hunters near the crop.

not really, old men hunters don't know what weed plant looks like. They would first think your poaching or stealing something like the camera. or feeder. Unless you look like a hippy with long hair they might included grower. If it's a good size cultivated field either the owner or hunters could think were involved in the grow and might be too afraid to ask? Really a crap shot with nothing good to happen unless you take one last trip for the crop in harvest and hope the rain helps. Hunters are usually looking or seeded fields. If you mix the crop in or away from seeded (often wild areas) for game to eat the field seed or water hole. Dove hunters want water holes, seed fields and shade areas covered for dove. etc. Quail hunters cover every bit and always have dogs for hunting. Hole nutha story....

The last trip or 2 get a bear outfit or cartoon mask kape and mask taking a howdy hand wave to the camera as you go by to get crop. Get your grow and then wave bye bye to the camera Bow and leave! If you dare leave em a bud on the chair and swing a view of your harvest for the camera. Don't go back but know every hunter in the state might watch your video and laugh showing everyone.....
Oh, best time to check a grow this coming season....go during the week mid-week. Not holidays or weekends and go during/around lunch time. Evenings and mornings they could be in blinds all but mid-day. good luck in your mission. In most areas your in the final weeks and better weather often with rain are easier for nature to do its work till end. Peace! Be careful and have some story about checking out the land to see if its leasable for hunting and crops... bs if you are caught with nothing on you. Ask em if the hunting is as good as it sounds they might brag and start shotting the shit. They should tell you it's not for lease. Ask if they know of some close by lease for lease? Take notes, thank them and move on fast....
Every deer hunter in my area would call the law,I live in Tennessee
So do I.
Only bitches would call the law.
We don't talk to police.
There are plenty of deer hunters around here that would wait for harvest and take that shit!
But there are snakes in the grass everywhere you go.
So don't go around that cam, and don't go lookin for trouble.
Keep it simple and wear a disguise whenever traveling out there.
You got yourself in a sketchy situation.:wall:
Hey man where I live alot of people that grow hunt. Because not only can you hunt deer but you can hunt budding plants and people don't say shit to you, I mean you have a gun I wouldn't argue with a guy with a gun. So I don't know man.
im a hunter , grower and i use a game camera for both hunting and growing ,
most of the hunters i know would not touch the plants, but they will mention it to the rest of the boys when they get to talking about the days hunt then there might be a young rebbel hunter who will procede to ask " exactly where is that plantation" then he will come along and get it. the cameras laser detector is good up to 20-30 feet,
and the last thing you want to do is steal the cam because some of the newer cameras have trackable beacons built inside so they will recieve an e-mail when the camera mooves,, oh yeah, theyr that hi-tech.. and most of these guys would rather punish you themselves than call the cops,, so i would leave a note at my plants that says something like " i left your camera alone you leave my plants"
not really, old men hunters don't know what weed plant looks like. .....
this is the stupidest thing ive ever heard what do u think these old man use to do in there day ... half of them prolly use to grow ... and u think they dont know what it looks like come on bro common sense 85 percent of this world knows what it looks like ..they may not be able to spot it at 60 70 yards but if they get close to it they are forsure gonna know what it is .. they have been in the woods along time they prolly have seen thise a few times ... .. best thing to do is find another way to get to your spot and the number one thing dont make a trail .. dont leave foot prints .. hunters are very good at tracking and will walk right to your spot .. most hunters spend alot of time looking at the ground for trails that deer have made .. and if they see your foot prints they will follow them.... good luck with every thing bro...
thanks guys. i guess whatever happens happens. i guess if i was a hunter (meaning the person who i am) if i saw the plants i would take a few nugs, go about my hunt and not tell anyone. i mean i wouldnt want some criminal (grower) to be angry at me for stealing his stuff. i mean they are hunters with guns, but they follow the law. growers are already breaking the law, so whose to say that he wouldnt think that the person who is growing this herb wouldnt think twice to blow his dome off and make it look like a hunting accident, to avoid jail. not that i would ever do this but im trying to think in his frame of mind, considering i plan on leaving the spot soon and he will be using it in the upcomming season, i could always come back and just hunt him lol
Every deer hunter in my area would call the law,I live in Tennessee

Isn't that the truth! I grew up in the country in Tennessee and it is full of rednecks that have the mentality that it is ok to drown yourself in whiskey or beer, but if you smoke or grow marijuana you deserve to be in jail. That is why I left 8 years ago and never looked back. Now California is my home.
true that. can't people just be humans instead of playing a roll? i mean i could have taken his camera, and laced the surrounding area with traps to ensure he gets hurt and stays the fuck away, but i dont. i just want to be left alone. however if i return and mad plants are gone, his camera leaves the woods, and bear traps enter.
true that. can't people just be humans instead of playing a roll? i mean i could have taken his camera, and laced the surrounding area with traps to ensure he gets hurt and stays the fuck away, but i dont. i just want to be left alone. however if i return and mad plants are gone, his camera leaves the woods, and bear traps enter.
Pretty bold statement.

