How to sneak into Canada

To answer your question, Canada and the US have the worlds longest unprotected border. There are plenty of places where there isn't even a gaurd on duty, you just sign a book and leave. Hell even in vermont there are back roads and trails leading into canada (quebec)
i want to sneak in to. if america ever issues the draft thats were im comein an i dont want the u.s to know im there frankley
Dunno about that. I thought for SURE a draft would come a few years aback when we went to "war" with Iraq. Didn't happen, though. However, if North Korea and Iran don't shape up... a draft might have to be instituted. Our resources are stretched way too thin.

Lucky for me ... I have ovaries and therefore am not subject to a draft....
That's also why I want to know how to get in because a draft will be coming soon I dont care what they say

The U.S. and Canada are allied. If there is a draft they will send every american there home. You can try to hide, but the second you're found you'll be on a bus, train, plane back to the states.
True enough. Unless, that is, you marry a Canadian citizen or become a Canadian citizen in some other way...

Yep...even now under PR status I could be instantly deported if they instituted a draft. There has to be some other reason why he wants to go. Seems like he's running from something.
Disguise yourself as a seal
Disguise yourself as a seal

hahahaha nice one!

The canadian american border has so many spots to cross where there isnt even a gaurd you can just go right across. But just get a damn passport and come in legally. Illegal aliens arent cool..
I was wondering if anybody knew how to sneak into Canada from the midwest.

PS I'm in Indiana

Hmm so you wanna get in and this a thread full of dumb people it seems ^_^

Well babe I'll tell you all of these lil lies these lil boys have been tellin you, so everything you've read on this, forget it.

Okay first of all, there are tons of soldiers/felons/americans period who the US govn't demands that Canada hands over, and Canada wisely says Fuck you.

There are many reasons that Canada says that, because Canada knows the US is an out of control war machine that isn't going to stop until it's put in it's place. History repeats its self and empires fall, one day the US will not be the power that it is today, that's the flow of life, babe.

If you all aren't using a med card then in the eyes of the govnt you are all criminals.

Now, google maps is a great way to zoom in and plan your route. Canadians are a very friendly ppl as compared to Americans are usually only friendly on the west coast, cali girls are the best you know.

I agree with you, it would be nice to smoke in Canada. I do suggest that you try going to British Columbia, the the west coast of Cananda.

From there, get citizenship and jet to France. France actually has extremely good weed. Go to Europe and realize that America is a militarized, brainwashed, ignorant nation. (80% of it anyway)

That being said, I'll leave you with this.

p.s. Don't worry about that american pride bs, you are a human being, not an american. This world is your home and the invisible borders drawn on paper are just that, imaginary. Everyone in this life is playing pretend in one way or another no matter how serious they may take it.

Now, from someone who's traveled the world and was born an american, trust me, there are better places, my friend. Anyone who says otherwise has not seen what I've seen and is prolly a brainwashed patriot (lots of those in america) Good Luck Dear