• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

hunting endangered species


Well-Known Member
No, I still feel the same, but anyway I really dont want to get into a long drawn out argument where neither of us will back down so lets just shake hands and walk away friends.


Well-Known Member
what would any of us will do if marijuana plants are endangered species? same rules apply to endangered animals...

the problem with most of the people here is they only think about themselves, or humans in general.

They regard animals as being unable to feel, to want, to want the same things basic humans want, food, freedom and shelter.

It is this way of thinking that has destroyed humans and our world as well... long ago, and in some places today, people thanked the animals when they were killed for food, tools, and clothing...

Today you can just go to the store and pick up beef, put it in the pan and have a burger without thinking twice about the animal it came from, that animal's life... and it's thoughts/feelings.

Luckily I, and many others, have come out of this uncaring attitude in attempt to guide ourselves in the opposite direction from where most humans are headed. The needless killing of any animal, be it a mosquito hawk or an Elephant is none other than cold heartedness, and shows no regard for life.

And keeping a wild animal in captivity is none other than slavery... the exact same slavery the Africans endured for many years at the hands of not only other African tribes, but internationally.

Humans are animals... and infact, when left with our own natural defenses (limbs, teeth) we are very ILL equipped animals, able to be beaten by most other living things on this planet... evolution for humans has not advanced in the defensive area because we have created our own weapons... imagine if humans only used their naturally given defenses to fight, imagine what our bodies would look like today.


Active Member
It depends. Is that species important? Being endangered doesn't make it protected.

For example, we have a problem with feral hogs in America. They're an invasive species, and are very big pests. If their numbers became very low (which, unfortunately, they most likely won't), they would not be protected. In fact, it would still be open season on them. The reason is that they are pests, and we are trying to kill them off.


Well-Known Member
The reason is that they are pests, and we are trying to kill them off.
And in the animal kingdom, humans are the biggest pests of all, destroying the homes of quadrillions of animals...

I think we should have open season on humans, our population is out of control, we must reduce... don't you agree?


Well-Known Member
That's different, the OP is talking about raising animals strictly for sport hunting... and endangered species at that.

I bet he'd love for me to make his family and himself (Same thing he'd be doing with the endangered animals) my personal pets at my own shooting ground... keep them in cages and feed them just enough so that they survive long enough for me to release them one at a time and hunt them to my satisfaction.

I guess he thinks it's easier to do it with wild animals because even though they make noise, he can't understand what they're saying... unlike humans that will bitch and plead and cry and ask millions of questions mostly beginning with "why are you...", thus making the hunter feel "sorry" for them and have "compassion", eventually freeing them. I would have no such compassion for folks such as the OP if they thought the same as him.

Simple humans are not aware enough to understand animals or their communication techniques, if they could... this world would be thousands of times better than it is.

As for shooting fleeing humans, or any animal for that matter... two hints... aim for center mass, and lead the target.
personal pets in a hunting ground? i dont know where your from but take a look around....welcome to prison planet. i agree with you on some things i am also a animal lover who respects and cares about them. my point is take an animal that is going to be or could become extinct-a spotted snow lepord...now create a market for them and theyll be breeding or even cloning them for hunting zoos pets clothes nature parks nature preserves whatever but they would never go extinct and you might be able to help maintain wild populations...is it natures way-no but would it possibly save species-yes


Well-Known Member
is it natures way-no but would it possibly save species-yes
Species become extinct for a reason... in this day and age it is mostly because of humans, but they become extinct either because they cannot adapt to their environment, or their food source runs out.

Now, as for breeding near-extinct animals... this is a very touchy subject... I'm sure you heard about the prehistoric "cow" they're bringing back with DNA... well, I say in the case of human caused extinction, it is okay to "give back" to the animals by furthering their numbers... but to breed them specifically for entertainment is cold and wrong in any well educated human mind.


Well-Known Member
See my above post...

and please, if your idea of the "point of life" is to survive with as little effort then by all means, go to your nearest zoo, tell them you will live in an exhibit for the rest of your natural life and that all they have to do is feed you scrumptious, delicious zoo food and some water.

Money money money, the whale makes money, it's allowed to live... and besides, if they killed the whale you know the reaction that would get from the huge and steadily growing folks who are smart about their world and know that if that whale had not been in captivity, that young girl would be alive today.

It is NO fault of the whale that the girl was killed, it's a WILD animal, and nicknamed a KILLER whale for a reason...

See why captivity is wrong yet, or are you still blind?
Dont let your crazy activist rants get in the way of the real point, its not whether or not its the whales fault the trainer was killed its the fact that you "clap" when it happens, im sure the animals appreciate it, oh wait they dont care. Im guessing your a vegetarian?


