How would raising taxes affect you and our economy?


This is why propagandist charts like these are put out, knuckleheads like you eat them up.
If you think that chart illustrates 48% of missing budget revenue, you are dumber than I thought.

You're great at posting childish cartoons, let's see you explain the figures your chart represents. LOL
This is why propagandist charts like these are put out, knuckleheads like you eat them up.
If you think that chart illustrates 48% of missing budget revenue, you are dumber than I thought.

You're great at posting childish cartoons, let's see you explain the figures your chart represents. LOL


Corporations are people.

Like I said before, trickle down economics work in theory, but theory can't account for greed. So if you don't understand greed, I can't convince you. Judge a tree by it's fruit, look how well this trickle down BS has worked so far.

Like I said before, trickle down economics work in theory, but theory can't account for greed. So if you don't understand greed, I can't convince you. Judge a tree by it's fruit, look how well this trickle down BS has worked so far.

The term is extremely accurate - it is not "flow" down, it is not "flush" down, it is indeed trickle -

trickle [ˈtrɪk[SUP]ə[/SUP]l] vb 1. to run or cause to run in thin or slow streams

1. a thin, irregular, or slow flow of something
Until I see that you're capable of articulating your message with something of substance, I'll continue to view you as knuckleheaded kid posting cartoons.

have faith in the trickle down fairy. one day she will job us the jobs with jobbies.
Until I see that you're capable of articulating your message with something of substance, I'll continue to view you as knuckleheaded kid posting cartoons.

Like I said before, trickle down economics work in theory, but theory can't account for greed. So if you don't understand greed, I can't convince you. Judge a tree by it's fruit, look how well this trickle down BS has worked so far.


Have some more cartoons though.
so, where it says "social security tax" and "medicare tax", i am being dishonest by saying i was taxed?

brool story, co.

In the context of this thread, yes. Especuially, if you let people into think it's part of your federal income tax. Nor do you support your argument very well when you rely on semantical tricks.