Cali chronic
Well-Known Member
but seriously, it would help reduce the enormous and dangerous income inequality situation to more sustainable levels, helping to even the playing field and make it more possible for the little guys to team up against the big guy.
On your chalk board! Yet, once those money grubbers see a hint of daylight they spend it before they get it. Not helping the little business or the guy who wants to start a small business. NO, they tax and lay levy on him in the form of permits or a "special trashcan" to throw out bud trimmings because some dofous threw it into a Hazmat classification. Mean while as that money rolls in they stand up and say oooh ooooh I want it for my pet project in the Balkans or wherever. Then if we follow the money we (the people) see it is for a business that he or she (a money grubbing paid off official who is on an oversight committee) Channels it through. The folks on the hill really believe that you have the same opportunities they do... They (on the hill or in charge) do not take into consideration that they have money, or come from a money back ground, or have connections to get their stuff to the front of the line.
So I disagree with the overall; "Give our money to someone to redistribute it" thinking. Less Govt is better! Because if you put your pants on, one leg at a time, chances are you are capable of lying or otherwise. And those getting the job to redistribute put their pants or pantsuits on, one leg at a time.