Start New Conversations does not show up for me.How to check a private message, now called conversations:
View attachment 3041978
Alternatively you can click "START A NEW CONVERSATION" on the right hand side of the black circle i made
Are you guys still working on the kinks to post pictures I'm using my iphone and it will let me select a file and bring it up but the. Just has two button a close and select file neither witch allows me to post pictures any help thanx
talk to admin in his thread in the support section might be a permission bug we need to fixStart New Conversations does not show up for me.
Will do that as soon as I get back home. to admin in his thread in the support section might be a permission bug we need to fix
THIS one is very simple, all you need to do is hit reply, it will auto go into the reply box, reply to that specific person, than hit reply on the additional persons post you want to multi reply to
and their post auto goes into your reply box and from there you can reply to them as well
HOORAY multiquote!
read back through this thread it's in here somewhere. You need to " start a conversation" now instead of send pm
hehe read through my posts, in this thread , if i havent answered your question ask away and ill respond as best as possible!WTF .... Looks like now I need reading glasses too ... Lol