How to maximise 8 x 4 tent with 8 or 12 plants


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

I'm running a 8 x 4 tent with 3 600w lamps. I've always grown between 30 - 50 plants in it but it's just too much to manage now.

Next time round I plan on doing either 8 or 12 plants but growing them a lot bigger. I've never had to train plants to grow big like this to fill out the canopy - can anyone give me the details on how to do it? And veg timescales etc
Topping / LST I guess? As much details as poss would be appreciated.

Low stress train them (tie each branch down to make an even full canopy) or scrog (screen of green) try to get you a top through every square of the net. Less plants will take more veg time to fill the tent. I like to use the nets but after they grow up through it that's where they gonna stay but it also supports the branches along with spreading them out ( I just don't like not being able to move them around etc with the scrog). There is a company makes single stand alone scrogs. Simple yield solutions. May want to check those out. Good luck with however u decide.
Low stress train them (tie each branch down to make an even full canopy) or scrog (screen of green) try to get you a top through every square of the net. Less plants will take more veg time to fill the tent. I like to use the nets but after they grow up through it that's where they gonna stay but it also supports the branches along with spreading them out ( I just don't like not being able to move them around etc with the scrog). There is a company makes single stand alone scrogs. Simple yield solutions. May want to check those out. Good luck with however u decide.

Thanks. Yeh I've been using nets currently and hate that I can't move them so will avoid this time. Should I top the plants a few times first or let them grow as normal and tie them down?