Huge plant needs fed every watering?

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
there's always one problem child....everyone is fat and sassy, full of piss and vinegar....exceptIMG_20180119_021029.jpg
this problem child.....any food seems to be too much...any water at all makes it droop like hell....just repotted, the roots looked decent, not sure what the problem is, it gets the same as the rest of the plants, so why is this one looking like shit? IMG_20180119_021041.jpgbecause there's always one.....


Well-Known Member
So this huge plant that I started the thread over was a clone from my last crop, the mother threw a couple banana flowers and a few undeveloped seeds before but this time she really hermied out. The branches closest to the light seem to be the worst, they had weird growth as well when they first started.

This strain is sooooo smelly and potent, ive broke branches before 30 days on accident and when it dries it still smells amazing like bubblegum and has a good high.

I'm thinking of letting some sacks develop and robbing the pollen then maybe crossing that with my gg#4 or my bigger bud strain. Both of these strains are very stable and can take massive amounts of stress.

Once I've crossed these two and grown the babies... Do I then hermie one of them and back cross with the mother again?

I've read a bit about it but it's a little confusing. I suppose since this strain hermies my babies will have the potential to as well?


Well-Known Member
After more research I think the biggest problem with this plant was that it was getting too much light.

This makes the already big plant use more water and more nutrients. This is why the extra cal-mag helped.

I noticed when I crawled under most the lower leaves were nice and dark except like one or two, most the yellowing occurred up top. I've since raised the light and turned up the fan but it's all I can do.

The plant is doing good still, will update photos later. Thanks again guys.


Well-Known Member
I cried yesterday morning.... Too many bananas growing and too many opening up I had to kill her.

This thing was gonna go far in the afterlife lol.

Too bad better luck next time.


Well-Known Member
Genetics and stress, it was a single seed from a friends crop, the plant had a banana flower just one.

I sprouted the seed and cloned it, budded the mother and same thing one banana and a seed or two so I grew the clones out big, cloned them and budded them out. It was 30 days or so in from the switch when took it out and took that picture.

There were 50 or more bananas counted on the damn thing this time.

Girl would have been massive if I finished her.