Hve you ever been so stoned...


Active Member
That you cant find ANYTHING your looking for?
Least of all something you had in your possession mere moments ago?
This apartment is only so big, goddamn it.
check your hand. usually when im stoned and do this they are in my hand. occasionally they are still in the dead bolt.
Deadbolt it was, front door when i came in and put groceries down.
Didn't help that i went right for the packed bowl on the kitchen table, after all the frozen goods where put away lol.
That's the story of my life lol. I have to be super organized at all times to combat hiding stuff from myself when stoned. Only takes a good buzz and bam shit can end up all over the place.

I guess my thing is, when I'm stoned it gets annoying when you have a good idea, go to walk toward the idea you thought of, get half way there and forget what the hell you were doing in the first place. Annoys the dog piss out of me!

hope you find keys, sometimes if you stop looking for a sec they pop right up, as almost out of mid air.
One time me and some friends went to get some crunchwrap supreme's and we ordered then drove away.
We realized what we had done two blocks away. The lady in the window said "fucking stoners".
I got me one of those electronic deadbolts with a key pad on it and I replaced my door handle with a non locking handle. It is insanely awesome not having to use a key to enter my house. No fumbling around with keys when entering. No taking keys with me when I go for a run. No worrying that my paranoid ass wife will have locked us out by insisting every lock on every door and window is locked 100% of the time...even when we are in the front yard doing yard work! We had a couple of close calls. Plus now everyone that used to have a key to our house no longer has access (which is good because I grow). I do have a friend that knows about it and helps out with it. But I can give him a personal access code, and I can disable it once I am back.
I have my wallet, my phone, and car keys. Those three things must be put in the EXACT same spots every time I enter my house or the shit hits the fan.
this is why I always use my method of standard location - there's only 5 places I will put things down, like my keys, wallet, camera, eyeglasses, phone, etc. Follow this method strictly, all the time, even when stoned, and there are never more than 5 places that I have to look to find my stuff.
One time me and some friends went to get some crunchwrap supreme's and we ordered then drove away.
We realized what we had done two blocks away. The lady in the window said "fucking stoners".

Crunchwraps are amazing, i live 5 mins away from a TB and I'm on that fourth meal every other night man.
They got me thinkin outside the bun, lol.

@Guy: WANT. Bet i can grab one at HD for stupid cheap, thanks for the tip mate.
I'm anal about always having my keys before i leave any seated area, I'm just prone to losing them once I'm home and comfortable.

I have my wallet, my phone, and car keys. Those three things must be put in the EXACT same spots every time I enter my house or the shit hits the fan.
Spectacles, Testicles, Wallet and Watch. Like a mantra, heh.
I am constantly asking my girlfriend where things are, their usually right in front of me somewhere
I am constantly asking my girlfriend where things are, their usually right in front of me somewhere
Thats me on L, or Boomers.
"Babey, Babey, BABEY!
... Where's ______? The fuck did i put it?!
Oh shit here it is nevermind.
Wait, Wait Babey... Wheres ______?"
Thats me on L, or Boomers.
"Babey, Babey, BABEY!
... Where's ______? The fuck did i put it?!
Oh shit here it is nevermind.
Wait, Wait Babey... Wheres ______?"


Haha 8/10 times when someone is tripping and can't find something it is in their pocket. Good times :mrgreen:
@Guy: WANT. Bet i can grab one at HD for stupid cheap, thanks for the tip mate.
I'm anal about always having my keys before i leave any seated area, I'm just prone to losing them once I'm home and comfortable.

I checked out HD and lowes and couldn't find a good one like I wanted. I ended up going online and searching out one that had a ton of insanely high reviews. It was about $250, but it has worked flawlessly since I put it in. No regrets.
I've been so stoned that I just hijacked your thread to ask about stoner/mellow trip videos.

Anyone know any good Nature or Space documentaries that are devoid of humans, or couple hour long high def. cartoon worldscapes (think Fantasia, without the annoying interruptions for the conductor and narrator to speak.)

I like to run high def vids on mute, while listening to acid rock, classic rock, and the like.

And, my topical response: if I'm NOT stoned I can't find fuck. I have almost no short term memory from the motorcycle crash. But, for some reason I can connect shit when I'm stoned, I can remember where I set shit down, what I was doing, all that.
A few years back I was so stoned that while changing the oil in my wife's car, I forgot to put the pan plug back in before pouring the full synthetic in. I checked the dipstick like 5 times before I realized what I had done. $28 down the drain. The worst part was it was at night, I lived 30 miles from the closest place with more Earl, and I was too baked to drive. Shame.
A few years back I was so stoned that while changing the oil in my wife's car, I forgot to put the pan plug back in before pouring the full synthetic in. I checked the dipstick like 5 times before I realized what I had done. $28 down the drain. The worst part was it was at night, I lived 30 miles from the closest place with more Earl, and I was too baked to drive. Shame.

That's how I knew this story was bullshit. :blsmoke: LoL.
I hate ceiling fans ...I'm always sticking my hands in those fuckers while getting dressed. I stuck my head in last year while battling knats. And above the bed is probably the worse place for one of these .
No, MIN, tis true. When I was young and smoked about 1/4 a day, you would never know I was high. Now, I only smoke about 2x a month and one good hit gets me stir fried for hours. I was so stoned I forgot to replug the pan. That should tell you something.
Sometimes I'll be so high that I'll be looking everywhere for my pipe, or phone, or remote.... look around for 10-15 minutes, and then realize it was in my hand the entire time.