Husband is gone - need help carrying on

yeah thats how i hang my light for my veggin plants in my closet lol i have 3 lights in my closet rigth now ...differnt specturms and a light that makes things change to a light purple ..(its not a black light )lol iv been gettin a little worried about my closet latly tho because theres pretty much 20% humidity... if your goin to take some pics with your celly instead of putting in a phone number just type your email..
My husband wont be back..we already spoke. We only paid 90 bucks each for the lights. and about $200 in seeds. He is more worried I will tell his family what he did than anything else. All he wants is some of his stuff which I am sending to him. He's terrified of me and the neighbors now...if he was caught around here they would kill him. Especially her father.. it's really ugly I am so ashmed can't even barely say hello to them now.
I busted everything up around the house we had it out pretty good....he knows me (or so he thinks). He knows I would have taken the axe to it all. He is lucky to get some of his stuff back at all.
I should have kicked him out long ago..
where else is she going to go? if she lives where i think she is, she cant put them outside because of to0 much rain and no sun, lots of fog... pretty sure she gets, like, maybe half a month of sun shine thrOUGH the summer and THE POSSIBILITY of AN early winter, so unless she has another inside area, there's no point in trying to PERSUADE her to not do it there. i didnt mean to cause A big fight, and i was NOT jumping down your throat ...bong hit ...relax

please learn from this correction. i'm not picking on you, just trying to help your grammar. it really did take me three times to read your post and make sense of it.
My husband wont be back..we already spoke.
just be careful; you know how that law goes about things that CAN go wrong? prudence = potency. good luck and watch your back.

I should have kicked him out long ago..

I'm sure you would have, had you the reason. I'm surprised you didn't kill him.... o.0

again, good luck! :)
I appreciate all the concern but he is not going to be a problem. I have more of an issue of trying to keep my sisters from comming over to try and comfort me. I have been visiting them. But now that he is gone everyone wants to come visit.
Not that I dont trust my family just that one tells the other the other tells the know how it goes.
so its comforting you need. just jokin yo i had to tell all my freinds and family that i moved away lol just dissapered off the radar new police jurisdiction.. maybe think about that but im pretty sure that you said you have kids and its a lil harder to do with thoselol
Now with regards to my plants. Is it okay to remove the big fan leaves at the bottom of the bigger plants. Some are drooping down. They are still green in colour just drooping down..not sure if I should cut them away and how close to the stem I would cut them.
As well, one more question I apologize for so many (I am reading..I have been on's just a lot easier asking you guys:)... I found a little fly around the clones. I dont know how it got there but I could not kill it.. it flew out. It looked like a tiny fruit fly..should I be concerned?

so its comforting you need. just jokin yo i had to tell all my freinds and family that i moved away lol just dissapered off the radar new police jurisdiction.. maybe think about that but im pretty sure that you said you have kids and its a lil harder to do with thoselol
I have no kids. It was just him and I. I have only a little chihuahua named Coco. Though I am now considering getting a bigger dog.
as far as cutting your leaves already i would personally wait maybe 2 more days and just cut whatever isnt green off green is good. it there isnt any green your plants cant soak up the rays. as far as the bug cheak underneath your leaves for possible spider mite eggs or a web if nothing there dont sweat it!
Now with regards to my plants. Is it okay to remove the big fan leaves at the bottom of the bigger plants. Some are drooping down. They are still green in colour just drooping down..not sure if I should cut them away and how close to the stem I would cut them.
As well, one more question I apologize for so many (I am reading..I have been on's just a lot easier asking you guys:)... I found a little fly around the clones. I dont know how it got there but I could not kill it.. it flew out. It looked like a tiny fruit fly..should I be concerned?


1. Leave them on untill you see major yellowing. I believe that the lower leaves store vital sugars... Once its yellowing i remove mine. You will get like 10 opinions on this. More than one way to skin a cat....

2. Nope! Nothin you can do about it untill larve show up but your most likely ok.

3. Don't "Mother" the plants too much. :) They are living beings and will do their best to survive, but they can get lazy....
exactly right mother nature knows what its doin. question tho what would happen if you were to cut half weed leaves off when plant is like 3 weeks old and only 3 nodes high
hey sharon i was looking threw your profile your looking for a man swing me a pm with email or sometihng we will see what we can do?;)

WTF??? Again? Really?

(Caps = sarcasm here, not yelling.. its all in good fun.. But seriously.. Its rollitup not adultfriendfinder, lol)
hey sharon i was looking threw your profile your looking for a man swing me a pm with email or sometihng we will see what we can do?;)

i think you threw your chances with sharon, her profile says she like to play scrabble, sometihng, double word score LOL just kidding!! im through, so you can throw out this post!!! atleast im not dry humpin '"sharon"
hey man this chick sounds hot and knows what shes doin why not try ..right lol never know my freind
sounds hot? DUDE what first impression did you get, no offense to sharon but if your husband is smart enough to grow weed but reduced to paying for sex....... i dont know, could be a hermie!! internet dating!! scary stuff!!!