Well-Known Member
Im guessing your a vegetarian?
What is crazy about what I am saying... I clap not for the loss of a human life, but for the point the whale proved in that instant that it is still a wild animal, and not a "domesticated" whale... I clapped for it showing it's wild side, I bet it felt good to the whale to do that.

I regret the loss of the young ladies life, but she knew what she was getting into... to get the job at SeaWorld you must have a 4 year degree in some sort of animal science.

And nope, not a veggie, I eat good meat, and meat that I get for myself, freezer is stock full of pork, venison, and fowl.

and I have thanked every one of those animals for what they have given me, my family, and my friends.

I am a friend to my mother earth and all of her inhabitants, even my own kind to which I have strong resentment towards... she takes care of me, I take care of her.


Well-Known Member
never heard of the prehistoric cow i'll google it. by your logic 'species become extinct for a reason' then we can go full throttle ahead with distruction because were the dominant species...i think as a highly evolved species we can actually decide it is in our best intrest to co exist with other species and nature and with supply and demand we could find econimic insentive to preserve or breed or clone or even like your saying resurect species. as for you guys and the whale trainer....i guess the KILLER whale did its thing that day...why do they call them killer whales agian??? oh yeah they can kill you !! ive got no sympathy for someone playing with a killer whale or puting their head in a lions mouth and gets bit..i meen you know its a bad idea...


Well-Known Member
You would see just how far under the dominant species we are if you were to go ahead with the destruction... the earth does not require humans, but it certainly requires millions of other species of animals.

Case in point, bees spreading pollen.
should rich people be allowed to hunt or eat or make clothes out of endangered species? what do you think??
no this all comes back to how becoming a materialistic world is harming all other species including our own, and this all is only evoking our superior


Well-Known Member
ya know what the biggest help in conservation of a species is? public knowledge pf them.......thats another reason. if you didnt know anything about the animals in the rest of the world do you think anyone would give a fuck enough to say you cant hunt them and they need to be saved..........???


Well-Known Member
socata smoker i would just leave this discussion. its obvious that some people dont understand what your trying to say. animals feel pain. i know that you know that but some people just dont care. we are a very selfish species but we are as bad to our own as we are to animals. this wont change untill people can grasp the concept of compassion, empathy and sympathy. im sure if people had to slaughter their own food to eat there would be more veggies! its one thing eating meat but another watching the PAIN as its life slips away. by the way im not a veggie but i do buy organic. hunting for fun? wtf. hunting for food is natural.


Well-Known Member
What is crazy about what I am saying... I clap not for the loss of a human life, but for the point the whale proved in that instant that it is still a wild animal, and not a "domesticated" whale... I clapped for it showing it's wild side, I bet it felt good to the whale to do that.

I regret the loss of the young ladies life, but she knew what she was getting into... to get the job at SeaWorld you must have a 4 year degree in some sort of animal science.

And nope, not a veggie, I eat good meat, and meat that I get for myself, freezer is stock full of pork, venison, and fowl.

and I have thanked every one of those animals for what they have given me, my family, and my friends.

I am a friend to my mother earth and all of her inhabitants, even my own kind to which I have strong resentment towards... she takes care of me, I take care of her.
Lol lol you crack me up, a meat eating animal having crazy activist, you couldn't be more of a hypocrite, it's ok for you to have animals because they are domisticated, how do you think they got that way? You know another word for domisticated is tamed. And best of all you eat meat, I'm pretty sure if I were an animal I would prefer somebody taking care of me in captivity then being killed, chopped up, packaged, frozen and stored for later, you really love those animals. Guess what that whale has provided more food via income than the whale could have provided if you had eaten. This is why people never care what activist think or protest about, your all extremly one sided and conflicting.


Well-Known Member

the problem with most of the people here is they only think about themselves, or humans in general.

They regard animals as being unable to feel, to want, to want the same things basic humans want, food, freedom and shelter.

It is this way of thinking that has destroyed humans and our world as well... long ago, and in some places today, people thanked the animals when they were killed for food, tools, and clothing...

Today you can just go to the store and pick up beef, put it in the pan and have a burger without thinking twice about the animal it came from, that animal's life... and it's thoughts/feelings.

Luckily I, and many others, have come out of this uncaring attitude in attempt to guide ourselves in the opposite direction from where most humans are headed. The needless killing of any animal, be it a mosquito hawk or an Elephant is none other than cold heartedness, and shows no regard for life.

And keeping a wild animal in captivity is none other than slavery... the exact same slavery the Africans endured for many years at the hands of not only other African tribes, but internationally.

Humans are animals... and infact, when left with our own natural defenses (limbs, teeth) we are very ILL equipped animals, able to be beaten by most other living things on this planet... evolution for humans has not advanced in the defensive area because we have created our own weapons... imagine if humans only used their naturally given defenses to fight, imagine what our bodies would look like today.
Then the brain wouldn't be fully developed and we would have people telling us it's wrong to kill a goddamn mosquito.


