Hydro at home

I think the imported seeds can be a disease worry if your the customs guys. I think they worry about that with imported seeds...not sure 100%
I think the imported seeds can be a disease worry if your the customs guys. I think they worry about that with imported seeds...not sure 100%

Exactaly, exporters must have appropriate documentation to certify that any agri. products entering Canada are diesels free, the name of the document escapes me right now. But Mr.Nice seeds and CBD crew can ship out of Spain they have the appropriate paper work to get through customs.

considering going to colorado or washington to get some cuts, might have to do the whole cutting in paper towel or the leaf tissue horticulture thing looks cool too..express post!
i think you know he sold seeds legally in Canada

The only thing I know is that viable seeds are illegal according to the CDSA. What the crown does with those laws are up to them, if they wanna be dicks they could charge you, it's a law on the books.

Non-viable Cannabis seed, with the exception of its derivatives
Effective 12 Mar 1998, SOR/98-157 replacement for:
Non-viable Cannabis seed
There is much confusion about the legality of Cannabis seed. Some believe that because the seeds contain no Tetrahydrocannabinol (or any other controlled substance) they are beyond the reach of the CDSA, but that is not the case.
While it is true that Cannabis seed is not explicitly listed in the CDSA as a controlled material, the Cannabis plant is controlled by the CDSA, and Cannabis seed is considered part of the Cannabis plant.
Furthermore, since the CDSA explicitly excludes “non-viable Cannabis seed” (i.e. a seed that cannot germinate and grow into a Cannabis plant) the courts have made the reasonable inference that the CDSA includes viable Cannabis seed.
The trial judge in R. v. Hunter, 1997 CanLII 1340 (BC S.C.) and the appeal judge in R. v. Hunter, 2000 BCCA 363 (CanLII) each make it plain that to possess (viable) Cannabis seed is an offence under the CDSA.
The fact that police have been less than rigorous in laying charges for this offence, or that the punishment meted out is often trifling, does not nullify the law.

considering going to colorado or washington to get some cuts, might have to do the whole cutting in paper towel or the leaf tissue horticulture thing looks cool too..express post!
That's how I got my gg4 shipped out from mi.

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The only thing I know is that viable seeds are illegal according to the CDSA. What the crown does with those laws are up to them, if they wanna be dicks they could charge you, it's a law on the books.

Non-viable Cannabis seed, with the exception of its derivatives
Effective 12 Mar 1998, SOR/98-157 replacement for:
Non-viable Cannabis seed
There is much confusion about the legality of Cannabis seed. Some believe that because the seeds contain no Tetrahydrocannabinol (or any other controlled substance) they are beyond the reach of the CDSA, but that is not the case.
While it is true that Cannabis seed is not explicitly listed in the CDSA as a controlled material, the Cannabis plant is controlled by the CDSA, and Cannabis seed is considered part of the Cannabis plant.
Furthermore, since the CDSA explicitly excludes “non-viable Cannabis seed” (i.e. a seed that cannot germinate and grow into a Cannabis plant) the courts have made the reasonable inference that the CDSA includes viable Cannabis seed.
The trial judge in R. v. Hunter, 1997 CanLII 1340 (BC S.C.) and the appeal judge in R. v. Hunter, 2000 BCCA 363 (CanLII) each make it plain that to possess (viable) Cannabis seed is an offence under the CDSA.
The fact that police have been less than rigorous in laying charges for this offence, or that the punishment meted out is often trifling, does not nullify the law.

pretty good for a "non lawyer"
If your a DG, pay your taxes! They want the tax more then anything.

Great point, I was classified as an independent contractor/consultant, I payed roughly $4k per every $20k I earned, that mostly went to CPP. I opened a small business account and any monies made was deposited in there, that's what I used as a t4. On your tax returns there's a spot for any other monies earned, that's where I declared my income as a DG.

Great point, I was classified as an independent contractor/consultant, I payed roughly $4k per every $20k I earned, that mostly went to CPP. I opened a small business account and any monies made was deposited in there, that's what I used as a t4. On your tax returns there's a spot for any other monies earned, that's where I declared my income as a DG.

Good advice, was this also passed to you from a legal platform? I recall a case for DGs going for agricultural/farm class business for tax credits LOL that failed. Although I feel it's a valid claim.