How to Start a Thread and Post Pictures

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Well-Known Member
Hey Wiikid:
Good post. Thanks for the info.
Okay, how do I add pix to an existing post?:-?
If you just posted it, or posted it recently enough that you can edit the post, you click edit (down by quote, multi and...whatever that other one is), and you put the pic in. Otherwise you have to just put the pics in a new post.


:peace:Been reading this thread, good info as I have no idea how to do most of this stuff either. So how do I subscribe to a thread? Cant seem to figure it out. Thanx


Well-Known Member
:peace:Been reading this thread, good info as I have no idea how to do most of this stuff either. So how do I subscribe to a thread? Cant seem to figure it out. Thanx
Well, posting in a thread subscribes you to that thread. If you want to subscribe to a thread without posting, or unsubscribe from a thread, you go up to the top of the thread and under Thread Tools there is an option to Subscribe/Unsubscribe from this Thread.


I know people get sick of newbies really quick on this site. One of my only issues with this site. There is so much information that nothing can be found easily anymore. But i just rejoined and am having the same issues i did the first time. My home page does not look like that i cant find any of the screens you posted to post a new thread. i could use any info you are willing to give me. I am having the same grow issues i had the first time, yellow fan leaves out of control ph. It raises from 5.5 to 8 every three hours. Doenst matter how much i flush or clean. It is getting frustrating and there are so many reasons that can cause this i have tried so many different theories i fixed the problem for one week one time and i didnt do anything different than every other week i grow.
Thank you,
Another stupid newbie


Well-Known Member
I know people get sick of newbies really quick on this site. One of my only issues with this site. There is so much information that nothing can be found easily anymore. But i just rejoined and am having the same issues i did the first time. My home page does not look like that i cant find any of the screens you posted to post a new thread. i could use any info you are willing to give me. I am having the same grow issues i had the first time, yellow fan leaves out of control ph. It raises from 5.5 to 8 every three hours. Doenst matter how much i flush or clean. It is getting frustrating and there are so many reasons that can cause this i have tried so many different theories i fixed the problem for one week one time and i didnt do anything different than every other week i grow.
Thank you,
Another stupid newbie
Go to the bottom of your page, and you SHOULD have a little scroll option to pick a different skin. On my screen it's in the bottom left corner. Choose blzin-07 and your screen and homepage will look exactly like mine and match all the screen shots.

If you can't do it at the bottom of your page, go to My Rollitup, and under Options, change your Forum Skin to blzin-07.
hey that's real informative!
thanks for the great info.
i was thinking just point and click, or put put down the bong and get some fresh air and try again later on.:lol:

The cap

Well-Known Member
Hi all, I've read Wikid's help for the dumbass like myself on how to post a question, yet I still can't find the "New Thread" icon???
Just want to post a simple question yet still can't get started... I know, I'm a turkey!!! Any help is appreciated...


Well-Known Member
Hi all, I've read Wikid's help for the dumbass like myself on how to post a question, yet I still can't find the "New Thread" icon???
Just want to post a simple question yet still can't get started... I know, I'm a turkey!!! Any help is appreciated...
Change your skin to blzin-07. You should be able to do it in the very bottom left hand corner of the screen. If it's not there, go to My Rollitup, and on the left side under Control Panel is Options. Scroll down to Forum Skin and select blzin-07.

Then the forum will look for you the way it looks for me, and you'll be able to follow the pics.


Well-Known Member
still not letting me post a new thread
What do you mean not letting you? Like you go through all the steps and when you try to submit your new thread it won't post it? Or you still can't figure out how to start a thread?

If you can't figure it out because your screen doesn't look like mine, you should change your skin to blzin-07. If you look up a few posts I told someone else how to do it...
idk if its just my shit or if the whole website got updated or what but my page does NOT look like that and i somehow created a new thread early but now i cant figure out where the hell the button 4 the new thread is... any help?


Well-Known Member
idk if its just my shit or if the whole website got updated or what but my page does NOT look like that and i somehow created a new thread early but now i cant figure out where the hell the button 4 the new thread is... any help?
If you want your page to look like mine so my instructions make sense, change your forum skin to blzin-07. You can either do it at the very bottom of the page, or if you go to My Rollitup, under My Control Panel, click Edit Options, and one of the very last options is Forum Skin, change it to blzin-07


Well-Known Member
Any camera with a macro setting will let you get an inch or two away from your subject. As far as the lights go....with my camera if I leave em in their normal positions close to my girls, the pics are washed out...the lights are too bright, but if I raise em up a foot or so they look good. I'm no photographer, but I enjoy taking pics of my plants every day....It satisfies my urge to do something to them and I can just let em be. I'm enjoying experimenting with my camera....take lots of pics and just pick the best ones. Enjoy.. :weed:


how long does it take to germinate the seeds by paper towel?
and does anyone know a better way to germinate?
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