Human Urine

Im sure this one will cause some waves. I use my own urine as fertilizer. Diluted to a 1/15 or 1/20 ratio is safest for potted plants. Although many brave folks go 1/10. Ive never heard of cannabis growers using urine except for myself. Ive used urine on other plants for years with great success.
Urine is a fast -release 11-1-2.5 fertilizer and is fantastic for vegetative growth. What are your thoughts???
10 to 1 pee
Continuous applications of chemical fertilizers have destroyed the soil biology to the point that nothing will grow unless more and more chemicals are dumped on the land. I'm sure you're aware of KNF and JADAM and how successful and sustainable those growing techniques have been without the need for any chemical fertilizers. Make a healthy soil and it will feed the plants.
Labs rule.
There was a rumor the 2018 lettuce E. coli outbreak was do to field workers using the fields as latrines.

Anecdotally, at my old work there was a chick who would drop food on the floor > pick it up and eat it without washing. I tried showing her the piss filled floors in the mens room around the urinal section. I explained the guys piss on the floor, get it on the bottom of their shoes then track it all over. She never got sick.
And rice paddies arent called paddies from the shit, dumb mutha fers. Piss has phosphorus nitrogen potassium and many trace elements. Shit contains same but more carb.ld compost first or bury like a cat.
if you can get kiddies pee, its richer in phosphous, blacksmithes used to have a young boy trainee and get him to piss into a bucket so the smithy cpoul phosporise his metal work by quenching his hoot metal into it, kids have less nitrogen in there piss as the body uses it to grow . adults need more p n k so are higher in nitrogen
if you can get kiddies pee, its richer in phosphous, blacksmithes used to have a young boy trainee and get him to piss into a bucket so the smithy cpoul phosporise his metal work by quenching his hoot metal into it, kids have less nitrogen in there piss as the body uses it to grow . adults need more p n k so are higher in nitrogen
You hit nail on head piss on em. Who cares what they think, you know.
Urine needs to be watered down. The brown spots in my grass from the dogs prove that. If I catch them going I'll grab the hose and water it in so it doesn't burn. But if you can get them to pee on the weeds then you have a natural weed killer. My dogs are stupid so they only pee on the nicest grass in the yard.

i havent been growing for a year yet, that will be august if you would like to celebrate with me @bk78 you more than welcome to do so when you get off your high horse bud


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