on to the tube, I prefer the big rubber bands I just cut them off when i am done. Also trim back the coffee filter to the rubber band that you have wrapped around the tube holding the filter on, a little bit of your BHO will be lost because the butane seeps up the filter, so you can reduce this by trimming it back.

Then I start blasting
View attachment 2530671View attachment 2530672It takes me one 320 ml can to fill up the tube before anything comes out then I use a whole another can and let it all run out till the color is gone. I will put my finger in the stream of butane towards the end of the blast after both cans are empty to see if there is any more resin coming out, if my finger comes back sticky depending on how sticky ill use a half or a whole other can.
View attachment 2530612Still very coldView attachment 2530613Almost readyView attachment 2530614Time to scrape
So after it has been blasted I let the dish sit with the water still flowing under it heating up the BHO, I wait till the BHO reaches 100F. Then I let the BHO rest till it reaches back to room temp so that it is no longer bubbling, you don't want to start scraping it up while its bubbling it will break down some of the terpenes which is the flavor aspect of your marijuana and now BHO.

View attachment 2530615View attachment 2530616While i scrape i preheat my vacuum chamber to 130F

Before i put it in and purged any butane i weighted it
View attachment 2530617View attachment 2530618It actually weighted 18.35 the paper weighted 1.9

View attachment 2530624View attachment 2530625Your BHO will form this kind of muffin top appearance but when you reach -29 in Hg it implodes on itself, its actually probably my favorite part. You have to watch it if you are in a smaller vacuum chamber because it could expand into the walls of your vacuum chamber and that is a pain in the ass to clean out.
View attachment 2530626Once the BHO is stable and just bubbling I turn the heat up to 140F and let it purge continuously, but i have a tendency to pull it out and mess with it
View attachment 2530627At this point I had pulled 1.1 grams of butane out, it is dark because it is folded up on itself a few times.
View attachment 2530628Finally it is starting to wax up

And that is it, it weighted 16.53 that means there was about 1.8 grams of butane still trapped before i started purging
View attachment 2530630View attachment 2530631
Hey buddy quick question??this will be my first vacuum purge,and really need to know how long do I leave the heat under the vacuum chamber for??and how long should I run the vacuum purger for??also when do I want to release the pressure and also ho2 many times do I do that??thanks
leave the heat under it the whole time, make sure you don't break 150 try to keep the oil temp at 130 or less we have all tweaked alot of things since this was posted, i try to keep my temps just over 110 to 120, this is the temp of the oil. i run my vacuum continuously, i will pull a couple of times at first (pull-turn the vacuum on and pull the air out of the chamber) to get the muffin down, once the initial muffing is down and it is stable just bubbling then i turn the vacuum on and go watch tv lol. it can take any where form 2 hours to 36 hours to purge what you have, it all depends on your starting material.

hope this helps
You got ripped off. You can buy a brake bleeding kit for $30 that pulls 27 hg. Easily attached to a mason jar lid for purging.



Also in regards to the OP, Im not really pro blasting inside. Even with fans, you are sending the message to newbs that it's ok to blast indoors. This is hazardous as fuck. A spark from static elctiricity can set a fire off while blasting.

are u kiding me.. ? u think thats good? really? i make better oil with no vac or chamber.. i hate how people think they know everything.. misinformation in posts should just be deleted from the site.. im sick of hearing a bunch of BS.. ya he got ripped off? lol.. i pay for my setup with 1 oz of oil?.. .u take hours to make 1 gram.. i make a qp.. u wana take 100 grams and purge 1 gram at a time with a hand pump? lol . .

man some people are ok with smoking GARBAGE FLOWERS.. so obv.. they dont care if they smoke garbage butane filled oil too.

and u dont need to run your pump the entire purge.. u can pull full vacuum . and turn it off.. and turn it back on when u need more vacuum. thats all.. i dont run my pump for more then a few hours at a time.
I got a 3 gallon chamber. was fiddling with it tonight. seems like the deepest vacuum I can pull is like 26-27 hg.

also, whats with the exhaust port? should I be venting this outside? what it coming out of it when I do dry/test runs... moisture?

pump 109, free shipping.

desiccator. 115$


pump specs... she sure struggles at 27" and wont get past that... am I doing something wrong? ran it for like 3 minutes and felt bad for the pump. it got to 25 pretty quick, crawled to 27, then stopped... hopefully my pump isnt too small.

ive been around alot of different setups and never seen anyone running there pump with that port open like that?
I'm having a real hard time getting color on my wax. Everything I make comes out dark black. Any suggestions on how to fix this? Also I keep hearing keep my pump running but why do that? Can't I just reach full vacuum close off the valves and turn off my pump. I bought a best value vac and technical support says that's the correct thing to do. I'm so lost need help!!!
the color has to do with age of material time of cut down and the temp you purge it at
-the longer the flower time the trichs amber up more giving you a darker oil
-the older the material same thing the trichs darken and depending on how it was stored I have had 6 month old material sit in a freezer and it come out the same color as it did 10 days off the plant
-the higher the temp the darker the oil

I would let my pump run on my chamber because the seal wasn't perfect, now that I have an oven full vac then turn it off.

hope this helps if you have anymore questions feel free to ask or PM me
A lot of my material is older than 6 months does that mean I won't have good end product. I adjusted the filters I was using on my extract tube last night and I finally got a dark gold color a lot better than my previous black color. At first I was using only one 50 micron screen and yesterday I used 3 35 micron screens and 6 coffee filters defiantly changed the color. I did not use any heat tho after I blasted it I just let it sit til reaction stopped than placed it in vac with no heat came out like a hard wax material. Before all this I would try heat and all different temps and methods but I thought the blackness was coming from over cooking so I opted to no heat. I've made small batches at a time blasting only a zip at a time. Thru trial and error I came up with 42 gs of black garbage lol yesterday I made two separate batches and came up wit 5 gs of that dark golden color.
I just ran my first batch using material over 6 mo old and got a rich amber when it cleared up. 2oz of nugs & I got 7.1g not counting all the little balls I kept finding and tasting. I only used 3 coffee filters but didn't grind it too fine. Is it ok to store it in the fridge in these little silicone containers or better to leave at room temp or freeze for storage? It looks like I made shatter in the yellow container. When I flexed it cold it shattered.a-142.jpg a-141.jpg