How would raising taxes affect you and our economy?

Again you tiptoe around the fact
That no one is exempt from "obamacare" there is a exemption for one part of it that expires in 2014 for companys that apply 75% of those that got the one time exemption for one thing for one year are non union

Either admit that or just come out and say you are a liar

Do you only see two feet in front of you!
Waivers aren't even in the legislature moron, HHS (another government bureaucracy) can change or extend the waivers anytime and any way they see fit, just the way they put them in without congressional approval, hello!
No one is lying to you, you're just to fucking gullible if you put trust in another bureaucratic government failed agency to write laws.

"At the hearing, Steven Larson, Deputy Administrator and Director for the Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, argued that waivers act as a bridge from now until 2014, when Obamacare will be fully implemented. Larson said the waivers were always on the table to phase out mini-med plans.

But Heritage Senior Research Fellow Ed Haislmaier pointed to 21 different sections in the new law that authorize the HHS Secretary to provide waivers for specific purposes—and authority to grant waivers for annual and lifetime limits was not among them. In his testimony, Haislmaier argued, “HHS has exceeded its statutory authority in creating this waiver process. The statute does not explicitly grant HHS authority to waive the application of this provision.”

It’s simple, really: If Congress intended to institute a waiver process for this particular provision of Obamacare, they would have included it in the legislation. It seems clear, then, that Congress never intended to award waivers for this provision of the law. In doing so, HHS has overstepped its authority."
Again you tiptoe around the fact
That no one is exempt from "obamacare" there is a exemption for one part of it that expires in 2014 for companys that apply 75% of those that got the one time exemption for one thing for one year are non union

Either admit that or just come out and say you are a liar

No one will be exempt from Obamacare? You may want to do further research on that, big guy.

Oh, and I'm still waiting on your response in the other thread. You seem to be avoiding it, I wonder why.
No one will be exempt from Obamacare? You may want to do further research on that, big guy.

Oh, and I'm still waiting on your response in the other thread. You seem to be avoiding it, I wonder why.

AS it stands today, there are 1,231 waivers totaling 4million employees, those waivers were not part of the legislation and are supposedly up in 2014, so we'll have to wait and see.

What response is that?
Me. When you add healthcare expenses to houses that are underwater I see a recipe for disaster and families being wiped out. It was that way before and your healthcare won't have help it at all. It was a pure money grab and everyone knows it.

so families currently never have health care expenses? and subsidizing them to buy insurance which will protect them from foreclosures and bankruptcies will raise the rate of foreclosures how, exactly? and mandating that those who can insure themselves do will pass on health care costs to everyone else how?

you make no sense here. sometimes you can be rational, but this is just partisan hackery from you.
so families currently never have health care expenses? and subsidizing them to buy insurance which will protect them from foreclosures and bankruptcies will raise the rate of foreclosures how, exactly? and mandating that those who can insure themselves do will pass on health care costs to everyone else how?

you make no sense here. sometimes you can be rational, but this is just partisan hackery from you.

if the guy making $50k gets sick and eats up his deductible, he will be stuck with the $5k bill instead of everyone else being stuck with his entire medical bill, however large it may be.

Leaving someone with a debt is the reason people file bankruptcy. Don't use the excuse that he makes $50, you've used that one already.

So with Obamacare we pay the bill and he still has a debt. Good going.
Talking point buck strikes again. Would you like to address the other 4?

the amish might be exempt. they have a long history of relying solely on themselves, which is why they get to skip paying into SS.

the others? probably not. i bet tom cruise visits the hospital time and again.
Leaving someone with a debt is the reason people file bankruptcy. Don't use the excuse that he makes $50, you've used that one already.

So with Obamacare we pay the bill and he still has a debt. Good going.

you are totally confused here.

baffling with bullshit. read up and try again, sport.
Came from you sweetheart. Leaving the man with $5k that we won't pay. Sounds like a debt to me and you concurred.

so the guy making $50k has a $5k debt now from his deductible. are you saying someone making $50k can't handle a $5k debt? and how does it get passed onto us? if he doesn't pay, it gets passed onto debt collectors.

how exactly will subsidies for health insurance lead to more foreclosures?

how exactly will mandatory insurance that protects from sky high medical debt lead to more foreclosures?

they guy making $50k who is forced to buy insurance will now only face that $5k deductible, not $250k in medical debt.

you made the stupidest argument ever, sorry to say.
Why can Muslims opt out because of religious beliefs, but Catholic's cannot?

you need to premise your assertion. muslims can't just opt out, unless of course all you read are right wing rags and ann coulter.

more lies that appeal to xenophobia from the right wing. how surprising.