How to use the RIU FAQ

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I use firefox. essentially my problem is that I cant reuse my pictures once I have uploaded them. I end up having to upload them again to each post.
yeah i agree on the previous attachments like i said this new forum is still new so were implementing old features all the time when we can , so it may end up coming back if xenforo has that feature.
but as for copy image location , it should indeed work im not sure why it isnt for you , it works for me and i use firefox , all i can offer you is to ask admin in his thread in this support forum, and ask him if he can put in the feature youd like to see come back
I sit corrected, the link works it's just the button image is not there, If I could remember how to make this thing to take screen shots, I'd send a copy of what I am seeing. Maybe later:-)

just hit print screen on your keyboard paste in in paint crop it if you want and save it as a jpeg file
Just for giggles I tried another machine with same version of the OS, and it behaves the same. I have a machine I want to install the newest version on before I upgrade others. I will post back the results.
hi sunni, I first read thru all this...and I didn't see anything on how to change my handle. "greenthumbsmcgee" can I change that or would I need to open a new account? I named myself before I thought I would be using this site as much as I do, now I want to take it a little more seriously, cause I love your site! keep up the good work! ;) thanks for help
hi sunni, I first read thru all this...and I didn't see anything on how to change my handle. "greenthumbsmcgee" can I change that or would I need to open a new account? I named myself before I thought I would be using this site as much as I do, now I want to take it a little more seriously, cause I love your site! keep up the good work! ;) thanks for help
no you cants change your name on here, sorry about that
hi sunni, had some trouble, clicked on thumbnail for all and most came out very large, I'll look @ FAQ some more
from your last post with pictures...alll i can say is thats what thumbnail is people are able to click it to make the photo bigger...which is what thumbnail is
it almost like heres a little preview picture...and if the user clicks it than they can make it bigger to have a better view
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