How to use cal mag


Active Member
flushing with pure water is differnt than flushing or overwatering.
in order to keep the medium EC down. over watering by about 15% each time with your full strength solution ( roughly 800 ec or whatever measurement u use)
waste runoff should be about 25 to 50% more than the feed.
if it hits 2x immediately flush with complete nutrient formula until medium EC drops and continue watering normally but increase the frequency if waste ec continues to rise
I use drip emitter with promix HP . I start with 1 watering a day ( they are growing well at about 6 to 10" tall with several nodes and lesfs when transplanted into their buckets where they will stay until harvest .)
when the EC in the waste rises I add an extra watering per day
hand watering is th4 same .
ec goes up, increase frequency
good luck:)


Well-Known Member
is that soil or coco?

and i agree with whomever said its lockout, not lack of Ca or Mg.

did anybody ask what EC/ppm he/she is feeding at?

Star Dog

Well-Known Member
Next time, im going to flush my girls prob at week 5 compared to week 7. Never knew I had to flush. Im going to flush at week 5 next time, and possibly flush the last week of life as well
Maybe I wasn't clear but you need nutrient pissing out the bottom of the pot every time you feed.
You absolutely must feed to 15/20% runoff or sure as the world turns you'll will get problems with build up.


Well-Known Member
Maybe I wasn't clear but you need nutrient pissing out the bottom of the pot every time you feed.
You absolutely must feed to 15/20% runoff or sure as the world turns you'll will get problems with build up.
Ok, ya I will start doing that. I already was going to start doing that. They are drinking to fast. 1000ml only lasts a day now


Well-Known Member
Maybe I wasn't clear but you need nutrient pissing out the bottom of the pot every time you feed.
You absolutely must feed to 15/20% runoff or sure as the world turns you'll will get problems with build up.
So I cant just have a little run off? I dont see how I'm going to know if 15-20% ran off

Star Dog

Well-Known Member
So I cant just have a little run off? I dont see how I'm going to know if 15-20% ran off
Yes its possible to have a little run off you'll need to test it to know how much you require, the nutrient coming out of the bottom should be the same as whats going in the top.

Every morning I've got 3/3.5 ltrs of run off to empty.
I've started saving it re ph and ec then using it again for a 2nd time on alternate days then dumping it.


Well-Known Member
Yes its possible to have a little run off you'll need to test it to know how much you require, the nutrient coming out of the bottom should be the same as whats going in the top.

Every morning I've got 3/3.5 ltrs of run off to empty.
I've started saving it re ph and ec then using it again for a 2nd time then dumping it.
I dont have a ph tester. I have a crapy pool tester, thats what I got. I will get one next grow. I paid enough this grow. My water is always in the 6.0 range so ya. Haven't had problems yet with ph, atleast not to my knowledge. When I tested my soil in the pot that was doing the worst, the soil was reading at around 7-7.2ish it looks. Hopefully that flush balanced things out for her.


Well-Known Member
Yes its possible to have a little run off you'll need to test it to know how much you require, the nutrient coming out of the bottom should be the same as whats going in the top.

Every morning I've got 3/3.5 ltrs of run off to empty.
I've started saving it re ph and ec then using it again for a 2nd time on alternate days then dumping it.
I survived two grows without testing the ph, I think i will be good this grow. Next grow though I need to look for a ventilation system, ph tester, and jewelers loop. Dont have ventilation either, but I kept my grow tent open and have a fan on so its what ever. I got a dehumidifier running though, keeping my humidity around 39-52%. Its normally in the low 40% range


Well-Known Member
is that soil or coco?

and i agree with whomever said its lockout, not lack of Ca or Mg.

did anybody ask what EC/ppm he/she is feeding at?
Its soil. Dont have any way to test ppm yet. I will get their next grow, like I said, already spent enough this grow, and made it 2 other grows without doing it. My water usually is around 6.0 though when we test it with this crappy ph tester. It works well, but don't know how accurate it is. It can be hard to tell as well, but its what ever. One does not need everything all in one shot to grow pot. This grow will already beat my previous grows, I can already tell


Well-Known Member
that's good. do you feed every watering? or do you use water/water/feed/water etc etc???
I give nutes twice a week. Then the rest water. I give nutes then water the next time. It used to be nutes, water, nutes, water. That has changed now to nutes, water, water, nutes, water, water, water


Active Member
so you have no ec meter ? ok u should get one . ther reality is that when growing in a carbon based system ph is usually of little concern. look up CATION EXCHANGE CAPACITY. it the resistance to change, or buffering capacity. Carbon is tu4 same as tu4 carbon in your air filter just not as ACTIVATED but non rhe less has adsorbant quality. its resistance to change and tu4 abilty to absorb excess salts is what kept your plants alive despite under watering but only tons point. when it's ability is overtaxed 6ou start 5o see problems 6ou would have so much sooner in a water based bufferless system such as NFT or aeopoincs or rockwool
ph is logarithmic. meaning it progresses by x10 .6 is 10x more acidic that 7 5 100x .that means there is a lot of energy 5o change naturally as well as the buffering. capacity of xarbkn it is really rare to drift more than a point or so either way .5.5 to 7.5 I completely fine.
IF it drifts uptake does not stop but is only reduced. +/- 15% ? but does not stop
if 5ou use a soil or soil3ss system it is almost NEVER ph
and almost ALWAYS nutrient issues relating 4o high salt or incomplete fertilizer

Doug Dawson

Well-Known Member
That a million dollar book I’m gonna see if I can order one off Amazon
Get a free subscription to They give a 30 day free subscription, just cancel before 30 days up and it's free. I just downloaded both those books from there. They have tons of books and manuals I have downloaded for free.


Active Member
nutrients are fed EACH watering with overflow.
ec too low is also an issue.
plants take up nutrients when they are in a certain "pressure " ( metaphorically) like we breath in PSI or Atm ( 1 atmospheric pressure is 14.7 psi )
higher we get the bends . same ari nitrogen ratio but different absorption results


Active Member
any medium . period. that is ho3 salt/ec builds up. you do not HAVE to overwater but the5 just means your salt and ec build up.
each watering you let it go until it overflows. it will drain.
now with that said VERY FEW people are actually growing in dirt , even if they think they are. the VAST amount of grow media is a sphagnum based media or SOILESS as it is commercially ref3red .
sphagnum based formulas can be used as a hydroponic media asn4hey will drain almost immediately back to proper air water ration.
even 5he addition of ACTUAL potting mix the instruction still say to overwater to overflow and let dry out


Active Member
Get a free subscription to They give a 30 day free subscription, just cancel before 30 days up and it's free. I just downloaded both those books from there. They have tons of books and manuals I have downloaded for free.
if you are downloading you might as well get this one as well .read all 4 smd you know 95% of all hydroponics info.notingb has chanh3din 5he science just made more complicated and costly especially when a pot leaf is put on something. put a pot leaf on and charge 10x what a normal farmer pays lol
I will include a pic of THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ORGANIC GARDENING an actual agricultural based science book on organics...( no hippies were harmed in the writing of this book )



Active Member
if you are downloading you might as well get this one as well .read all 4 smd you know 95% of all hydroponics info.notingb has chanh3din 5he science just made more complicated and costly especially when a pot leaf is put on something. put a pot leaf on and charge 10x what a normal farmer pays lol
I will include a pic of THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ORGANIC GARDENING an actual agricultural based science book on organics...( no hippies were harmed in the writing of this book )
the third one is TH3 ABC IF NFT by dr allan cooper 1977 plain boring tomatoes and cucumbers when you made everything because there was nothing to buy . the original OG of books