How To Spot A Liberal....

Seems to me gun control must be a republican and libertarian issue, since more of them own guns than do the "liberals".

Here's an interesting fact:

The percentage of Americans who consider "gun control" as an important issue has declined from 3% to 1%.

So, it would seem that it's not really anyone's issue.

Does not matter, it is protected constitutionally and well defended by the powerful lobby know as the NRA. Even attempts at control have been largely unsuccessful for example the D.C handgun ban was overturned by the courts.
I guess GreenCross got tired of pushing those "liberal" issues that not much of anyone cares about.

Either that, or he's out polling liberals on their views.
Some of the newer laws where? In my state, you can have most any gun you want, including a .308. You can't be busted for owning legal guns.

I think he was referring to how some states (most? ) can confiscate property if you are busted growing.
I think he was referring to how some states (most? ) can confiscate property if you are busted growing.

He mentioned nothing about growing. Perhaps it's assumed on a growing website?

Sometimes, I wonder what percentage of frequenters here actually grow. It would interesting to know.
SSSHHHHHH!! Gods talking we gotta liscen and see witch brown people we gotta nuke next week!

Thats the Republicinism way. Like an indian putting his ear to the ground to hear a T rex. T Rex isnt alive no more dumb indian!!

Gun are disigned to kill people so why would you WANT to own one considering YOUR tax dollars your so happy spending on police to protect you?

Seems like republicans just cant make up their mind you want a free ride with all YOUR bells and whisles. They bitch about cash for clunkers but traded in their peice of shit. They bitch about high taxes but pay them. They bitch about how people tak away their guns and then shoot up churches and abortion clinics. They bitch about right to life but kill people with death penalty. They bitch about government health care but beg for medicare for affordable medicine when they get old and broke. They get the heart when their is only 1 and they are 56 years old and a 5 year old child needs the same heart because they have money to pay for it but yet lived nearly a full life the child must live a short one because of the greed and a capitalistic communist.

You see you are all really sick both sides. I got a coin I flip to see if i gonna vote and its got two heads.

You claim independence but beg for the elites presents in witch boots you lick. Thanks buddy because people like you make it happen. Give us this great country we live in where if I get caught with a gram of coke in my house and scales they will take everything I own and pawn it off to pay for wages of policeand more control. You see you tell people like me to go BACK to school but you just said that schools brainwash so witch is it buddy? Have I been to toomuch school or not enough?

Because if sombody doesnt think like you do they must be stupid right?
SSSHHHHHH!! Gods talking we gotta liscen and see witch brown people we gotta nuke next week!

Thats the Republicinism way. Like an indian putting his ear to the ground to hear a T rex. T Rex isnt alive no more dumb indian!!

Gun are disigned to kill people so why would you WANT to own one considering YOUR tax dollars your so happy spending on police to protect you?

Seems like republicans just cant make up their mind you want a free ride with all YOUR bells and whisles. They bitch about cash for clunkers but traded in their peice of shit. They bitch about high taxes but pay them. They bitch about how people tak away their guns and then shoot up churches and abortion clinics. They bitch about right to life but kill people with death penalty. They bitch about government health care but beg for medicare for affordable medicine when they get old and broke. They get the heart when their is only 1 and they are 56 years old and a 5 year old child needs the same heart because they have money to pay for it but yet lived nearly a full life the child must live a short one because of the greed and a capitalistic communist.

You see you are all really sick both sides. I got a coin I flip to see if i gonna vote and its got two heads.

You claim independence but beg for the elites presents in witch boots you lick. Thanks buddy because people like you make it happen. Give us this great country we live in where if I get caught with a gram of coke in my house and scales they will take everything I own and pawn it off to pay for wages of policeand more control. You see you tell people like me to go BACK to school but you just said that schools brainwash so witch is it buddy? Have I been to toomuch school or not enough?

Because if sombody doesnt think like you do they must be stupid right?

For you, I think school would be a good idea.
For you, I think school would be a good idea.

Just the kind of school you like though right?

So I can be "brainwashed" the right way?

I could hold my breath right now until I get some more hypocrisy out of you crazys and you know it.

Completely bat shit crazy. You would slap a bulls ass then bitch about it fucking you up. I swear you would like it would totally suprise you.

Yeah lets just give everyone assault rifles then BITCH when my kid gets shot at school. Whos to blaim then really?

I mean 8 years ago it would have just been handguns but nope leave it to the righties to make sure pissed of people can come at you like a god damned army platoon. MAkes perfect sence.

Im so asking for a bulletproof vest from the girl for christmas I wanted other things but jesus christ.

I mean you guys act like we live in a 3rd world country. I mean do you really wanna worry abut if some nut is gonna get his mp5 and start blastin because sombody killed a cum bubble in some lady?
If I said that about a black person.. I'm guessing you'd be calling me racist...