Active Member
socata smoker i would just leave this discussion. its obvious that some people dont understand what your trying to say. animals feel pain. i know that you know that but some people just dont care. we are a very selfish species but we are as bad to our own as we are to animals. this wont change untill people can grasp the concept of compassion, empathy and sympathy. im sure if people had to slaughter their own food to eat there would be more veggies! its one thing eating meat but another watching the PAIN as its life slips away. by the way im not a veggie but i do buy organic. hunting for fun? wtf. hunting for food is natural.
You state that if people were to go kill their own food then there would be more veggies, but then you state hunting for food is natural. I advocate only kill what you can eat, and those who don't have the heart to hunt animals (most girls, not all, also girly guys), will wait untill the deed is done and then eat. I see nothing wrong with that, its how we were programmed.


Well-Known Member
Lol lol you crack me up, a meat eating animal having crazy activist, you couldn't be more of a hypocrite, it's ok for you to have animals because they are domisticated, how do you think they got that way? You know another word for domisticated is tamed. And best of all you eat meat, I'm pretty sure if I were an animal I would prefer somebody taking care of me in captivity then being killed, chopped up, packaged, frozen and stored for later, you really love those animals. Guess what that whale has provided more food via income than the whale could have provided if you had eaten. This is why people never care what activist think or protest about, your all extremly one sided and conflicting.
How is it hypocritical? I am an animal, and a omnivore at that... in the animal kingdom, the lion eats the gazelle... this is the same as me eating the hog, or the deer, or the duck.

You are taking my words and skewing them in your ignorance... Of course the bird might have wanted to live... but so did the fish that bird ate, or the little fish the big fish ate... this is why humans cannot persist, they have gotten out of the TRUE world, the true world is kill or be killed, but the killing is all out of necessity and is raw.

You see, the difference is I kill and skin the animals I use for food, pelts, and more often than not cool tools like knife handles from the antlers of deer. I don't go to the grocery store like you and pick out some of that fine angus beef that has already been prepped for your human delight, pumped full of "nutritious crap" as well.

So yes, I do love the worlds animals, I take what I need from them, nothing more, nothing less... and in return I tell their story to all who will listen, I thank them sincerely and to my mother Earth and my own heart, what I do is NATURAL, it is necessary and natural.

As for domesticated animals, they are HAPPY with their human companion, I cannot change what was done to make them domesticated, but I can at least make them happy by offering all the love, protection, and necessities they need, and they absolutely love me for it.

You're right Steve, some people, such as smppro, are so ignorant and blind they don't care nor will they ever completely understand what it means to be human, to be an animal... they're so used to their cars and computers and TV's with TIVO, their credit cards and gas bills... sure I know of all these things too, but at least I have taken the time to step away from them and discover my world and how I am really to fit into this world.

For all of those who are ignorant (and don't take that word as a bad thing, I am ignorant in many facets of life), I suggest these items to you:

Adventures of Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe.

Anything you can find on Richard "Dick" Proenneke

And most importantly, if you read nothing of those two above, read this short speech by Chief Seattle of the Suquamish and Duwamish tribes.



New Member
Hunting humans is much more fun than wild animals... at least humans have a pretty even chance to get away.

Maybe it's just that I dislike people way more than animals... like I said, I love my animals, they haven't fucked the world like we humans have.

Anyone wanna start running? I'm on to ya!
I've always felt that hunting with anything more than a spear makes you a sissy.

What does a hunter risk when he/she goes out in the woods? Not much.

The deer (fill in any prey) however risk their lives in an unfair match up.

My recommendation would be to have a gate entrance and exit from the hunting grounds with a guard posted. No deer kill? The guard cuts off your pinky finger (left or right, your choice).

That'll keep all the yahoos out of the woods.

Of course there is always going to be the stupid moron that keeps going back after losing 2 or 3 fingers. Darwin is everywhere....


Active Member
I've always felt that hunting with anything more than a spear makes you a sissy.

What does a hunter risk when he/she goes out in the woods? Not much.

The deer (fill in any prey) however risk their lives in an unfair match up.

My recommendation would be to have a gate entrance and exit from the hunting grounds with a guard posted. No deer kill? The guard cuts off your pinky finger (left or right, your choice).

That'll keep all the yahoos out of the woods.

Of course there is always going to be the stupid moron that keeps going back after losing 2 or 3 fingers. Darwin is everywhere....
Why risk your life when we have the tools to kill animals more efficiently? We talk about nature, well sit and think of humans and everything they create as nature too. Why does the monkey use a stick to get termites when it could waste time waiting for them to surface? Just because we have evolved our methods of hunting doesnt mean you need to go back to basics to do it right.
With that being said I use a rod and reel to catch my prey, I guess I could go sharpen a stick and use that though :dunce: