How to use the RIU FAQ

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How to check a private message, now called conversations:
Alternatively you can click "START A NEW CONVERSATION" on the right hand side of the black circle i made
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will you be bringing back the features previously attached to our avitars, so we don't have to click a separate action to see:

# of posts
member status
where members are from

It was nice to just look over and see who's who…. (I know it's a lazy request :-). I think we will all end up liking the new site. Appreciate your hard work guys.
hi hooka this thread is jsut for help on how to use basic site functions ask admin in his thread one up from mine in here, he will answer that!
How to get to your "WATCHED THREADS" called SUBBED threads before
go to the main forum page, clicked watched threads. and there you'll be brought to your subbed list of unread threads
How to FOLLOW someone, (we no longer have friends)
go to the persons profile page
click follow right next to their name
follow.jpg that persons posts are now going to appear in your "news feed"
found by going to your name on the right hand corner and clicking
"news feed"
follow1.jpg from there youre brought to a news feed page of posts and threads of people youre following so you can keep close contact with your friends !

THIS one is very simple, all you need to do is hit reply, it will auto go into the reply box, reply to that specific person, than hit reply on the additional persons post you want to multi reply to
and their post auto goes into your reply box and from there you can reply to them as well
HOORAY multiquote!
Are you guys still working on the kinks to post pictures I'm using my iphone and it will let me select a file and bring it up but the. Just has two button a close and select file neither witch allows me to post pictures any help thanx
Hey guys I can't add photos either :( trying to add them from my photos in my iPad but no luck. It just loads but nothings there.
Are you guys still working on the kinks to post pictures I'm using my iphone and it will let me select a file and bring it up but the. Just has two button a close and select file neither witch allows me to post pictures any help thanx

Exactly my problem.
I have such a dirty mind ;)

THIS one is very simple, all you need to do is hit reply, it will auto go into the reply box, reply to that specific person, than hit reply on the additional persons post you want to multi reply to
and their post auto goes into your reply box and from there you can reply to them as well
HOORAY multiquote!

interesting...I tried to multiquote from different pages in another thread and it wouldn't do it. Like one post on one page and one post from another page.

it did in this one though...hmmm. maybe I did something wrong last time?
Thanks Sunni! I just read Joe's reply ... Yup I need reading glasses! Guess I will have to edit my avatar and draw in some bifocals!
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