for the record, i went to that pskiller site and uploaded pictures straight off a sony memory stick and every single one said "saturation adjusted". i have never adjusted any of the photos, not even to crop out the datestamp. for what purpose would i adjust the saturation on a picture of a joint?
i also uploaded the pic directly off the memory stick. i'd love for someone to explain how this picture was adjusted. i own absolutely no picture editing software except for whatever comes with windows photo viewer, and i only use that for cropping (which this picture is not).
edit: i just went and snapped an experimental pic with the same memory stick and camera and uploaded it directly from the stick and it again says "saturation adjusted". not sure what that's all about but the site is clearly not gospel. apparently it doesn't like certain settings on the camera itself. last i checked, using the appropriate setting on one's digital camera is not "cheating".