keep studyingHow would you prepare yourself for the future, and your life and everything if you knew
that you'd find yourself in a situation, again, wherein all you owned fit on your shoulders-- + or - a skateboard, a bike, or a scooter?
Army? a situation, again, wherein all you owned fit on your shoulders....
Sounds like University life to me and a biochemistry/plant physiology degree is helpful in growing.How would you prepare yourself for the future, and your life and everything if you knew
that you'd find yourself in a situation, again, wherein all you owned fit on your shoulders-- + or - a skateboard, a bike, or a scooter?
We're all in the situation. If any of us stop pulling in cash/working for a long enough amount of time we're back on the rails.How would you prepare yourself for the future, and your life and everything if you knew
that you'd find yourself in a situation, again, wherein all you owned fit on your shoulders-- + or - a skateboard, a bike, or a scooter?