Are you the property owner?
I wonder why a hunter would place a game camera on public land? Land he did not own, or lease for hunting purposes.

Placing the camera on land he does not control in some fashion is inviting someone to steal it.

Does not compute.

I urge you not to fuck with it. Stay as far away from it as possible. If it indeed is public land, then a mounted surveillance camera means one thing: Government. That thing could possibly be a game warden, or other law enforcement device.
i hunt and most likely its someone that is going to be bow hunting. the fact that everything is still green during early bow season will help you out. dont take the camera. how would you feel if you went to your patch and all your plants were gone? well that hunter would probly feel the same way about his camera. i know i would. just dont walk infront of it.
this is the stupidest thing ive ever heard what do u think these old man use to do in there day ... half of them prolly use to grow ... and u think they dont know what it looks like come on bro common sense 85 percent of this world knows what it looks like ..they may not be able to spot it at 60 70 yards but if they get close to it they are forsure gonna know what it is .. they have been in the woods along time they prolly have seen thise a few times ... .. best thing to do is find another way to get to your spot and the number one thing dont make a trail .. dont leave foot prints .. hunters are very good at tracking and will walk right to your spot .. most hunters spend alot of time looking at the ground for trails that deer have made .. and if they see your foot prints they will follow them.... good luck with every thing bro...

You mean these young bucks on the internet didn't invent growing?:razz:

Yeah, old guys do know.:wink::wink:

Public land, bear traps, yeah right.BS tough guy.

Just hope ya get thru it, try an early harvest and find a new spot next season.
thanks guys. i guess whatever happens happens. i guess if i was a hunter (meaning the person who i am) if i saw the plants i would take a few nugs, go about my hunt and not tell anyone. i mean i wouldnt want some criminal (grower) to be angry at me for stealing his stuff. i mean they are hunters with guns, but they follow the law. growers are already breaking the law, so whose to say that he wouldnt think that the person who is growing this herb wouldnt think twice to blow his dome off and make it look like a hunting accident, to avoid jail. not that i would ever do this but im trying to think in his frame of mind, considering i plan on leaving the spot soon and he will be using it in the upcomming season, i could always come back and just hunt him lol

I just want to let you know your a fucking idiot!! And your part of the reason that growers are looked at as bad people!

First off whoever owns the camera has every right to have it there, its public land and hes not breaking any laws by hunting or having a camera, and you are out there breaking the law, so if anyone is the criminal its you! Way to make us all look even stupider in the medias eyes i can see it now "crazy grower hurts hunter" Now your making growers and hunters look bad which i happen to be both and do not appreciate that!

Second off making threats towards someone you don't even know who it is does not make you a tough guy, Grow the fuck up and leave him alone, hes not bothering you in any fashion!

Third you are one of the reasons why people think growers are criminals with statements like "ill just take his camera and place bear traps" and "ill blow off his dome" and "ill come back and hunt him" and other ridiculous statements!

Forth, chances are since 90% of the world already knows what herb looks like and the other 10% that doesn't know can figure it out by the crystals and smell if they saw it, they WILL know what it is, and whoever this hunter is has more of a right to be on this land then you do so leave him alone, he has a gun for fucks sake, and i can guarentee he/them/I can shoot a gun more acuratly and better then you could ever its never going to work in your favor against a hunter!

Fifth im sure if you grew up and moved out of your parents house and stopped being ignorant to the way the world works and leave the camera the fuck alone and stay away from there until harvest time then no one will bother you if you leave them alone! Hunters bother no one in the woods as long as your not hurting them or the woods they just want to protect the land they hunt and keep it beautiful the way its meant to be since the world is already taking over the woods with there crappy strip malls and other bullshit, im sure that they wont have a problem with a couple of plants if your not bothering anyone else or the land...

I also dont think its a very smart idea to be dressing up as anything that will make you stick out like a sore thumb dress to fit in and you wont be noticed, go as a hunter or hiker and not wearing a mask cause i know if i saw someone running around the woods with a mask on that would catch my attention more then another hunter would!

Sorry about my rant it just pisses me off when people are so ignorant to the world and think they are unstoppable; YOUR NOT! bongsmilie Now go smoke a fatty and re-think your plan
You mean these young bucks on the internet didn't invent growing?:razz:

Yeah, old guys do know.:wink::wink:

Public land, bear traps, yeah right.BS tough guy.

Just hope ya get thru it, try an early harvest and find a new spot next season.

Yeah i hope he gets through it too! I kind of feel bad for him if he needs to ask a question like "should i take it or not"
thats just a stupid question and i hope the hunter takes his crop and smokes it all with the rest of us who dont steal or threaten people that are out there minding there own business! Im pretty sure the hunter could give two fucks about your plants unless he either smokes or your on his land :joint:
Don't fuck with the camera. It's very tempting, but don't. You attract attention, plus if you get caught you get a vandalism charge on top of a cultivation charge. Don't let yourself be seen by the camera. If you go out to your crop take a book about birds and some binoculars with you. Also, don't plant anywhere near hunting areas next year.