Human or Alien ... Take The Test


Well-Known Member
Spock didn't get me; he was in costume, so I figured Spock rather than Nimoy. But... Homer Simpson is a human?! :shock: And Tom Cruise? C'mon, we all know he is an alien! :lol:

That last portion was when it got confusing. After changing left and right, then switching what should be matching categories... ARG! :wall:

Yet I still scored as "strong" on the human side. WTF? I demand a recall! :lol:


New Member
Yah.... I don't know why Spock just kept messing me up...and isn't he half human on the show? :lol:

I got the Tom cuise pic correct, but it made me laugh because that thought flashed in my head...frikkin alien! Aliens aren't used to's a dead give away.


Well-Known Member
Yep, it sadly suggested I was a human too..

Hey FDD, have you ever traced your bloodline? Could be that you have some elitist blueblood in you. Maybe one of your ancesters were bred with draconian lizard people. They usually don't breed outside of illuminated circles, but it's happened before..


Well-Known Member
i only missed a couple. i don't think it's based on how many you got right or wrong. i think it has something to do with how fast you recognized each pic.
