Human Urine

I won't pee in the shower. And the hidden corner out back grows nothing. Dog even avoids. Enough witnessed. Dehydrating ing the desert I'd vomit to fatality.

My thoughts. Maybe bottle it it for the fringe and reduce input to wastewater treatment facilities. But. WOW &LMAO!
Yes, diluted urine is a good fertilizer.
Why pay for Miracle Grow?
BTW - isn't Miracle Grow made from cow urine?

Remember this - your plant produces a poisonous gas as excrement
but you love the oxygen. Same way, plants like your excrement
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Great article. Im surprised that the pH was so low. If people were grossed out by urine, id love to see their reaction to cracking open a can of sauerkraut juice to mix with it. It’s also counterintuitive that adding anything related to sauerkraut to something else would create a reduced odor considering how smelly sauerkraut is.