HULKNugs Medical Grow – Indoor, Hydro - Blue Dream (2 room setup)

Damn, Hulk, we've both been having some tough luck lately! While I was busy trying to reply on the mold thread last week, my damned computer froze up and I got the "blue screen of death".

I'm now using an old 90s model Compaq laptop with my monitor, keyboard and mouse hooked up to it lol. Argh.

Well, on the bright side for you at least, I'll bet you'll never lose any more bud to mold in the future.
Damn, Hulk, we've both been having some tough luck lately! While I was busy trying to reply on the mold thread last week, my damned computer froze up and I got the "blue screen of death".

I'm now using an old 90s model Compaq laptop with my monitor, keyboard and mouse hooked up to it lol. Argh.

Well, on the bright side for you at least, I'll bet you'll never lose any more bud to mold in the future.

So what ever happened?

Sorry to hear Don Juan, always sucks with computer problems, then you think about it dam the computer is a big part of allot of peoples life's wheres the future going from here. hahaha just watched that new Bruce Willis movie got me thinking.

But you are so right i will learn from that and always be on top of the final harvest.

Iamtreehigh, shit sucks man everything went in the trash! ever thing!:-o whatever shit happens :spew: clean it up and start again.

Really bummed i was hopping that the next month or two i would not have to pay for meds.
That's a bummer. Not like you can't do it again, but still.
I never thought it was that easy to get mold when curing, I'll have to make sure keep this in mind my next grow.
im really sorry to hear about the mold.. i heard that if you buy a dehumidifier it should help prevent that. hope your next grow goes great!
glad to see you have a positive attitude! i plan to get a dehumidifier myself. cant wait to see how your new grow goes..

i'll be watching and learning!