How would raising taxes affect you and our economy?

Well, excuse the shit out of me. I have posted pics and all you have to do is click on them and they enlarge. Are you always such a whiny little bitch?
as i pointed out before your evasivness amuses me im not the one whining about it being difficult for lil ol' you
but seriously, it would help reduce the enormous and dangerous income inequality situation to more sustainable levels, helping to even the playing field and make it more possible for the little guys to team up against the big guy.

That can't be any more flawed. If the rich can't be rich why be rich. No one will strive to be rich because you can get the same with less work by being poor. Soon enough everyone will be poor with no one to leech from. The incentive for hard work gone.

Don't even squirm your way out of this. It is what happened to the soviets.
Well and a poor choice of product production
That can't be any more flawed. If the rich can't be rich why be rich. No one will strive to be rich because you can get the same with less work by being poor. Soon enough everyone will be poor with no one to leech from. The incentive for hard work gone.

Don't even squirm your way out of this. It is what happened to the soviets.
Well and a poor choice of product production

when did i say the rich couldn't be rich?
Why has no one suggested eliminating taxes on citizens?
This seems like a great idea to me and i'm sure it would be popular
A workable plan that we could all support.
Why has no one suggested eliminating taxes on citizens?
This seems like a great idea to me and i'm sure it would be popular
A workable plan that we could all support.

Because the liberal way is to punish others for being smarter, richer, and more successful than the couch potato wannabees.
I'm thinking between our military and all the immigrants we could create enough revenue to maintain or even increase services that benefit the public while eliminating taxes on citizens and paying down the debt, sounds like a valid plan to me.
Because the liberal way is to punish others for being smarter, richer, and more successful than the couch potato wannabees.

it's not about getting rid of a failed economic policy or preventing's all just jealousy.

hi, willard!
A few pages back? Evasiveness? I'm supposed to waste my time because... ?

I verbalized my main point, which does not require looking at the graphs at any high resolution. If trickle down works, we should not see a continued divergence between the richest and the rest.
You correctly pointed out that the first graph was about capital income, so I provided another that totals taxable income, incl. salaries etc.

I did ask, and am asking again, Mr Neutron: do you support or find logical fault with this concept, and if so, how do you arrive there? cn
I'm thinking between our military and all the immigrants we could create enough revenue to maintain or even increase services that benefit the public while eliminating taxes on citizens and paying down the debt, sounds like a valid plan to me.

how you going to pay for the military?
how you going to pay for the military?

By using them to take over oil fields and supply routes and by selling the oil and charging to use supply routes also by using them to gain control of water and other resources and charging for access to those things- Oil, Food, Water, Coal etc...
Not only would that pay for the military it would make the military profitable and we could use the proceeds to benefit the domestic economy.
By using them to take over oil fields and supply routes and by selling the oil and charging to use supply routes also by using them to gain control of water and other resources and charging for access to those things- Oil, Food, Water, Coal etc...
Not only would that pay for the military it would make the military profitable and we could use the proceeds to benefit the domestic economy.

that would be a dictator :-( . That is like a viking tribe that runs around and pillages under order of their leader.
I verbalized my main point, which does not require looking at the graphs at any high resolution. If trickle down works, we should not see a continued divergence between the richest and the rest.
You correctly pointed out that the first graph was about capital income, so I provided another that totals taxable income, incl. salaries etc.

I did ask, and am asking again, Mr Neutron: do you support or find logical fault with this concept, and if so, how do you arrive there? cn

Bitch get you ass in the kitchen and make me a SANDWICH!
that would be a dictator :-( . That is like a viking tribe that runs around and pillages under order of their leader.

Not if we voted for it,
Or if our elected representatives decided it was best.
Why wouldn't we want to use the military to our benefit?
I also suggest an immigrant tax- At the store you are ID'ed at each purchase, show your ID proving that your a citizen and you are not charged tax, no ID, no problem... just pay a 25% tax.