How would raising taxes affect you and our economy?

you need to premise your assertion. muslims can't just opt out, unless of course all you read are right wing rags and ann coulter.

more lies that appeal to xenophobia from the right wing. how surprising.

shall not include any individual for any month if such
individual has in effect an exemption under section
1311(d)(4)(H) of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care
Act which certifies that such individual is—
‘‘(i) a member of a recognized religious sect or
division thereof which is described in section
1402(g)(1), and
‘‘(ii) an adherent of established tenets or teachings
of such sect or division as described in such section.’’.

shall not include any individual for any month if such
individual has in effect an exemption under section
1311(d)(4)(H) of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care
Act which certifies that such individual is—
‘‘(i) a member of a recognized religious sect or
division thereof which is described in section
1402(g)(1), and
‘‘(ii) an adherent of established tenets or teachings
of such sect or division as described in such section.’’.

self ownage until you include the relevant sections, xenophobe.

shall not include any individual for any month if such
individual has in effect an exemption under section
1311(d)(4)(H) of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care
Act which certifies that such individual is—
‘‘(i) a member of a recognized religious sect or
division thereof which is described in section
1402(g)(1), and
‘‘(ii) an adherent of established tenets or teachings
of such sect or division as described in such section.’’.

So all you have to do is become a jehovah witness

And as a bonus

They tend to vote republican

Now stop crying. Us liberals will still support you societal free loaders
so the guy making $50k has a $5k debt now from his deductible. are you saying someone making $50k can't handle a $5k debt? and how does it get passed onto us? if he doesn't pay, it gets passed onto debt collectors. You can't be serious.

how exactly will subsidies for health insurance lead to more foreclosures? When you leave someone a debt because his $42/month healthcare doesn't cover and leaves him in debt. Who to pay? Hospital, mortgage, car, utilities? If you don't understand then you've never been down.

how exactly will mandatory insurance that protects from sky high medical debt lead to more foreclosures? You speak with forked tongue.

they guy making $50k who is forced to buy insurance will now only face that $5k deductible, not $250k in medical debt. Show me where it says that in the bill. After his cheap $42/month insurance is used up then what?

you made the stupidest argument ever, sorry to say. I feel the same way about you.

LOL, typical of you. You get proven wrong then fail to respond back in a sensible manner. Then resort to personal attacks. You're predictable

without being able to see what section 1402 (g) (1) says, your post is meaningless.

of course there will be religious exemptions, the question is WHO will qualify.

premise your assertion