But then again... conservatives have to fol,low different rules... don't we?

1st... Native Americans weren't listening for dinosaurs. They were feeling vibrations on the ground to track the movements buffalo herds... and they were accurate.

You should stop taking history lessons from people who think Dinos and man were around at the same time.

See now you make it a race thing to try to stir up some romp fest it wasnt racist it was pointing out the irony in the situation. Sorry if your are native american and it offended you but whatever your clearly just trying to be offended for the sake of wining and arguement.

Mighty "liberal" of you some more hypocrisy its tastes so good to beath agian.
I told him that very thing, but I think I have to take it back. I sure wouldn't want him in the same class as my kid. He's a bit of a loon.

Home school?
I was raised by my grandperants and yes I was home school. My grandpa was a world war 2 vet and took me out of public school when he read my history book.

So to be honest im more in the middle then most. But you guys hear what you wanna hear I say ban assault rifles your hear "Immma take all your guns and burn them". I point out the irony in a situation that has never happend or would and I get called a racist.

Your just like the left so the point has been proven. Not to you of course because you dont want to hear it.
I guess GreenCross got tired of pushing those "liberal" issues that not much of anyone cares about.

Either that, or he's out polling liberals on their views.

I got tired of trying to have an intelligent debate with folks who don't even have a good grasp of what thier political party stands for.

Next thing you'll claim that the ;libs are for smaller, and less intrusive government...

Liberals interpret the constitution "liberally"; not to be confused with "liberty". Get it now?
I didnt say I was perfect. I didnt say I was a spelling bee champion.

You could just cut me down and make me look like you want me to look its your mind your convincing nobody elses you see.

I admire you guys really its sad that you result to attacking the people that raised me or my intelect just because I think defferently.
You see you cant force people to liscen only talk. My grandpa always told me "Most people say respect is earned, But I say respect should be given to all not earned from the shine of your smile on the glare of his boot."

I learnd more from just talking to people then anybody could from any school or college. Yeah sure cant spell perfect prolly dont sound as intelegentbut hey I still respect and admire you guys for sticking to your ideals even though they are different. America is about what we are arguing about stop making it one sided its not right or left its about respect and it shouldnt be earned but always given. Stick to politics and it will make a lier out of you even george washington knew that godamnbo.
I admire you guys really its sad that you result to attacking the people that raised me or my intelect just because I think defferently.

"I admire you guys really its sad" You shouldn't write in your own grammatical conflicts. Words are meant to flow and be in context with each other.

What is disturbing is you must be at least 18, and spelling, contrary to what ppl have told you, is not a monumental feat of wits. Honestly....there is no excuse for not being able to communicate with accurate spelling and an expanded vocabulary. If you cannot write with precision, you probably cannot read with precision either. I'm sure this must lead to a subconscious frustration.
Doesn't it stand to reason... that if you don't have a basic grasp on your only spoken language.. you may be wrong about what you have interpreted from that language?

If einstein couldnt spell couldnt would he still be einstein?

Im sure he only had one spoken language and couldnt speak it until 15 so back on subject politics not "Lets make personal attacks on snail and forget completely what was at hand".

So agian did I say I was a mayjor in english or anything but smokin the buds? Nope sure didnt but mighty awsome of you to point out al the obvious spelling mistakes in my shit. Now is that corn or a peanut?
"I admire you guys really its sad" You shouldn't write in your own grammatical conflicts. Words are meant to flow and be in context with each other.

What is disturbing is you must be at least 18, and spelling, contrary to what ppl have told you, is not a monumental feat of wits. Honestly....there is no excuse for not being able to communicate with accurate spelling and an expanded vocabulary. If you cannot write with precision, you probably cannot read with precision either. I'm sure this must lead to a subconscious frustration.

Actually im 21 and flattured that you guys are so intrested in me. Keep going this could get awsome.

Now lets see all the things "I" do wrong sence you know this thread is about me.

Shit just change the name of the thread I would be honored.

Picking on me isnt hard ill be the first to tell you put picking on issues at hand are really hard for people to do when they know they are wrong so they result to personal attacks on the other person.
Deflect all you wish.... no worries here.

You know what real education is? It's what's left over after you forget the facts. You need a foundation.
Um Einstein was multilingual. (that means he spoke more than one language fluently)

You don't have to *mayjor* in English to know how to spell or read. Most of us get it by the age of 6... when we are *mayjoring* in picking our noses.

Again... if you don't have a basic grasp on your only spoken language... why would you assume your interpretations of the things you have heard in that language are accurate?

I speak a little Spanish. I don't form my political opinions based on the things I have read and heard in Spanish. If I did I would think all the world needs is Taco Salad.

Alrighty then imma make a thread about me I dont wanna fill up crackers thread about my dumbass.