Huge plant needs fed every watering?


Well-Known Member
As a note you can find high quality dried molasses from places

Pretty sure its about the same as any other

Look up havery smith on you tube

He gives a great explaination on products like sweeteners and what they do :)


Well-Known Member
Lol how did my thread turn into a nutrient discussion? Was it that I had mentioned advanced nutrients?

Like I said before I got all mine for free so I'll be using it for the next crop, after that since this is now a nutrient discussion, what is the cheapest/best dry nutrient setup?

I'd like to switch eventually to something cheaper and easy to store. I only use bottled shit cause that's what we have here (fox farm) I'll have to order whatever I choose in the end.

If I go with dry nutes and make my own, what can I do to supplement the taste additives, I might keep using bud candy, I've had it side by side against some Brer Rabbit molasses and guano and I thought the plants drinking the candy were much tastier. Lots of other things were different though. I just assumed maybe it was the bud candy.

I know an doesn't just bottle crap, they are overpriced but they have put a ton of work into their products, I wouldn't call them snake oils, rhino skin really does stiffen stocks, I haven't looked for a cheaper alt. though, the sensizyme is from what I understand a "micro booster" with beneficial fungus. Seems to help root growth and development.

Some of the others, like the flushing bs (that I used to fall for) and the other 5 or so bottles seem to be useless, I'll probably use it all untill it's not effective to refill my base nutes. After that, what's my best dry option?
Man there are rabbit holes around here and trust me you can and will get dragged down into said rabbit holes on certain topics lol


Well-Known Member
@Cold$moke Like I said I dont wanna flame I'm too newbie in this stuff.I was just suprised by your statement.. Sadly Only powder nutes that I know is green house seeds powder feeding.. I cant order anything out of EU coz it goes thru customs then, and I have police record for weed related actions...


Well-Known Member
I dont wanna flame,but funny thing yhis is first tine I hear biobizz,hesi,plagroon,bionova,gh,remonutes,canna nutes all of that is snake oil.. and they didnt went broke?? How strange..
And opposit what you say I read that powder nutes arent good,coz thru time good this drop to bottom of bag,and you cant shske it like liqued nutes to be "one" again.. Sorry for craply english.. but this is first time someone is bashing liq. nutes
Wow you going there bottle riding?

The joke is 70-80$ a litre for bud x is absurd. 2kg of crabmeal is 5$. 2kg Insect frass is 10$.

Big bottle companies will never go broke. Too many lazy idiots willing to pay 10x over for premix bottles and fanboy on Mike's sack in that g6 jet.

Powder nute bashing? Separate? FFS.


Well-Known Member
As a note you can find high quality dried molasses from places

Pretty sure its about the same as any other

Look up havery smith on you tube

He gives a great explaination on products like sweeteners and what they do :)
Dark brown sugar. :-)

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member

i use the general purpose 20-20-20 for veg, till the stretch stops, then i give them two weeks of the 10-30-20 as a PK boost, then i'll run the 20-10-20 citrus feed till finish. i'm considering dropping the 20-20-20, and just using the citrus all the way through, keeping the two week switch to 10-30-20 blossom booster at the end of stretch. 20 P all the way through seems like it might be excessive.
i spray a foliar calcium spray every two weeks, and every three weeks or so i'll give them a watering with just some kelp extract and fulvic and humic acid, i think it helps them clean out their own root system a little, use up any residual nutes around the roots.


Well-Known Member
Epsom salt? As an additive? How much do you use? Now that's a cheap additive lol. Molasses is a pain to measure but I use it and it works. I like the dried molasses suggestion, sounds like less mess.

Maybe I should just pre mix some molasses water concentrate so it's easier to measure, I hate trying to measure out teaspoons of molasses every feeding.

I'm going to try some advanced additives since I have them this time, sometime later I'll try a cheaper even more natural approach, I'm saving old soil for composting, I'm going to add worms, crabshells and stuff, seaweeds and kelp, and maybe even some stuff like salmon scraps.

When it's done breaking down I'm going to start running plants through and experimenting. I'm doing some research on composting, I'd like to go full organic soil someday I think, just worried about the bugs that come with. Maybe being in Alaska will help with that.


Well-Known Member

i use the general purpose 20-20-20 for veg, till the stretch stops, then i give them two weeks of the 10-30-20 as a PK boost, then i'll run the 20-10-20 citrus feed till finish. i'm considering dropping the 20-20-20, and just using the citrus all the way through, keeping the two week switch to 10-30-20 blossom booster at the end of stretch. 20 P all the way through seems like it might be excessive.
i spray a foliar calcium spray every two weeks, and every three weeks or so i'll give them a watering with just some kelp extract and fulvic and humic acid, i think it helps them clean out their own root system a little, use up any residual nutes around the roots.
Any photos of your buds? I know you can't tell everything from a photo but I'd like to see what this produces in the end. Sounds like a pretty simple feeding program.

