HOW TO TRANSPORT LESS THAN 1oz of bud on a plane


Well-Known Member
Zig Zag Zane just put it in a shampoo bottle if its only an 8th, i dont think cops are gonna bust your shampoo bottle open if they search
you you know. And the shampoo would cover the smell

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
Zig Zag Zane just put it in a shampoo bottle if its only an 8th, i dont think cops are gonna bust your shampoo bottle open if they search
you you know. And the shampoo would cover the smell
yeah but since that shit happened with the chemical weapon terrorist scare, arent they more on point for liquids(bottles,toothpaste etc.) and what not??Im not sure about this, I just reallllly wanna have some bud in boston, Im going there to bury my great grandma, and I need to toke in her honor...


Well-Known Member
I havent ever personally flown with weed on me, but a good friend flew from oregon to georgia with a zip of dank on him. Wrapped in a plastic baggie then again with plastic wrap, then one more time with plastic wrap. He just put it in his pocket. Just make sure for the love of god if its on your person your NOT going to set off the metal detector. That would be epic fail if you had it on you and set off the detector. Dogs shouldnt be that big of an issue if your flying domestic. Just my 2 cents.

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
So if i do indeed do the shampoo bottle should I take my carry on luggage or what? wouldnt it be weird that im taking shampoo on the plane, and if my big non-carry on bag goes through the x-ray with the shampoo bottle in it, will they see the bud? im nervous but i just have to succeed!


Well-Known Member
i would put it in the non carry luggage, they wont see an 8th of weed in x-rays .... especially if its in shampoo.

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
i would put it in the non carry luggage, they wont see an 8th of weed in x-rays .... especially if its in shampoo.
well I was underexaggerating to hear what I wanted lol I really want to bring like a half oz...still you think that would be safe and the way to go right Aba? fuck it im doing it...I need my meds, and i cant go to boston and just scream who got the trees:confused:!


Well-Known Member
well I was underexaggerating to hear what I wanted lol I really want to bring like a half oz...still you think that would be safe and the way to go right Aba? fuck it im doing it...I need my meds, and i cant go to boston and just scream who got the trees:confused:!
I dont know if you can fit an half oz in a shampoo bottle thought... but i dont know its your choice man thats the way i would do it if I was the one doin it.


Well-Known Member
Beat yourself up real good---to were it looks like your colostomy bag strapped to your waist is totally necessary for the ass whopping you received---then put your weed in the bag and poop on it---they won't search that :)


i pre-rolled some joints when i was like 16. was going away with family. parents, brothers. so i pre roll em, stick em in my cig pack and every1 just thought i had cigs in there.

i kept them in my pocket when going through metal detectors so i didnt have to put my fags throu the x-ray.

piece of piss.

also, not sure what US airports are like but every airport ive been to there is never any dogs, except once, somewhere. and u can just take ur weed in a baggie through the airport, just keep it in ur pocket an make sure it doesnt smell. its shockingly easy. and if there is dogs, just go the other way. make sure u smelly proof it though, if it stinks.

Krayven Sumhead

Well-Known Member
I roll doobs and put them into my little cigar box that I carry with me. I put the box into the tray with all my other shit like my watch, and pocket contents. No one ever sez anything or looks into the box.


Well-Known Member
for about a 1/4, just rap in clingfilm over and over again (so its a nice ball) then wrap with tape, two more layers of clingfilm and place under balls, job done!

just under an oz is a bit trickier! and personally i wouldnt risk it as its not worth the punishment!


Active Member
I always take bud on trips with me...what I always do is plastic bag it, plastic wrap it, then put it in the middle of 2 socks (i roll my socks in pairs). I put the bud in the fat section where the 2 socks are rolled together. i usually only bring <1/4 on the plane but i brought 2 ounces home when i visited california and this trick has always worked.

I have shipped a lot too but this most recent one was stolen.


Active Member
dude just wrap it up in a couple of bags/layers of cling wrap/whatever u want. put that shit right under ur sack or right up in your gooch, put on some tighty whiteys (i mean tight) to hug your stash right up near your asshole. then put on your favorite boxers over the top, make sure u cant see the multiple underwear waist bands and you should be good to go


Active Member
Actually I can get some killer name brands from lincoln and omaha for 50-60 an 1/8. Nebraska's not that bad you just have to have some good connections.
yo man it aint worth taking a chance to smoke for a lil while jsut relax wud u rather take a chance to smoke fer a week or keep smoking for your life????