Hydro at home

Look at it this way are you allowed to sell, trade, share, or give your prescription methadone or oxy? No, it's considered traficking. Period. Weather you agree with it or not, It's the law. Those are the facts.

True. but then again they are considered real meds....weed is not. Still I understand what you saying and yes seems logical. But I get a hunch one patient to another on cannabis would be different. With the court ruling we just had my idea seems to click with that.
I mean after all where are the CC getting stock from ? Does anyone get busted selling to a CC?
Look at it this way are you allowed to sell, trade, share, or give your prescription methadone or oxy? No, it's considered traficking. Period. Weather you agree with it or not, It's the law. Those are the facts.

so how would a patient who grows his own find new strains?
my thought is if i have some of something you don't and you have something i don't, we can trade.
oxy's are oxy's and you don't get different kinds. no one else produces them and you only get them from a pharmacy. no variety so no need to "try another kind of oxy" haha
i see what you're saying that it's illegal but i don't think that's right. i would trade anytime if i didn't have that strain
True. but then again they are considered real meds....weed is not. Still I understand what you saying and yes seems logical. But I get a hunch one patient to another on cannabis would be different. With the court ruling we just had my idea seems to click with that.
I mean after all where are the CC getting stock from ? Does anyone get busted selling to a CC?

I don't agree with it, but it's the law. When I got my Mmar DG licence, I did my due diligence and educated myself and went to a lawyer to get the facts.

Trafficking is the delivery of a drug from one person to another. Drug trafficking does not have to be done for the purpose of making money and the Crown does not have to prove that the accused completed the delivery for the purpose of promoting the drug.

Accused persons in the following situations have all been found guilty of Drug Trafficking s. 5(2):

  • Giving drugs to a friend to hold onto for safe-keeping
  • Introducing a seller to a buyer and assisting in negotiating price and giving payment
  • Offering to sell drugs to an undercover police officer
  • Offering to traffic in a narcotic to a person who will take the offer as genuine, even if the accused didn’t intent to carry through with the offer
  • Offering to sell drugs to a person with the intention of taking their money and not delivering the drugs
  • Selling a substance as a drug, regardless of whether it was or not
  • Agreeing to buy drugs from another person for the purpose of resale
Maximum penalties for a charge under s. 5(1) is the same as the penalties under s. 5(2). Please see below for details.

Generally, this offence is made out when someone possesses a drug with the intention of making the drug available to others, even if they have purchased the drugs together. The offence requires proof that the accused had knowledge of the drugs or was willfully blind as to their presence.

Accused persons have been found guilty under s. 5(2) CDSA in the following situations:

  • A husband transporting drugs to his wife
  • Assisting a narcotics trafficker in hiding drugs from the police in the accused’s apartment
  • Lending money to someone else to buy and sell drugs and expecting profit in return
  • Participating in a compassion club
so how would a patient who grows his own find new strains?
my thought is if i have some of something you don't and you have something i don't, we can trade.
oxy's are oxy's and you don't get different kinds. no one else produces them and you only get them from a pharmacy. no variety so no need to "try another kind of oxy" haha
i see what you're saying that it's illegal but i don't think that's right. i would trade anytime if i didn't have that strain

I'm on your guys side, I don't agree with it but it the law, and it's fact. I would hate for anybody to suffer any consequences, by someone giving out bad advise and missinformation. Unlike some I educate myself before I open my yap.

Ignorance will not hold up in court.

My statement is not advise. As i said it's a hunch. Which isn't any better than a guess.
Still CC's all get their product from mmar and have for years. You know that you were part of it. Your not in jail I assume. They're lots of stuff written that only gets enforced at random it seems...example CC's
as a Mmar patient you can possess seeds, and there are many seed vendors that will ship to your door. That's the safest way to obtain new strains. Not 100% legal, but that's a customs thing, your not supposed to import agriculture material, without a special permit.

it changes one way or another..@highitsme
you're just bent because you cant make a buck .....yet!!!!
it'll come and Ill bet it has nothing to do with growing...
My statement is not advise. As i said it's a hunch. Which isn't any better than a guess.
Still CC's all get their product from mmar and have for years. You know that you were part of it. Your not in jail I assume. They're lots of stuff written that only gets enforced at random it seems...example CC's
From my experience cc's have legal patients and use these patients to receive their meds who usually only buy about half their script. The cc then turns around and sells the extra product to other customers. Its a very shady.
as a Mmar patient you can possess seeds, and there are many seed vendors that will ship to your door. That's the safest way to obtain new strains. Not 100% legal, but that's a customs thing, your not supposed to import agriculture material, without a special permit.

