Well-Known Member
The true way to spot a liberal is they base their politics on feelings. You'll often hear emotional outburst from liberals, and I'm sure they are sincere, but the problem is that they allow themselves to get caught up in emotion, instead of listening to reason, and making sound decisions based on logic. Of course this makes discrediting most liberals child's play
Liberal: Guns are bad, they scare me!
Logical thinking person: But a gun is a piece of equipment like a wrench, it can be used for good or evil.
Liberal: Guns kill people, look at this picture of this poor child who found his parents gun and blew his head off! Ban all guns!
Logical thinking person: So the police shouldn't have guns either?
Liberal: No no police are trained in the use of firearms and there to protect us.
Logical thinking person: But I'm thinking, Police have children who might find their firearm and then your worse fears may be realized, and the police are not under any obligation to protect you. Why not teach firearm safety in every school in the USA, so that there are less gun accidents, because I'd like to have the right to defend myself if necessary?
Liberal: Oh! You're one of those right wing gun fanatics! < resorts to name calling as usual, and has trouble focusing on the facts without becoming emotional. This is your tip-off that you are dealing with a typical liberal.![]()
LOL@ police are there to protect us.
Silly GreenCross, stereotypes are for kids! And those with limited experience interacting with real, live people. Internet forums don't count, I'm afraid.