HuffPo Turns On Obama: He Presided Over The "Destruction Of The Democratic Party"

just wondering how much you want me to do it. i don't need your permission to bump your publicly (not publicaly, moron) available posts.

Am I not allowed to spend my money however I want?

Waste all the time you want on me. I'm flattered. While you're at it, shoot me another $20.00.
Am I not allowed to spend my money however I want?

Waste all the time you want on me. I'm flattered. While you're at it, shoot me another $20.00.

insurance, eh?

i know lots of people who buy boats and sunglasses with their "insurance" money.
It was a sleeper account I made way back in the beginning. Figured I'd put it to use.

it was funny how much you cried when i outed that account as you right away. you said you could go back to prison and your wife would have to beg strangers for money again and you blamed me for your choice to have that account.

i still have the screenshots of the PMs you sent me on that one. they are hilarious. now those are worth posting.
I made no phone calls.
The newspaper says no such thing.
I acted like a racist to give you all what you so desire.
The feds have me on probation.
"He then told police about R******** G********, and L**** . F*********r both of S**** **** whom he said were growing the pot."

That is a statement coming from the paper saying you told guy. I hide names and places so... If you like I can post the article in its entirety to show what all was said, but they have you snitching.

Why would I need or desire racism ?

So as long as you are on probation they have you snitching or gathers evidence ?
it was funny how much you cried when i outed that account as you right away. you said you could go back to prison and your wife would have to beg strangers for money again and you blamed me for your choice to have that account.

i still have the screenshots of the PMs you sent me on that one. they are hilarious. now those are worth posting.

It was funny when you pm'ed me when I got out about how you're a pussy.
"He then told police about R******** G********, and L**** . F*********r both of S**** **** whom he said were growing the pot."

That is a statement coming from the paper saying you told guy. I hide names and places so... If you like I can post the article in its entirety to show what all was said, but they have you snitching.

Why would I need or desire racism ?

So as long as you are on probation they have you snitching or gathers evidence ?

They had 35 lbs fronted to them by someone who "would kill them" if anything happened to them. They specifically asked me to say "They grew it themselves" if anything were to ever happen to us. The feds said "Where did they get the 35 lbs?" I said, "They grew it". They do not charge people as "co-defendants" when one has informed on the other.

Y'all love attacking racists. I give you what you want.

Yes, I'm gathering evidence right now, because it's not like this is a PUBLIC forum or anything.
It was funny when you pm'ed me when I got out about how you're a pussy.

you can post that PM if you want. not wanting to be associated with a known felon was smart of me though.

especially considering you turned out to be a snitch.
They had 35 lbs fronted to them by someone who "would kill them" if anything happened to them. They specifically asked me to say "They grew it themselves" if anything were to ever happen to us. The feds said "Where did they get the 35 lbs?" I said, "They grew it". They do not charge people as "co-defendants" when one has informed on the other.

Y'all love attacking racists. I give you what you want.

Yes, I'm gathering evidence right now, because it's not like this is a PUBLIC forum or anything.
They told you to say that they are growing it themselves if anything happens? They said snitch on us if anything happens? Yeah right and WTF.
again the paper said you told them about the others. You gave up names.
Now other info comes back that you were making calls to people making deals to good to believe. SETUP

Racist should be attack. So you made a racist account to make us happy...again WTF and yeah right.

Are you trying to lure people into confessions
you should really follow your own advice. that way your wife won't have to worry about you getting taken away and her being forced to beg internet strangers for money again.

I'm clean. I have no worries. I don't have to be a scared pussy like you.
We qualified for a short period but then were disqualified a couple years due to changes in living arrangements and work. Then we qualified for medical when i got preg.

He got a new job in january and that cut off benefits again. Never disability.

You have fun making pretend tho. Do you.

So you're saying that now you're off welfare, fuck everyone else who needs it now?

You do realize that's worse than being a simple hypocrite, don't you?
literally no one believes that.

one year ago, you were on food stamps for 8+ years running, free health care, free health care for your kid (thanks to hillary, no less), and your hubby was making $12 an hour (less than i made while i was in high school decades ago).

if you want us to believe that your hubby went from high school wages with a dishonorable to making regular "business trips" you're gonna have to get a little more crafty with your lies.
Wtf are you going on about?

What do you think a business trip is? I never said he was going full suit nyc. He drives to another location an fixes machinary a couple times a year. They pay his expenses and there is overtime pay.

Other than honorable led to jobs with low wages at first because there were no openings in his field near where we were. Job market was pretty scarce but it was where family was.

You dont need to be making six figures to go on a business trip.
I'm clean. I have no worries. I don't have to be a scared pussy like you.

then why did you PM me scared like a little bitch after i outed your sheskunk account, and then again later when you came up with some moronic conspiracy theory about me calling your PO?
You're an idiot.

You've been on this crusade against me for 4 years now. I'm curious as to what your goal is. I was there, I know what happened. It's like you're trying to convince me of my own reality. There is nothing you can ever say or do that will change what happened.
Your a snitch. I personal don't like snitches. Don't be down with the getting down, then open your mouth when you go down. I also have a thing against racist POS.
If the paper lied you have a lawsuit. I don't think you will be taking them to court though