I went to that site and there's a 20-10-20 peat-lite with twice the micros of the general mix, made for commercial peat based soils. This seems like a good idea for a base to start. I didn't see the citrus feed 20-10-20.

The 20-10-20 peat lite with the 10-30-20 blossom booster would probably perform well huh?
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Well-Known Member
@907cannabis sorry for jacking your thread.. I was using mollases last 4 grows but i will dich her, Dont know why but last 4 grows some of my plants refused to swolle,Im not saying its mollades fault but that is only new compound added in that grows..Best way is to add some extra hot water in cup and mix molases with it,then add to water..
@Cx2H I'm using ph perfect a b bloom plus hobby line(250ml bottle) and I good for 3-4 grows..So that isnt much expensive to me..


Well-Known Member
Epsom salt? As an additive? How much do you use?
I use 1gr per gallon of water. I haven't used ca:mg together in about a month and it's doing great atm. Also Dr who here on riu has a good mg dark sugar concentrate recipe.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Any photos of your buds? I know you can't tell everything from a photo but I'd like to see what this produces in the end. Sounds like a pretty simple feeding program.

I went to that site and there's a 20-10-20 peat-lite with twice the micros of the general mix, made for commercial peat based soils. This seems like a good idea for a base to start. I didn't see the citrus feed 20-10-20.

The 20-10-20 peat lite with the 10-30-20 blossom booster would probably perform well huh?
that was the page for the "professional" mixes, the citrus blend is on the page for home gardeners
the peat lite looks good, if you're growing in a peat based medium, like pro-mix. it might be off for soil, or even coco coir.
here's whats fattening on the vine at the moment, a WW x BB, a WW x Triad, and one i'm not sure what the hell it is, but it smells good

IMG_20180114_210111.jpg IMG_20180114_210120.jpg IMG_20180114_210225.jpg


Well-Known Member
Update... She's getting bigger, never skipped a beat! A few leaves are permanently lighter but hey that's normal as far as I care.

Here's a photo of her, I'm only 22 days from the switch so a long ways to go! When it's done I'll pull her out and take some pics by herself.



Well-Known Member
I posted this here in the noob forum because I am fairly new to RIU. By no means am I a new grower but my knowledge on the subject never seems to be enough so thanks again to all the people here that chimed in!

I'd say I have a green belt in chron jitsu now thanks to the information provided. So far away to the brown-black belt club tho... Just never ending information.

I'll keep this thread updated with pictures if anyone's interested. Have a good one guys!


Well-Known Member

that was the page for the "professional" mixes, the citrus blend is on the page for home gardeners
the peat lite looks good, if you're growing in a peat based medium, like pro-mix. it might be off for soil, or even coco coir.
here's whats fattening on the vine at the moment, a WW x BB, a WW x Triad, and one i'm not sure what the hell it is, but it smells good

View attachment 4073303 View attachment 4073304 View attachment 4073305
They look a bit overfed but they also look amazing! How far into flower are they? If you dialed in a system like that it would be cheap and effective for sure.

I think in the long run though I might end up composting and growing organic. It will probably end up being too much work for what it's worth but the soil and foods will be cheap if I do it correctly.

I've been saving used soil, going to let it rinse in a big bottomless bin outside and add worms/compost to the mix. I figure if I just set it up soon I'll have good soil in a year or so, it will take awhile since it's cold here but once it's going, It should make a good base soil for my mix.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
those are both around 6 weeks in, have 2 or 3 weeks left.
yeah, they are a little over fed, which is one reason i'm planning on dropping the 20-20-20 for veg in favor of the 20-10-20 citrus blend all the way through, with two weeks of the blossom booster at the end of stretch. i only run 4 or 5 plants at a time, i guess i'm going to have to start mixing separate nutes for each one, whats good for one is apparently too much for some others.


Well-Known Member
You know that is something I've always noticed, everyone can tell you what marijuana needs as a plant species but when it comes down to it each strain it's drastically different.

I've had different strains run on the same conditions multiple times and always there's one plant or strain that gets overfed or one that needs more. It seems to me the plants actual ability to uptake nutrients and convert light to energy all rely genetics first.

I have plants in my room right now that between all of them will defy any rule you give them. What one wants the other hates and another cant get enough! It's seriously like a group of fucking kindergarteners trying to make lunch for them.

It seems the best nutrient/feed schedule on the market today is the one that keeps up with and performs well with the biggest variety of strains possible without breaking the bank.

This is something I'd like to do a study on. I really think some strains today are just foolproof, the amounts you can feed them or even not feed them is just ridiculous, then there's that super special strain that's finicky but u want it around anyway cause it kicks ass u know?


Well-Known Member
when it comes down to it each strain it's drastically different.
Yeah, they all have personality. They all have common basic requirements. Medium and environment affected, after that they are picky about different things and sometimes are absurd in what they want.