Seeds are not illegal anybody can buy them. Its only when you germinate is it illegal.
My statement is not advise. As i said it's a hunch. Which isn't any better than a guess.
Still CC's all get their product from mmar and have for years. You know that you were part of it. Your not in jail I assume. They're lots of stuff written that only gets enforced at random it seems...example CC's

There's a saying, "it's only illegal if you get caught", like I said I went to a lawyer, what I was doing was to the letter of the law, I wasn't going to risk my freedom or my family for it. I was protected under the MMAR, and compensated for my time, never once did I sell any cannabis. My compensation was a fixed amount, no matter how much or little I produced. Strictly for my time.

There's a saying, "it's only illegal if you get caught", like I said I went to a lawyer, what I was doing was to the letter of the law, I wasn't going to risk my freedom or my family for it. I was protected under the MMAR, and compensated for my time, never once did I sell any cannabis. My compensation was a fixed amount, no matter how much or little I produced. Strictly for my time.

No offense @itsmehigh , but that the biggest load o double talk I've heard to date. It's so contradictory that it speak it's own words clearly...to me anyway.
I see we actually agree only in different ways.
No offense @itsmehigh , but that the biggest load o double talk I've heard to date. It's so contradictory that it speak it's own words clearly...to me anyway.
I see we actually agree only in different ways.

no offence taken, I was simply hired to do a job. Never said I was an angel, I'm just a regular old pot head, that was given an opportunity to do something I'm passionate about legally. I didn't make the rules, I just followed them, in the eyes of the courts I was within law. Call it what you want, I was doing nothing illegal.

as a Mmar patient you can possess seeds, and there are many seed vendors that will ship to your door. That's the safest way to obtain new strains. Not 100% legal, but that's a customs thing, your not supposed to import agriculture material, without a special permit.

Thanks Johnny Law, so nothing you have ever grown has come from imported seeds? Or clones from imported seeds somewhere down the line? Give it a rest already

Your in the know so il ask you..whats up with dispensaries issuing cheques to vendors? I've heard to pay tax under a private contractor. Also heard when billing dispensary you have to divide your time and make it equal a price per unit or product. e.i. trim - 20hrs, transplant - 4hrs, watering - 2hrs...
no offence taken, I was simply hired to do a job. Never said I was an angel, I'm just a regular old pot head, that was given an opportunity to do something I'm passionate about legally. I didn't make the rules, I just followed them, in the eyes of the courts I was within law. Call it what you want, I was doing nothing illegal.

I'm not judging you in any way. I have my thoughts and they are respectful to you. If you have made a living or any money from bud...I'm totally cool with that. I'd love to see you open your own business growing. Under a frame work of equality for all of course. I'd love to sample your wares. Your skills are impressive and I'd could learn tons from your experience.
But just wanted to point out that even you sold and are free today. Patients helping other patients seems ok to me and doable. As is evidenced by all the " doing " going on.
CC's..mail order...bikers..lol....ok not bikers...just a joke.

Your in the know so il ask you..whats up with dispensaries issuing cheques to vendors? I've heard to pay tax under a private contractor. Also heard when billing dispensary you have to divide your time and make it equal a price per unit or product. e.i. trim - 20hrs, transplant - 4hrs, watering - 2hrs...

I can't answer that, I've never delt with one. But It sounds like a way to get around the actual selling of the cannabis but instead compensation for your time for growing it. An hourly rate instead of a per pound rate.

Thanks Johnny Law, so nothing you have ever grown has come from imported seeds? Or clones from imported seeds somewhere down the line? Give it a rest already

Me personally, I never purchased seeds while a DG, I only grew what my patients provided me with, I'm sure they got them some of them from over seas, but that's just speculation. It's more of a customs thing under the seeds act, not because it's cannabis any seeds you import needs to have a special permit.

For my personal grows I have ordered dozens of times from Europe and Canada, and I have probably 100+ strains in my personal collection.
