How to proceed if plant still hungry after giving nutes

Do your teachers ever suggest taking a knife to the root bound plant and slicing the bottom off or cutting into the sides?
Like root pruining? Or just cutting but not adding any more soil?
I think plants would respond well to either. I've root pruined a couple times, and they seem to like it.


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Like people are saying it em with more nuts in feeding. Regardless of root condition. I can tell by the leaf ratio the plant are or tight. But leaf show no sign other the a deficience created by water and nutrient up take.. Do bottom water feeding for 30 minutes combine with your normal water feature. And like mention by others. You plant will start feeding more on itself and this is a normal process. At this point. You have to calculate with what you have seen. If my plant is eating itself. Do i have enough leaf ration to last at this rate that would make it that i would have a few leaf left at least. Or would i run out of leaf in two week.. If you where on last week i'd teel ya flush and starve if you are on first week i'd tell ya t0 raise the the nuts into your solution mix.. Its all base on your observation. Do a light watering at firs like 10% of what you normaly water. Add onother 20% in short interval. Then poor the rest this way. Slow feeding with increased nutrient in solution. Do this to a 10% run off with the increased solution and check you ph. Depending on your strain flowering around the last 30 days this is a normal behavior.
Like root pruining? Or just cutting but not adding any more soil?
I think plants would respond well to either. I've root pruined a couple times, and they seem to like it.
Yes in vedging it is good to do. But in flowering since root development is now stop it is no used doing has roots will not develop any further. And at this point it is what it is. He he would have said. That hevus still in vedge mode i would tell him to do that and vedge one extra week before flowering. Just has growing still happens 2-3 weeks into flowering
Some pictures of the three plants.
All defs are showing on the lower third.
A little defoliation and the removal during pre flowering week could have been beneficial also by lowering the nutrient overal need and focus your plant energy toward conopy growth.
Yesterday i fed with the bloom nutes, 3-3-4 instead of the 3-2-3 veg nutes.
Will see how they reacted and keep updated here.
I will also go with the slower watering technique Frigault explained.

Thanks to everybody.
Yesterday i fed with the bloom nutes, 3-3-4 instead of the 3-2-3 veg nutes.
Will see how they reacted and keep updated here.
I will also go with the slower watering technique Frigault explained.

Thanks to everybody.
This way dry soil has a better chance of soaking up the watering and not le it run thru letting think its saturated. Slow watering and capillarty watering is used a lot in nurseries. Since sometimes watering from above can give you the impression it is watered properly when it wasnt all the time
Plants seem to have responded well to the feeding, will pay attetion to see if defs continues.

Today i watered in parts, and didnt get a runoff with volumes i used to get some.
What can i know from this?

Since i am pouring water in intervals the root system is drinking it all? Or maybe i getting the soil more wet by doing this?

Would this mean that in case i still see deficiencies i could at least give everyday some water with nutrients?
Im thinking about this because ive seen growers feeding everyday with less volume.
If you didn't see a small run of it mean soil isnt completly saturated. So its not a complete watering. But the watering was complete or incomplete and if you had run off with your past technic it mean watering was not optimal and that now yiu gave done an successful or better watering.. . So prepare more water next time.. And wgen you water lokkok for that slow watering run of.. When you soil is really dry you get an acchalt estimation of how munch your soil can hold.. Then when yku make a second batch of water and watering rour plant yiu see that you plant isen't drinking all the water. The 10% run of indicater if you are over water. Lets sais yku have over 50% water left. You are ever feeding. If you have no water left you are under waterin if you have 10% to 30% your in the confort zone. The allow 10% run of is the okay its saturated. Now lets see hiw many days it takes for watering in other for it to need another watering that allow a 10% run of again. And that will be the limit point for watering. Then you'l be able to give partial watering 30%-60% has you get confortable and used to it. Plants thrive in a 30-70% humidity zone. That gors for moistur in soil aswell.
Once you find out how much you plant thruly need as amouth of water. You will be abale t reduce that amount of volume by 30% and have 70% of water and then feed till you plant slowly absorbs it all. If you have a run of at 70% yhen your plant us 100% saturated. If it drink it all you are between 70% moistur to 100%.
I think i got it.
Let's say the pot holds X water.
Following waterings should need 50-70% of that volume, allowing a maximal runoff of 10%?

If i achieve runoff with less than 50% X volume, it was too soon to water.
If it ends up needing 70-100% of total volume, i should have water earlier.

If i am getting right i would say that my watering perfectly fixed your guidelines, but it wasn't with slow watering, i used to do it not in a rush but fast.
Ifvthe next day you water 70% again and you have no run off. Make some extra to see how much water it take to get a run of.. If it takes a 30% before run of it mean that it had 30% moisture. And that every day your plant will drink 70% of your water solution. This is for the water only and your nuts shoild bee added into this watering. So to answer your nuts question. Yes. You cand feed every day. Lets say weekly your plant need X amount of nutrient. You can prepare water for 6 day and had to it to the water feeding for the seventh day. You'ld have a 7days mix of 6 part of watering to one part if nutrient rich solition.

Your watering would be optimal with no waste of water and no waste of nutrient. Since you'll know when its overwater. Abd evetually you'll be able to gage exactly how much you plant need water at a certain stage of live cycle and around what temlerature and humidity it absorbs this amount of water.. You'll water when light are just turn on and never befor turning it off and a'll kind of timing later has you gain more experience. Ask any question. And i'll try my best to answer. Can even do picture demo on certain subjec when i have the cbance or the state of my plant allow me to do so.
I think i got it.
Let's say the pot holds X water.
Following waterings should need 50-70% of that volume, allowing a maximal runoff of 10%?

If i achieve runoff with less than 50% X volume, it was too soon to water.
If it ends up needing 70-100% of total volume, i should have water earlier.

If i am getting right i would say that my watering perfectly fixed your guidelines, but it wasn't with slow watering, i used to do it not in a rush but fast.
That it
Water slowly to makes sure it actually gets in the soil properly.. When i m in a rush. I use a water tray with the righ amount of water for the pkant and put the plant in it. And yhe water will bu sucked in feom the bottom holes. A half hour water absorbtion is better then a 1 minute pour hope for the best. Since your more likely to have a run when you are not there and part will dry of since it will be retained in air pockets. If you want to test air pocket. Try this. (100% saturation) take your 7 days water solution bucket and hold the plant under water. Pressure will cause air bubble to get released.. You would be surprized.. The check how much you have solution left after 10 minuts (no need to be under water that long but till you have 100% saturation. Check if you have enough water abd solution for that plant fir 6 more days...
The important key loint her is the saturation point. It dosent matter if let watter run 20 minutes and for 20 minutes its running of. Its saturated. The importance is that befor it its 25% it should have 35% weter feed for partial feedind and it should hVe 65% water feeding for a full feeding and it should have 100% saturation for a sagurated sool. The amout of water it need for saturation is at least a 10% run if at slow watering.. A feesing is a 65% water retention of feed. Regardless of how much moistur soil gets. If you get a run if. Like you said that hiw you gage overwaterin. If done to often in watering root and plant slows on growth. Same has when you underwater..
So evwrydays you can water if you know that this feeding will not saturated soil 100% every water. Since you want a balance of air into the mix. Find your sweer spot and good luck..
Today when lights went on i found that 2 of 3 had a little runoff.

How slow should the slow watering be? I mean how many minutes between each watering?
Like i said. It all depends on soil capacity to retain water. But a litle run of is normal. Let say you water you plant in 5 gallon of water buket by putting you plant in a bucket with water. (holding it under water letting air bubble out) or by leaving the pot flotting till it sink and top of soil feel most. You'll have a udee of the weight of the plant has you lift it up and there isen't much water coming out. The weight is a general idea of how much water is retained inside.. So you know when it this heavy that it is saturated. Just like you know how light it is when you lift it en it is dry.. Now if you look at how much water is left in the bucket. You can tell how much water as actually been absorb.. So let say it absorbed 1 gallon of water and it is now heavy.. The amount of hours and days that it will take in order to be light again dertmine how slow and how much to give.. If next day it still have you can hold on watering if it is lighter but not so much. Then you can do a small and quick feeding if it is more dry 40% - 50% lighter but not completly you can do a medium watering at medium pas. Slower then a quick small feeding. If it very light near drought then you do a heavy watering at slow pace. If it's compketly dry berly no water. Then you can do a water bath and let sit for 30 minutes to let water soak ut as its mistly likely to run lot quicker has soil is to dry to absorb water and lost its ability to retain water. A mois soil retaines water better then a dry soil.. And that my friend is only up to you to decide.. You can put your plant on a bodyweighing scale to have a general idee. But eventually you should feel more confident about you estimation and will get to know how yiur plant interact within it environement... Don't be so cought up in all this. Get your plant to the state you think is right and once you get there keep doing what you are doing. Only change things when something seems not right. And don't change to many factors at once seen it will be harder for you to pin point what was wrong. Try ajustung one thing. Evaluate the situation. Is thing are going better. That that again and again. Ti something esle gapoens or you reach a stability. Fluctuations or normal you just have to gage it and stabilize it has much as you can. Like i said don't be to cought up. And if things seem to get better stay on that path. There no reason to turn 180 degrees uf eberything seems fine. So get intimate and have fun learning to understand how to take care for you plant. The journey should be a fun a pleasent one and not a stressful one. I was feeding my plant the other day i left my plant in the bucket when i git back to it hours later all the water was gone. Which is okay cause with that technique the plant cannot absorb mor water the it can hold and that since it was saturated i woulnt need to water till soil starts drying and that wad that. The other plant had normal watering time and i'm not stressed about it
I'm sure your watering was done right. Since you had to wait 12hour to see the run of.. Another advice. Water ykur plant in the morning when growing indoor and do foliar spray in the morning (when light just turned on.. Temps are more cool at that point and the foliar spray and exess water will have time to evaporate during light cycle.. If you feed at night tell yourself that water dosen't evaporate as fast and that your pkant us not doing photosynthesis.. So not drinking.. And uf you water in the morning and or during the days at it took all day for the water to run of tell yourself that almost all the water was absorbed. And since you see litle water around the holes yiu can tell that 1/3 of lower put is atleast wet... If top feel dry you can mist with a vaporizer or spray bottle the top of the soil and that's it if you want to mame sur it dosen't dry to much. And that mjsting will make the next watering a ljttle faster. There is all kinds of way to water a plant i mix it up.
Frigault, really thankful for your help and answers. You gave me more than a handful of great tips to take into account. I'm working on that confidence and learning process of reading the plants. More than a few times i gave water in consecutive days because i just felt that the plant need it, although the "calendar" didn't talk about it.
My main change right now will be the different paces of watering, as you said i don't want to change all at once.